Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1931)
Vuiic Six Tin: lutciu-: news Wednesday, November 25 SPORTS PELICANS PECK LITHIAN TEAM Ashland High Lithians lost their third conference (tame to Klamath Falls on Armistice day. The game was played on the lo cal field to. a Rood crowd. Klamath made the only score of the game in the first five minutes of the third quarter. Klamath got the ball on an in tercepted lateral pass and made a Hrst down with goal to go. The Lithlans failed to hold them and they plunged through on a shift and line spinner. The game wag a good exam ple of power on the part ot our boys. The;- held the much hea vier bunch of Pelican to a six nothing score and vindicated themselves of the drubbing they una previously received at the hands r,f the Tule Lake squad. and the ball was brought back to the .Grants Pass 20-yard line. On the third down they punted out. Ashland got the ball but lost it on a fourth down. Grants Pass punted on a fourth down but it went out of bounds on the Grizzlies' 40-yard line. Gosnell went over for the first score of the game on a spinner ;Jar. The Lithlans failed to con vert, making the score 6 to 0. Thin! Quarter . .Dunham went through the Cave men's line for a first and ten. On the third down Howell tore thru the Cavemen for a 5 5 -yard run and a touchdown. Ashland again failed to convert. is believed that ha will do much better in the line than he did as tho backfield. Olan Sneed, known as the Fighting Swede, has caused many an opponent to scratch his head in wonder. He has played the entire season with the ex ception of half the Weed game. Ha has lived up to his name and has always come up with a smile. He has another year in Ash land High and he will be heard from in the future. GRIZZLIES WIN OVER CAVEMEN tTpsetting even the fond.Mt hopes of Ashland fans, the Grizz lies trounced the Cavemen with a dazzling attack of surpri Plays and crushing lim, smash. The Ashland team Friday staged the most thrilling Bn(1 sensatlon. a! comeback witnessed since the 120 gamut with Medford. One of the outstanding features "f the game was Howell's phen omena! fifty and sixty yard runs. He was called into the backfield three times, running twice for first down. The changes In Ashland's lino P seems t have developed a Mnoother and more efficient svs- We owe a lot to Stearns for the success of the football sea- In the next ! son. He's jut in lots of time few minutes of play Ashland got. has done the dirty work, and penalized twenty jards. The taken the brunt of all the tough Cavemen got thru to Ashland's i breaks. It's no small Job toi 20-yard line but Heads inter- manage a bunch of tough grid-i rspted a pass and the ball was t Iron players, is it Wally? j on Ashland's 15-yard line when j . - j the quarter ended. ... j . Emerging last from the huddle, j Fourth Quarter ; j ts Shorty Gosnell. When he gets Ashland punted out and How- awi'. the yardage fairly flies ell made an 8-yard gain. ! beneath his feet. He Btrikes out Dunham made a first down with consistently and carries the ball j a 6-yard run. The : second ( a good deal., string of the Lithlans was being; ; ; - sent in when the game ended Napoleon Kskridge, picked by with a score of 12 to 0. The Klamath sports writers as all starting lineup was as follows: conference guard, plays his last Grants Pass tomorrow. He Is one of the MeGuire smallest men on the squad, but Thompson also one of the hardest fighters. Corporon He has kept training throughout - Palmer the season and has always given Voteburge his best in the game. . Fredericks .. Wyatt Clyde . Dunham, the . fastest O'Xeal man in the conference, will give Nealy all he has for Ashland tomor- Wiley row. He is another man who has observed training rules and foueht for Ashland High. He has played first string for two years and we regrec bis graduation. Ashland Myers Sneed E?k ridge Wolcott Pa-kes Mabbott Head Dun ham Darling Gosnell LK LT LG V KG IIT II SHOWER CHATTER Captain Howell Is ready for the big battle. This will be his last game if high school foot ball. Four years ago Howell t:taited playing cm the line, and he is still playing there. This would found as though he had "fallen into a rut". Such is not llin mso If ha ulmnl.l "f.,11 u.t.. ... u , varied the monotony of many a into a rut we hope there is a , . Medford player in it. Ce.'lock Johnson, though not a j regular first string man, has i xeldom missed a practice and has i fought hard every minute be has , been in a game. He has taken tho hard knocks with everyone, i' ml his humorous remarks have long practice. All Kinds of Fuel for All Kinds of Weather at Right Prices Carson Fowler LUMBER CO. "In the Heart of Town" NEW and SECOND HAND STORE Furniture and Hardware Trunks and Suitcases Geo. B. Icenhower 880 E. Main St. M. C. Lininger ROASTERS All Size3 and Kinds Service BARBER SHOP 65 N". Main 0. K. BARBER SHOP Fast Main DEPOT BARBER SHOP 4th Street Quiet, Courteous Service TEN TO FIFTY Nerving a 5-Coure THANKSGIVING DINNER, 3c "Our Food Is Best Money Can Buy" Enders Block tem of teamwork. The Grizzlies held the cavemen scoreless throughout "the game and came out victorious at the front end of a 1 2 to 0 score. First Quarter Ashland kicked off and spilled the runner on his own itt-ynrd line. The Cavemen placed th ball on Ashland's 30-yard line. The Lithiana got the ball on a lourth down. Howell raced thru the broken field for a 50-yard gain and put the ball on' I he Grants .Pass 40-yard line, A fifteen yard penally was given to the Cavemen C:r roughness. Inrling. playing fullback for the first time, made a "irst down. Dunham made a brilliant 2,yard run around right end. Gosnell put the bal oi'the cavemen's 45 yard line and the quarter ended Head and Dunham, our two' hard halfbacks, have plaved gi od football. When thrj- go into the Thanksgiving game, some of tho Medford pla.vers will be sur prised ft the weight gathered up when Head goes through the line. .. Henry Parks, a man of few words but many deeds, has downed many a man attempting to break through the Ashland Vn. Ho plays his last game to morrow and as always, he will light to the last gun. I Kenneth Darling, another man 1 who will graduate, started on the 1'iie, but has been shifted to the baikfleld where he is ex , pected to do plenty tomorrow. Soft, Flexible, Kmart. That' the way every pair of ladies' shoes look after we have attached new soles and heels. J. D. Mars &Son Gosnell seems all primed for h bin contest. If he can pull ff some of thrse trick plays F.fnro Med fur.! ilia. In lit. -Utilities, the game n.Sy be "puti"0 ,s 8 ood man oa defense ., land fights desperately. It seems that the most dis couraginr incident in a football Thrse boys on the line have surprised many opponents. Parks and Kskridge seem to smear quite' game hf fumble when a touch a few plays. Iet's make a habit dowa : w-tn sight. Let's hope ff it in the Medfud game. boys. ; t her'' are no more incidents like . that. . Keeping training helps. Cleenn. Inniv. onrt TTlvl,.h 1 I with Ashland on the Grants Pass j have hern filling their positions. Gosnell and Head certainly - a abl ". Take 'em apart, boys. . lS-yard line. Second Quarter Ashland passed over the Cave- ! Mabbott. who was placed in men s line but it fell Incomplete the line, will do great work. It played a good defensive game. There were many Klamath plays flopped behind their own lines bv these small bottles of T.N.T. "24 HOCR SERVICE Drain and Refill with SOOON'Y HERB MOORE Tire Changes and Antl Freexe