MEW COMB SEE "POLLY" KlPPORT THE TEAM MUSHED BY THf ASSOCUTtt STDDCNT3 Of TH ASHLAND. OREGON, HIGH SCHOOL JJfi ASHLAND, OREGON. NOVEMBER 5, I0.1t. EMU FRENCH POLLY PROVES WITTY VL PLAY HEROINE MEEK PREACHER'S DAUGHTER TURNED INTO ' ' "LANGUISHING SIREN. PRESENTED FRIDAY 13 Dramatic Coach Hays Cant is Well Chosen To Fit Parts of "Polly With a Past." "Practices bay been coming on very well", states MIsa Hedges, ths play coach. The play, "Polly with a Past", haa as Us leading character Polly, who Is a minister's daugh ter from a small town in Ohio. Eh has coin to New York to earn a living but baa not found any other Job than that of being a maid. Clay'a friend. Rex Van Zile, is in lore with a haughty girl Myrtle Davis, who in turn is in love with Welfare Work. She !s most Interested In saving souls. The men are talking about how Rex can win Myrtle and Polly suggests that if Rex got in the. clutches of a siren. Myrtle would wsnt to save him. This suggestion, appears to be a good one and Polly Is to be the siren, of course, complications ensue. This play will be given No- League To Plan i Rally November 10 Big Pep Rally To Be Sponsored By Girls' Ijeayu At Junior High. The Girls' League will sponsor a pep rally which will be giveu next Tuesday night, November 10, at the Jr. High school build- in;. At six o'clock supper will be served cafeteria style, and a pro gram will be given. The ,rogram, under the direction of Thelma Cole, will consist of stunts, tap dances, pep talks, and songs. The room will be decorated in the High School colors. To each person furnishing part of the supper with the work a free ticket will be given. Admission for all other students, not contributing to the supper, will be twenty cents. After the program, the stu dents will serpentine down to the Plaza and back to the Jr. High for the bonfire. A. H. S. Debaters (LIMNS MEET Getting Organized) Members.. From.. Three., Classes Will All Work on Varsity Hqnad. Inst' ad of having class debates, as was originally planned, all twelve members taken from the th-p i classes. Miss Ti: ml In son has announced, will work on the var sity debate squad. At the tryouts held recently the fqllowlng students were chos en to re resent their lespectlv classes: Seniors, David Johnson, Beth Joy, Preston Becot. and Bernard Applegate: Juniors. helping GeorKe Smith. Rachel Forsytbe, Jannl t;oum, ar-n r.imo Anurews: Sophomores. Margaret Cadzow. Paulino Ward. Wilsou Smith, .r.d Harvey Cearhart. ' WITH PELICANS AT FINAL TILT ARMISTICE HAY IH DATE FOR GIGANTIC BATTLE OF OIK SEA HON. ENTHUSIASM AROUSED Nor. II Game Will Re Turning Point of Football Season For Ashland High. All the talk lately among the football fans has been of the coming clash with Klamath which will start at 2:30 o'clock. Armistice Day, October It. on the Ashland field. Ashland was defeated earlier In the season by Klamaih, hut most of the men were green, and The sqna.1 has been divided now they have bad more expert s') that half of the students are , ence they should put up a stiffer working on tho affirmative and fight which will make the ques hilf on the negative side of the j tion of supremacy greater than question. "Resolved: that the ever. , ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM POSTPONED The "Open House" program, sponsored each year by the Girls' League has been postponed until November 18. The date formerly set was November S Klamath Has More Wright Man for man. the Klamath team outweighs the Grizzlies by several states should enact leg islatures providing for compul sory unemployment Insurance". Miss Tomlinson has announced a .about 11 rounds, whedule cf evening meetings at J The only really the public library In order thut j leavy player on all available material on the 1 'he Grizzlies Is Howell, the star (Continued on Page 41 THE WAKE OF ARMISTICE (Continued on Page 41 Annual Banquet To Precede Game Senior Girls To Have Charge- of Feast Before K. Falls and Ashland Tilt. Preceding the Armlstlce-Day Game between Ashland and Kla math Falls, tha Senior Girls will give the annual banquet for the two teams. Mary Herbert la in charge of the affair. The girla who are to -serve- are Beulah Hervey, Mary Poley, LaVern Ramsey, Beth Jon, Cora Newhouae, Marie Rig don. and Frances Cramer. The preparation Is to be done by Norma Gordon, Ima Crowson, Iris Atterbury, Ardis De Armond Helent Kannaato, and June Wol cott. Beth Joy. Beulah Hervey, Cora Newhouae, Lucille Ander son, Mary Sanders, and Eunice Coata are on the decoration , committee, and Louis Anderson Dorothy Bergstrom. Mildred Cox, Maxina Miller, Thelma Cole, Max! Thompson, Louis Schled ereiter, and Frances Srindler nre on the cleanup Committee. THE WAKE OF ARMISTICE "Thou too, sail on, O Shi.- of State! Sail on, O Union, strong and great J Humanity with all Its fears. With all its hopes for future years. Is hanging breathless on thy fate! We know what Master laid thy keel. What Workmen wrought thy ribs of steel. Who made each mast, and snail, and rope. What anvils rang, what hammers beat. In what a forge and what a heat Were shaped the anchors of thy j hope! Fear not each sudden sound and shock Tis of the wave and not the rock. Tis but the flapping of the sail. And not a rent made from the gale! In spite of rock and tempests roar. In spite of false lights on the shore, Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea! Our 1 4 'O end. It Is expected that Gosuell 111 play a great game. " even though he Is ers. our tears. , ,)?ht plaver wno faith tiluniphant o'er ur i . . . , , h H 'ears, I S n e e d. Dunham. Are all with thee are all with Darling and Slel- thee." ff will be in the lineup als.. Thiiteen years our Ship Girls Will Hell Candy ami Fi of Statrs sailed Into the calm waters of Peace, from the fury ested wave of War. Thirteen "earn ago rmistice flas and relieved her gunners. Today the Union hears many modern ap'I'ances. The course Is modern, the pilot and taptain vise men and great leaders. Continued on Page 41 vet of War. Thirteen j- ' 'a.' t the rmon hoisted the Organization 01 Stamp Club Made Stamp Collect in . a Hobby Interests Many High School Students. Stain-, stamps of every kind. Th- old t jew. Is. still on deck. ,nTm rar, nd nationality. It's working ever gallantly. But n- tno latest rage according to Matt prentices to them, working with Thompson. - organizer of the rarer hinds and shining rt es. -ptamp Club." Is the Crew of Tomorrow. This flub Is composed of a They do not well remember group of High School students the great battle from which the who are interested in stamp col- I'nli.n returned with her starry head hltih in the sky. But they i are ever pulling with their great Ship of State, facing the future with the Hope of Youth. Breaths of meeting, slsns strum. leave the white stars of , tho flag unblemished. Ahead a ruffled stream. behind mighty furrow. but coursing President: Lewis Worth. Secre- Our hearts, our hopes are all clearly through the waves, the tary; and Clifford Hendrkkson, with thee, Union leaves a clear, broad path Treasurer. Mr. Wagner was ap- Our hearts, our hopes, our pray- between the furrow edges. pointed leader. lectins as a hobby. They have banded together In order to form better means of exchange with eai-h other. Their meetings are held on the first Wednesday night of ea-h month at the High School. - Officers elected at the last meeting were Bernard Abrams.