Rogue news. (Ashland, Or.) 19??-????, October 22, 1931, Image 1

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Jackson County teachers af
forded a change in the regular
Bchool schedule when they atten
ded Institute in Medford. and
gave pupils the day of Monday,
October 19, for a vacation.
The meeting for the Institute
wag held in the new Medford
High School building, constructed
this summer. At noon the build
ing was opened entirely with the
instructors in their respective
rooms, so that the visitors might
see the new building. Ashland
teachers were Interested In the
fact that Miss Le Vera Moe, a
former Ashland teacher, met
them In the Commerce room.
Speakers and Instructors for
the Institute were Dr. Francis D.
Plans For Annual
Open House Made
(Iris League Has Organized
Groups For Furthering
Plans In Detail.
The fourth anniversary of
Open House, sponsored by the
Girls' League' will be held Fri
day, November 6. The committees
in charge have Just begun work
which they promise will make
this one the most successful.
Open House was given for the
first time in Ashland four years
ago. Parents and townspeople
will be invited to attend to see
Just how school Is carried on
and what the different clubs and
organizations are doing.
The committees chosen were
program, hospitality, publicity,
and refreshment. Eva Landing,
Maxie Thompson, and Betty
Curtis. Association, Professor of Dean. wltn tn chairman Louise
Education, University of Micht
pan; Anthony Euwer, Poet and
Artist, Portland, Oregon; E. F.
Carleton. State O. S. T. Secre
tary ; Walter Redford, S. O. N.
S.; Miss Ida O'Brien. County Su
pervisor; Dr. B. C. Wilson, Coun
ty Health Unit; Mrs. Grace Reid,
Jackson School, Medford; Mrs. E.
B. Gore, Medford; Miss Annette
Cray. Junior High, Medford.
With a contagious enthus'asm
and a diverting beginning. Miss
Anderson, are planning the pro
gram. Iris Atterbury, Dorothy
Bergstrom, and Eunice Coats are
in charge of invitations and pub
licity. Those on the hospitality
lommittee are Mary Poley and
Genevieve McGee. The refresh
ment committee is Marietta Whit
ney and Lois Goetze.
Student Body Year
Launched Oct. 13th
New Officer Tnke Control
At First Meeting
of This Year.
President Keller Mabbott
Secretary Mary Sanders
1st. Vice President Napoleon
2nd Vice President ....Nancy Gill'
3rd. Vice President ..Jack Km! its
Treasurer Clyde Young
Editor Rogue News
Lucille Anderson.
Editor Rogue Annual
Jimmy Hall.
With these new officers in
charge, the traditional first meet
ing In the school year of the As
sociated Student Body of Ashland
High School was held Tuesday
afternoon, October 13.
Explaining the activities which
are offered, six students spoke
briefly on their different phases
Napoleon Eskridge urged that
AnIiIiiikI Kuuad Is Determined
To Vindicate Themselves
With Valiant Buttle.
Southern Pacific Makes Arrange
ments For Ste'ial Aceuiiimo
dutions Ashland Hooters.
Just what will the weather be
In the climate district when the
Cavemen from Grants Pass meet
the Lithlan from Ashland? That
remains to be seen next Saturday
when this battle royal comes off
at Grants Pass.
Dopesters promise that this
contest will be one of the best
of the conference. Both teams,
although composed of young ma
terial of little experience, have
plenty of fight and ambition.
Klamath Falls defeated both
teams after hard - fought
struggles. Grants Pass lost to
Modford last Saturday with a
score of 25 to 7. Ashland de-
Are the Juniors working? You
bet they're working! Their first
efforts have blossomed forth into
ne Raymond of New York beautiful Pom-Poms. The forecast
smke on health Wednesday, Oc
tober 1 3 at the high school as
sembly. In between keeping the
audience in laughter. Miss Ray
mond drove home aome import
ant facts concerning health.
She was introduced by Mrs.
Denton, the schoor nurse.
Miss Raymond is making a
tour through several states,
sneaking at different schools on
is that they will be working still
harder for those desirable
"sheehels". The promoting of pep
among the Juniors will grow
mere conspicuous day by day as
they tackle the problems of bac
c.alaureate decorations. Junior
Senior Prom, and other activities
The Juniors will soon be seen
proudly displaying their class
rings on which they are now
making their decision.
everyone should take some parti feated Crescent City by a small
in an activity, Lucille Anderson lead of 12 to 7. while Medford
and Jimmy Hall, editors of thi
Rogue News and Rogue Annual
respectively, spoke iu behalf of
'heir publications. Beth Joy rep
resented debate. La Verne Ram
sey, music, and Louise Anderson
r.irl's sports.
The constitution of the Associ
ated Student Bod,'' was read bj
the secretary. Mary Louise Sand
ers. In addition to acquainting
new students with the constitu
tion in general. This reading is
supposed to jefresh the minds of
the students about the terms per
taining to membership, awards.
and functions of the members
and officers.
sent the Pirates home with the
short end of a 46 to 0 score.
The Cavemen have the edge
a little on weight but the Lith
lans are conceded to be the fast
est. Both teams report their men
in good condition and ready for
the fray.
Taking it all together it dopes
out to be a closely fought con
test. A large number of Ashland
students and citizens are expected
to attend the game.
Rome was not built In a day.
Neither is the Anniversary play,
"Polly With a Past".
Many of us aspire to be Greta
Carbos and John Gilberts. We
sea the high school play a the
first step on the ladder to a de
but In Hollywood. Ask some
member of the play cast how
"Carboish" or GUbertish" he
feels at play-practice. You will
undoubtedly get a glassy stare.
An empty stage empty, that
Is. except for a table and a few
chairs. Cron this bare stage one
must exert all his dramatic
powers at play-practice. If Clay
and Harry are the blase' men of , in the limelight in
the world. If Polly volubly chat- matlc ability.
ters her French, If Myrtle creates
an atmosphere of reform which
makes everyone want to save hu
man derelicts, if Rex . ran gaze
adoring1;! a.nd worshipfully at
Myrtle while she chatters blithely
away about her latest "reformed
drunkard", then Miss Hedges
smiles with satisfaction and as
sures the cast they will all be
famous one day .
Like all other hard things.
in life, though, play-practice has
its compensations. On the open
ing night of the play, all the
Geraldine Scott was elected
president of the Home Economics
FOR A. H. S. ROOTERS i Club at. the meeting Thursday
! evening, October 8. in the Home
Arrangements have been made Economics room,
with the Southern Pacific com- Other officers that were elect
pan" for a special car on limited ; ed are Cathryn Boyle, Vice pres
'rains seven and eicht. with verviident. Norma Gordon. Secretary
low round trip tates, to he at our
disposal the October 24.
To tecure this transportation,
approximately forty students
must sign and pay in advance.
The rates have not yet been def
initely decided, but this will be
arranged soon.
All those who wish to go. must
see David Johnson at once to re
reive seats. The trains run on
the following schedule: Train
number eight, northbound, leaves
and Treasurer, and Helen Gren
lMimer. Scri't.
Those appointed on the pn
gram committeo are Marga'et
Cadzow, Doris Hunter. Virginia
High, and Cuthryn Doyle.
The membership of the newly
organized group includes Virginia
High. Helen Gould. Margaret
Cadzati. Lois Galtzn. Ixiis Wll-y,
Helen Grenbemer. Doris Hunter.
Lucille Thackara. Janet Gould.
Mao Fields. Cathryn Dor fe.
Ashland at 11:37 a. m., arrives lie
i. Barbara. Miller. Ma-
weary nights of play-practice are Grants Pass at 12:50 p. m. Train rietta Whitney. Virginia Cran-
i forgotten and the cast glitters ' number seven, southbound, leaves dull, Jeanette Crouch, Eva Land-
all Its. dra- Grants Pass at 5:15 p. m. and Ing. Nella Putman. and Thais
arrives Ashland 6:50 p. in. Miles.