Wednesday, November 25 THE IMKilK NEWS Page FIto EDITORIAL LINERS. Out of the students who turn out for rallies, half are iu the line and half on the side lines. From the laughs we heard we know one little Junior v. ha won a ticket to the play was there. The property manager should have remembered the aleony when weiners were substituted for steak in the play. Tomorrow '8 game marks the end of the football seas on. Our team hasn't carried away lots of honors, but the fellows have put up a mighty good fight, and shown a i me spirit at every game. Thanksgiving is the day when many a gobbler wishes he hadn't strutted so soon. Who invented the idea "Let George do It" ? He must Lave been a great fellow. March on, Grizzlies. You're on the upgrade again. The ay you fought the Pelicans gives us added confidence you against Grants Pass and Medford. We want a bi agitating. crowd for the Medford game. Start Since the interesting talk on forestry by Mr. Griffiths, rrcny students have suddenly become interested in that 're of work. It would be very instructive and profitable 'd have a class in forestry supplementing biology class-work. Thanksgiving is all right in its way, but what is a poor student going to be thankful for when report cards are just outt I CAUGHT IN II I THE FROST ! i AUTUMN When autumn leaves fall softly I to the ground And scattered make a pleasant shushing sound; When blue smoke lies on hills like filmy veils And hunters clamber over forest trails;. When Zephirus dances madly down the street Whirling gusts of leaves on people's feet, And on them shines the veteran mellow nun Who. soilless, knows his days are nearly done. When jays call saucily from nut trees And hold the nuts between their slender knees And defty crack the shells wih their strong bills Ungrateful to the tree that stom achs fill; When people lung to flee from ; city streets To seek the place where ky and mountains meet. They make a pilgrimage to na ture green Where reds and browns and rus set golds are seen The call of vagabonds and gyp sies can Still lure folks to the Romany Patteran. By Dorothy Bergstrom. DR. W. E. BLAKE Itentist Office Hours 0 to IS; 1 tu 5 Klnl National Ilank llldg. Lithia Springs Pharmacy (ireea Trading Mump with school srrruKS Patterson Dairy Milk, Cream and Buttermilk We don't claim to have the best but we have as good as the best. QUALITY and SERVICE (11,11 KUEKI.EI SIDES It may be a year of depression but the students of Ashland High seem to find plenty of nickels and dimes for candy. The Junior class reimrts a goi d sale- of candy in the hall at noon. E. A. WOODS, M. D. Eye, Ear, Now ami Tliront SMciii!M. Sweilenburg Blilg. Plume As the weather grows colder and welter the annual crcip of overcoats nd goloshes, is api tearing in the ball lockers. Sophomores and Juniors keep your place. It seems that "Shorty" Gosncll is so fond of football that he is seen wandering toward the football 'field al noons. As the snnw-line around Ashland comes lower many s' iis. sleds, and all, are taken from the woodshed and given a, new coat of paint. Sad but true, the swan song of several of our football teams will be sung Thanksgiving day. Taking it all in all, Thanksgiving is just another rising and setting cf the sun, but think what it would be if we had no day like it and its memories. .' Our football team represents our school in the inter- scholastic competition of Southern Oregon, ror their work they are given a letter at the end of the season, lint out of the field of action a letter doesn't do them so very much gfiod. They might, however, appreciate a large blanket with a big "A" on it. At the last game there was one small blanket for the eleven on the bench. What do you think ! Turn about is fair play. Patronize those who advertise By RACHKL. FORSYTH E (With apologies to lr. Holmes) Ay, chop the belligerent head off l,ong has he strutted by. And many a child has danced who sees That monarch coming nigh; From out it ran? the battle! shout And burst the turkey roar, The monarch of the barnyard there Shall scare the hens no more. ! His back once spread with anger wide Where rode the valiant foe. When chicks and ducks hurried I asido And ground was far below. No more shall feel small Jo sephs' pants Or know of the sturdy arms: The f incers of the cook shall , pluck The monarch of the i'arm. QUA MTV HER VICE Shoe Repairing AGEE'S SHOE SHOP a:M E. Main Street Dr. It. L. Burdic Dentist llersev lluilding Oh better that his ruffled bulk 1 Should sink beneath a: speeding knave; j His gobbles scared the whole farm yard And there should be his grave; Open wide the prison sack Return the ax! Disarm! And give him back his kingdom The barnyard and the farm. C. Bliss: Vhn was electrirtt first mentioned in the Bible? Li. Cosnoll: Why. when Noah saw the Ark light on the mountain. lo you own a fountain wu? I it in kmmI onler? If you have one we repair tlirm If you haven't we wll tliein. McNair Bros. The Hrxall Store OX THE PU7.A with us.