Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, October 22, 1931, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    .Thursday, October 22, 1031.
fate Three
Ashland Grizzlies went down
to a defeat by the Klamath Pel
icans. Fighting firmly In he dust
of the dry field, the boys rolled
ui a bulwark of twelve points
-gainst the Klamath grtdsters.
The defense was not strong
enough , however, and the Pel
icans drove through for a score
In each period.
Klamath made the first score,
then, with Meyers and Hall as
protection, Gosnell went over for
the Grizzlies first score. Ashland
fa'led to convert. Klamath came
back undaunted and the score at
the half was 14, to 6, In favor of
Klamath. At the second half, the
Pelicans again made a score but
they failed to convert. Ashland
made a tenacious stand and did
not let go until the ball was over
the goal. The score at end of the
third quarter was 20 to 12, in
favor of Klamath. In the last
quarter, Klamath gained two
points on a safety, thus making
the score 22 to 12 In favor of
help Shorty make so much yard
age is his ability to completely
relax before each play. Did you
ever notice how he steals a few
minutes rest after being tackled?
Eskridge the little 133
pound guard, has caused more
than one observer to scratch his
head, by his ability to tear
through the line and smear op
ponents Pet Plays.
Sleloff, the well padded cen
ter, has been living up to his
Job of center and playing
good game for his 1st year of
high school football.
We miss our peppy yell lead
er, but what a thrill we get
when he recovers a fumble and
goes driving down the field, amid
a cloud of dust and a chorus of
Mabbot, at "wing half" will be
expected to turn in a good re
cord next Saturday.
Dunham, playing "Full" Is go
ing to give an exhibition of
"backing up the line", which
will be hard to equal.
Sir Thomas Upton, the famed ;
English yachtsman, was a firm I
believer in advertising. His won- j
derful business is proof of that '
fact. While we are not all Sir
Thomas's we all can advertise.
On of the prominent things of
the first Issue was the advertise
ments. The business staff of
Rogue News greatly appreciates
the advertising of the Ashland
business houses and individuals
in the high school paper.
The paper also wishes to men
tion the fact that many firms
have taken year adds. This is a I
great benefit to us, and to the
firms themselves.
Business Manager. 1. F. S. ,
J. P. Dodge and Sons
House Furnishers
Funeral Directors
hone SIS 12.1 K. Main St.
We Welcome You li
Cafe and Lunch
Meals and Stun Orders
Ashland-Crescent Game Final
Tcore 12-7 Favor Ashland
Enthusiastic barnyard golf
champions are showing great
form in the Initial tryouts. The
correct way to count points in
horseshoes Is a ringer, three;
Parks, stubby little guard and leaner, one; and the closest shoe
one of the fastest players on the within six inches counts one. The
team, has surely shown his op-! way the girls count them as a
jjonentg how to tackle and run is an impossibility, a
Interferrence. Keep it up Henry! I leaner a miracle, and a shoe
Sneed. "The Flying Swede" is thrown within sixteen yards of
Ashland Grizzlies made their ; pisylns "outside1' tackle and do- the peg, is an accident.
Shoe Repairing
38 E. Main SI root
H. Garen
Alterations anl Hepuir.iiK
SiO.1 E Main Street
fourth consecutive win In non-
ronference games Saturday, Oc
tober 17, when they defeated the
Del Norte Pirates 12 to 7.
The Llthla City grid3ters held
the much praised fishermen
down to one score, that being
gained in the fourth quarter on
an end run of forty yards for a
touchdown. The point was converted.
Ashland scored in the first
quarter when Gosnell Intercept
ed a Crescent c and ran sixty
yards in a broken field for
touchdown. The Grizzlies' sec
ond came In the third quarter.
The Pirates made a desperate
ing a good Job of it too, as many
a poor fellow playing opposite
has learned to his sorrow. Well,
"Experience Is a great teacher",,
keep up the good work "Oley-.
Sleloff, Center, is plenty Kliqrt
and as easy to go over as to go
around. But just to go over htm?
It Jutt isn't being done this year,
that's all.
Hall, "What a Man", is the
sturdy little lad who plays next
to Selloff. When these two make
up their mind to do things, watch
Greene too Is a tough boy. He's
shifty and as fast as you can
find. When he hits he hits hard
Eureka (Redwood Bark)'
Hamburgers, 2 fr 1.1c
Hot IX'gs. "
Student Lunch, 25c
High School Student
rally but Dunham plunged over( Darlln! and Johnson are slow
for a score. The Pirates knocked
down the try for point.
The score at the final gun was
Ashland, 12 and Crescent City. 7.
Ashland High grtdsters defeat
ed Dunsmuir on October 3 with
a score of 24 to 0. The game was
played on the Llthlan field. This
was Ashland's third consecutive
win In pre-conference games.
ei. now pais
For Sweaters
"Save the Elbows and Yo-i
Save All!"
J. D. Mars and Son
The Quality Store
A New Hosiery Value
ItuiiiiiKlon Quality, Pure Silk,
Full I' HMliioneil, Ijitest color
for only 71c
to "pick the fight" all they I
need is courage to go right in '
and start the "controversy". j
Although Mabbot received a
black eye and a few scratches
he has been working still harder
to make up for the few losses of
skin that heked to dedicate the
new Modoc field.
Phone 155
Ashlrnd Flower Shop
Green House
Phone US Lit Ilia Hotel IHds.
Just too DARLING for words!
Green and Head They say
there's competition here. Looks
like they'd cooperate. Greene
head. Gearhart Where are the
waves of yesteryear?
Howell With bis elevation,
his galloping style of locomotion
and his crane-like structure,
keaps them guessing.
Darling Thunder sometimes
gives as a good storm.
Parks a hammerhead when
it comes to knocking down the
pigskin carriers.
Lennox, on the other end, is
Improving, but be is still a little
afraid of doing the wrong thing
at the right time. A good trait,
but dont let it get away from
you, Keith.
One of the things that must
Girls can now have hobby
groups, radio, painting clubs, and
so forth, as well as boys. The
Boys Council is willing to give
any girls, who would like to form
curh a group the use of their
meeting place and help them get
We are very sorry to learn of
the illness of our classma.te Rosa
Franco. She has been ill for sev
eral weeks. It is doubtful whether
she will be able to graduate this
year with her class. She was
outstanding in school activ
ities, being vice-president of the
Junior class, and also taking an
active part in Band. Orchestra.
The Citizens Bank
of Ashland
offers facilities for the trans
action of banking business of
every description.
A -bland, Oregon
Does the Mirror Say
Viit us at
'"Where all the students go"
Do you oun a fountain pen? ii
In it in good order? If you
Imve one e repuir them
If you haven't we sell tlieui.
McNair Bros.
The Rexal! Store
Salted Peanuts-
Stearns' Self
-2 Pcunds 25c
Service Store
I and Girls League.