Image provided by: Ashland High School; Ashland, OR
About Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-???? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1931)
Page Four THE KOtilE KttS Thursday, November 5, ltt.1l. ' M titterings What could be sweeter than our. own typing teacher telling all a Ho lit "oogey woogey man" in the "College Flapper." Mis Tjosdal: "In teaching typing we are strong for accur acy". Visitor: "How about speed?" Miss Tjosdal: "Well, of last year's class, six married their employers within six months." Olun Sneed: "You are the suuMhlne of my soul. You drive away the murky clouds of de spair. You will always reign in ny heart. My love for you will never grow cold. Will you ?" Beverley Young: "Say, what's this a proposal or a weather re port?" Keith Lennox: "Well, how's my girl this evening?" Dorothy I-eslle: "Just fine, thanks." eith: " O, have you seen h.-r?" Barnard A l ram thinks the Music Activities Are Accelerated tile Hub. Band, Orchestra Of ficers Are Elected. Student Wanted For Band. HOY'S (iLEK CLtB "We need some more tenors for the boy's glee club", says Miss Kilgore. If there are any more boys who think they have tenor voices, see Miss Kilgore, as there is still time to join the Glee Club. Harold Gillmore has been elected president. Bob Yeo will take notes and collect the money. Olan Sneed lit the librarian. uini.s glee clib The Girl's Glee Club is pro gressing nicely. They are work In? on some beautiful numbers which should appeal to anybody's musical taste. Lr.uixt Anderson will occupy the president's chair. LaVerne Ramsey is secretary and treasur er. Helen Wilcox will have charre of the library. There are plans this year for a new organization, lalled the mixed Glee Club. Us members will there will probably be second team clashes with Hedford and Klamath Falls. Students will receive one-half credit for debate work. Those on the regular squad will earn gold black -A pins. The whole aquad has been, promised party at the close of the debate season. GIRLS PARTICIPATE IN LEGION PLAY Dancing In several number of the Legion show. "College Days".' a number c,f Ashland girls will be n the rrogram which is to be held In the Ashland Armory on the night of November C. Th 'anoe Include: "Colleg iate," "The Milk Pail Dance", and "The Flashlight Dance''. Th rirls are Frances Sptnd- ler, Thelma Good, Peggy Reeder, Elv.i Ferguson, Adred Everette, W-nd: Pervis. Norecn Walton, Geuelle Maestrettl. Ruth Newbry, Ihelma Cole, Janet Gould. Helen Gould, Ellen Merryman, Mar-ear-'. Fowler, Ruth Billings. Ve lona Uoldy, and Lucille Cramer. Mcdonald jewelry Pens, Pencils and Leads PHONE 94 BROGUE OXFORDS Oct Them At Enders school Is haunted because he has j BinKeri, of j, ,., beard so much about the school spirit. Little Darling took a drink And now he Is no more. ' For what he thought was Was H:S04. snipping Hontlnlu. Hawaii. students be made up of the best have a landscape gardening class. Work Is being done with cocoa nut trees at thia time. Wolter's Self Service Grocery Ashland's Leading Food Merchaat (Across from Violas) Stite Bank of Ashland ON THE PLAZA Ashland, Oregon Hand and Orchestra That the baud and orchestra may be enlarged Mr. Croft is a klnc tha.t more students Join. Hi. plans to make both organ izations larger, hut to do so, he must have material. The reporters on the "Rogue News" staff don't realise hew lucky they are. The Eugene high school parer charges each re porter twenty-five cents for Eunice Coates: "Good morn tug. I'm the new nurse'". Wade Hanson: "Are you i trained nurse?" Eunice: "Of eourse I'm i trained nurse." . Wade "Then lets see you do ! LITFT NS MEF.T some tricks. If there are any students who every misspelled name. How desire f "Play the Rumba on would that affect some of Jour the Tuba or some other lnsfn- i.ocketbooks? nient see Mr. Croft at once. The inptrnments are furnished by the school. ' "' i i i ' ' . ' .1 "Seek bo more la world's apart, Heavea la folded In thy heart." Alfred Xoyes FIXIT SHOP Mr. Page touring Europe, sent back a picture-post card bearing this message: lear Son: "On the, other side you will see a picture of the. rock from which the Spartans used to throw their defective children. Wish you were here. Your Dad". FRENCH POLLY PROVES WITTY IN ANNUAL PARTY (Continued from' Page 1) WITH PELCANS AT FNAL TILT (Continued from Page I) OUR AIM Quality and Service CARSON FOWLER LIMBER CO. "la the Heart of Tows" ELKS BARBER SHOP Yoa look Better After One of Oar Haircuts We Cater to Students Even though there is a de pression and money is sea foe the Hr me Economics girls intend to make some money selling hot dogs, and the Junior girls are going to entice people to buy candy by tariying it around all through the game In front of reoplo's noses, thus making them hungry. Selling hot dogs Is ajnew stunt and if It is a success- rbey will undoubtedly sell hot dosrs at all ' thr. p-nes that are placed at vember IS, In the Senior High Ashland, gym at 8 o'clock. 1 Ifcind Will Play Leonard Gosnell Is the bust-' The high school hand wIILjUjiJ liess manager. He will appoint a' tho half and before the game the ticket sellers soon. j under the leadership of Ward V. Marjorie Mills is property man-! C"ft to ente-taln the school ager. replacing Harriet Carlton, children and adults so that thrty Addis Drug Store "Drug! For Less" J. C. Hamaker Is stage man-j ager. Beverly Young plivs the part of Polly, Jimmie Hall the part of Rex. the man In love. Clay, Hex's friend Is characterized by Wendell Rltzlnger. Harold Gill more t'lays the part of Harry, Rachel Forsythe, Mrs. Davis; Marietta Whitney the part of will sit still and not be walking j around stepping on people's feet. HOME AND SCHOOL PRINTING handled reasonably and quickly . PHONE W Lanes OX THE BOILEVARD Fountain Service and Confectionery School Supplies Schoc1 Supplies Candy, Fruit, Ice Cream and Pastry East Side Grocery Near High School Uiin Moa Tsn. Nov. 8, w. 10 THK BAD C.IK1 wn James Dunn and Sally Filer. Wed., Than., Fri-, Now 11, 12, IS THK CISCO KID with Warner Baxter. Sat., Nov. 14 'THE BELOV ED BACHELOR' with Paul Lucas. Kan., Mob., Nov. IS, 1 'AD VENTIRES OP WALLING. FOKIV with Wsa. Haines. Twea., Wed., Nov. 17, 18 ONCE A LADY with Rath Chattertoa Thurs., FrL, Nov. ' 19, 20 SKYLINE' with Thos. Meigh- haa and Hardy Albright. H. S. DEBATERS ! GETTING ORGANIZED (Continued from Page 1) question may be studied. The schedule for district de- Mrs. Van Zile, and David John- i hates has not been announced. In son is Commodore. addition to the regular debates WICK Furniture Store New and 1aed Furniture S57 R. Mala Street PHONE 210 Ashland, Oregon JLCPENNEYCQ Ashland