Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, November 25, 1931, THANKSGIVING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    Wednesday, November 23
I'atie Tliree
hare been allowed to stay in the
cafeteria at the Klamath High
School and watch and learn the
bad manner and bear the bad
words of hoys and girls as they
pick rocks from their soup.
These kittens will grow up to
be wild-cats if thlg Is not stop
ped at once. i
By Anonymous Keyholer
Means that somebody made a
holiday out of a big meal.
Not a bad Idea!
Vacation) j
The big game season's last
(we'll be seeing you)
And The Dinner! ,
Some "heavy" dieting Is sure
to begin
Miss Kilgore will hopefully
wonder If all that aurkey
helped her grow any
Many of us will eat turkey In
disguise for a few meals
A Type Tampers Club in Me
nominee, Wisconsin, not only has
an unusual name but Is an un
usual organization. The boys
study printing.
Proximity to Hollywood is an
admirable faculty for screen
fans. Doug Fairbanks Jr., is be
ing sought as a judge for ene
of Long Beach Polytechnic High
School's debates.
All of 1.000 Indexed and clas
sified Insects were stolen from
Profeisor S. Dolley, entomologist
or Afihland Va. while his car was
parked on Chicago street.
"There will not be much Olee
Club work until around Christ- i
mas." stated Miss Kilgore, "be-,
And some will remember It Is cause the Boys' Glee Club is not !
a day of thanks (going so well, owing to the nnrn- j
o0 ber absent at each practice.'
As well as a time to eat, drink
and be merry.
The Redwood Bark
Klamath Falls is holding a
mustache contest. Wonder how
tar Ashland students would get?
The Girls' Glee Club sang be
forq the assembly Wednesday and
at Open House. j
"Once a week," Miss Kilgore
said, "I intend to have a muni- i
cal program. DVferent music- ;
fans will play before the assem- :
bly at each time."
There is a program planned,
whereby players of every kind
KLAMATH K RATER ' of nment will go In
And now the boys of Pacific vonva to tl,e Krade whnoU anA
i-xpiaiu now iaw:r instruments a.v
I!ayed and the range of them.
They will play solos, also.
The band played nt the Opfm
, liuuso program nni at this
iGn.nts Pass game. The orches
tra played at "Polly With i.
Ffctsl" and ut the Junior Wih
Crove want
Tbey must
a cooking class,
get discouraged
If they, keep on perfecting
those robots about the only thing
left tor man to do will be to
make robots.
Klamath's high school dress-1
ing rooms are supplied with a-t
tural hot water showers. Wej
didn't know the 7-laee was so !
near the Infernal regions. j
Sophomores of Albany high
school are given a formal wel
come to the school by the Juniors j
and seniors at a party held in
the honcr of the new students, j
This seems a very good idea and j
could be used at other schools.
Imagine a night club in a
high school! The seniors of 8a-,
Icm high gave a night club prog-am
instead of the usual se
nior play.
State Bank of
On The Plaza
Herbert's Two
1! E. Main - 3fW K. Main
Get Your Thanksgiving;
Wants While Our
Stock Is Complete
The Quality Store
Warm Gloves
for Winter .
In leather, fleeced lined,
and fancy knit
Darling Studio
Swedenburg Building
Thoughts For Today
"Wash in more than loss. The time is cumiug
when every person who lays claim to ability
will keep llie question f waste before him
constantly. The scope of thrift is limitless."
Thomas A. Edison
The First National Bank of Ashland
If You Wrat Something Good in
G: to
Stearns' Self Service Store
We wonder what some of the
girls In Ashland high school
would do It they had to bting
notes from their parents, as they
do in Beverly Hills, before their
escorts could take them to a
It should be reported to the
Humane Society! . Two kittens
A very Interesting talk on fire
prevention and forest preserva
tion was given In the assembly,
Mi nd' , November it by Mr.
"Iffiths. of the Oregon State
Beard of Forestry. "..
Mr. Griffiths spoke of the
greit amount of revenue turned
into the state by virtue of our
large timber industry, and of
the necessity of preserving this'
payroll by means of sane pro-1
taction of this "treasure in
wood" from fire, blight and j
careless campers.
Mr. Griffiths said, among oth
er things, that, " 1 2.r.uiH.00(t,- j
000 a year is turned into Oregon I
products and purchases because j
of thij tremendous industry of I
ours. This comprises 65 percent !
of our payroll and is surely
worth the protection of a scien-1
tific moile of forestry. This I
j supply of green gold is the very j
, heart of our Oreson. Protect it."
Not what we give, but what we share,
For the gift without the giver is bare;
Who give3 himself with hi3 alms feeds
Himrcl. his hvngering neighbor, and
me. Lowell. FIX-IT SHOP
Richard Arlen, Jack talkie, lind IVrkj Shannon a
truly different story of football: grandstand thrills from
tl'catre seats. Also "KXHJHTS IN KHAKI," made lV
the HOY NCOI TS. Regular admission.
Karnrdav ' V V.A lTHKK. K." with fbas. l-arrell.
Sunday. Monday "THK SOl'AW MAX." with Warner Raster.
Tues., Will. "tJIRI.S AJUH'T TOX," with Kay rranci".
t'OMlXti HOOX:
"""I'lltlN I S," with laurel unl Hardy. "UlfHMAX'S FOI,
I.Y," with ;e. Itnncroft. 'Ambassador Kill."' with Will Rog
ers. "Over the Hill,' with James It'inn and Sally Filers.
":ooky," "ITelirlous." "Painbow Trail" and many others.
We Ar- iivin Yon the Very Mnest at the lamest Fonsihle