THANKSGIVING EDITION 0 Q pyfg-f Of THC ASHLAND. ORECCN, UGH SCHOOL JT? PUBLISHED BY TXf SSOCtATD STUDfNTS Of THC ASHLAND. OREGON, MtGM SCHOOL SOMETIMES DOWN BUT NEVER OUT ASHLAND, OKKGOX, NOVEMBER 2.1, 1031. LITHIANS TO TACKLE TIGERS SKIT TO BE GIVEN FOR THANKSGIVING PROGRAM ARRANGED WITiI TWO-ACT PLAY DIRECTED BY MISS TJOKDAL. MUSIC IS FEATURED Beth Joy Wins Trip to Chicago Most Outstanding Girl Oregon's 4-H 4iub Activities Other Number To n Included In Pro (from Arrangements To Be Given In Gym. "The Mysterious Thanksgiving Guest', a two act skit, will be produced for the student body. November 25. Miss Tjosdal is directing it. There is much constrenation when Mr. and Mrs. Perkins (played "by Clyde Dunham and Mary Herbert) receive a tele gram saying that Al" was com ing home for Thanksgiving. The former tenant of the house had a son named Al who had gone west. His mother had died, and he had not known it. The Per kins decide to have a big Thanks giving feast to welcome the poor boy. Mrs. Perkins had instructed the grocer's boy, played by Lee Port, to Invite a deaf old gos sip, Susan Crocker to have din ner with them, too. She Is very much thrilled over the fact that a young man would be to din ner, for she still has hopes. This part Is played by Louise Anderson. Leonard Gosnell, as Rev. Mr. Sage, has a character part with considerable opportunity for comedy. Norrlne Walton plays the part of Sally, the maid. Don ald Gay is the Thanksgiving guest. Soon Beth Joy will leave for Chicago where she will attend tho National 4-H Club congress. The trip, with all expenses paid. Is awarded each year by Mont gomery Ward and Co. to the most outstanding home econom ics 4-H club girl In Oregon. She will leave Portland No vember 26, with Alice Welhes of Multnoma county, who. having won both the state and the Pa cific International LI vex took Ex position style shows. , will enter the national style show at Chi cago. They will be Joined on their trip east by similar repre sentattve from Washington, Ida ho, and Montana. Beth has been a club member since 1924. During those seven years, she has carried nineteen projects, in rooking, canning. wing, home-making and room TOF IN GRIDIRON CONTEST WITH MEDFORD Grizzly Eleven Practicing Hard For Coming; Clash Heated Struggle Is Anticipated in Interscholastic Battle School Visited By Townspeople Parents Are Guet Fourth Annual 0M Hciuw Surging all over the high school in an effort to find out what the students' activities and studies were like, about 300 people visited the Open House Wednesday, November IS, at the high school. Mary Herbert, president of the Girl's League, welcomed the guests. Then Mr. Briscoe extend ed a welcome. Mr. Forsythe pass- GAME AT 1:30 P. M. General Ii Throws liriiclit Ught on Prospects of Ashland Tram. Boys' ' Red Cross Drive Successful The boys were quite success ful In the Red Cross drive on Tuesday, November 17. A total of $523 was collected. This compares favorably with $47? of last year. At noon the boys were enter tained by the Klwanis club. Ma ny of them expressed their ap preciation of the excellent din ner served. After having been so success ful with their "sales'' talk, sev eral ' of the boys plan to try making a few extra dollars by talking people out of them. Watch out students; A few of these boys have a "good line." . . , . , l ed out schedules, explained them Improvement. She has won eight rl . . . tK fra tata I aiHiiiiiwea me people fair, and two at the Pacific In ternational. Her Room Improve ment exhibit received honorable mention at Chicago last year. Two years ago she was chosen 1 as one of the two high scoring girls at the state fair. . ' She has led seven local 4-H Clubs. This year her three clubs took four firsts, two seconds, two thirds, and a fourth at the county fair. and. at the state fair won a fourth, fifth anil eighth place. Her demonstration team placed third at the state fair. During the last eight years. nine girls have been awarded the Chicago trt;. Six of these girls have come from Ashland. The Ashland girls winning the trip are: Prances and Roslna Gallatin, Mary Galey, Lorraine Sparr, Adena and Beth Joy. Tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. the Medford Tigers and the Ashland Grizzlies meet in their annual Turkey Day clash at Medford. Although a few weeks ago it looked to be a tiuih for Med ford to win, it now seems to be a torn up. Coach Burgher has been trying to Impress his boys with the Importance of the com ing battle. It Is now too late for Ashland to take the con ference championship, but If they win over Medford It will go to Klamath Falls. Medford Has Might Krtge In comparisons, the Tigers eome out a little ahexd. They av erage about lbs heavier tl-aa Ashland In both the backfield and the line. Medford is said to have a strong defenxe. but Axh land hss proved to be far from weak in the last two tilts. The Grizzlies held the heavy Kla math team to one touchdown, and did not allow Grants Pass to classes with a parting injunction that they have a good time. Hostesses were present In each loom to Introduce the parents to the teaihers. Bella were rung every eight minutes denoting the end of a class. A program was given during the "noon-hour'. It Included numbers by a band. Girls' Glen Club, and student speakers w!u told about various extra -currl- to score at all. The teams are rular activities of the school Tea was served up stairs by ,he Home Kconomlcs Club. Many of the high st-hool girls were chosen to assist in the d f ferent duties of Open House. This was the fimrth annual Op en House to be xponxored by the Gills' League. E erybody to Medford WADE INTO IT conxidered about equal for speed. Medford has a good record this season, having only one de test. This was at the hands of Marshfleld. Klamath lost to the Tigers by a score of S to but came dangerously close to scoring themselves. Klamath de feated Ashland in two hard fi uellt games by scores of 21 to 12 and to 0. The Tigers walk ed over Grantx Pass with a 2 to 7 score. Grants Pass defeated Arhland 31 to IS at Grants Pass, but the tables were turned I! to 0 at Ashland. CotM-h Dumber Worried Coach Burgher became a little nervous after the Klamath Ashland tilt and had Ills xtiuad down to the Grants Pas game to wntrh the Grizzlies In ac tion. Many comments were heard from them regarding Howell and Gosnell who starred In the game. Coach Bliss has little to tay (Continued on Page s)