Se The Rift ama PUBLISHED BY TME ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF THE ASHLAND. OREGON. HIGH SCHOOLJ ASHLAND, OIU.TOX, APRIL 18 1929 HI-Y EDITION DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLASS PREPARES SOIPTIOUS DINNER FOR UlESTS. Enders Leads Singing Vnl-s Substitutes For Speaker .Topic Wh Well Delivered. The banquet given at the Jun ior high school gymnasium at 6:15 Friday night was the an nual meeting of Dads and Sons sponsored by the members ot the Ashland Hi-Y club. A (ine supnper prepared by the domes tic science class ot the high school was served to the satis faction ot every guest. Lew Hanson, toast-master. In troduced Henry Enders as leader ot the singing. Mr. Enders led the group in a happy few mom ents ot song. . Musical numbers given were: A trumpet solo from Clarence Woods, a vocal solo by Miss Arnold, music instructor tor the Ashland schools; vocal solo by Eunice Hager, a duet by Miss Arnold and Eunice Hager. These numbers were accompanied by Marie Moon on the piano. The last number was a vocal solo by Hugh Glllmore accompanied on the piano by David Gaffney. The address of the 'evening was tobe given by I). U. Klmber ot Crajits Pass, but -was given by W. V, Walters, Y. M. C. A. i secretary, as Mr. Klmber was unable to attend the banquet erfug a Boy." All who heard it were deeply Impressed. He urged fathers to lesftt their boys hWhOhhChKhChKhKihKhK THE CLUB The old Hl-Y of twenty-elght The quietest member is Jay Is lead by Gus the magistrate Brown. Tom Beswick, In work or fun, Reeder plays horseshoes, Gulley Is the typical Englishman. hunts bear, Harry Smith a secretary, I trow, Chet Squire's cheeks are rosy While Howard Wiley keeps the and fair. dough. Walt MacDonough the ladles' man. When Carter brings the beang In Art Most is typical of our clan, light, Just watch Anderson's appetite. John's personality will please, Tom Simpson's after more to eat, Howard Woodson speaks with While Ruger willingly retreats. ease. Ward Howell no seriousness Hubert Heindon resenbles Abe. knows; Art Gilbert's noisy as a babe With Clarence Woods it always Bob Gllmore has work In all goes, his bones; Last but not least comes Rollin Ray Smith's the tiddler, Gill's Jones. the clown; M. It. N, Rain and Snow Announce Spring Roth Polar and Tprorial Dress Hern In High School Vicinity. Hi-Y New Officers For Coming Year Simpson Chosen As President; Gill, Wiley and Smith Other Officers. 13 WELLATTENDED GREEN AND YELLOW COLORS ISEI WITH RALLOOXS AS HOCVRXIR. ALL ENJOY GAMES Punch And Wafers W I'sed To Quench. Thirst. (Continued on pa 4) Hi-Y Sponsors Spring Picnic The students who attended the Hl-Y picnic at the Croos Roads on Wagner c ret It Tuesday are reporting to have had an ex ceptionally good time. The first part ot the evening was spent In playing baseball the boys against the girls At about six o'clock the hun gry players dined on sandwiches cookies, cake, and ice cream, the even thong this food was mixed with cinders from the roaring campflre, the picnickers assured every one that It tasted very good Tennis raquets are hurriedly put under coats galoshes and wool stockings are put on. Sweaters are worn over the new cotton dress and the lovely mar cel Is covered with a hat. Spring is here! The sky Is clear and all looks well. One starts to school with tennis racquet and without wraps,: Before the school house Is reached the snow is falling so swiftly that we are afraid we have lost track of time and let spring and summer pass But all at once someone grabs broom and sweeps the drops of water from the tennis court and on with the game. We know that spring Is here. The Hi-Y club elected offi cers at the regular weekly meet ing, held at the Pioneer ball, Tuesday, April 16. The meeting was held after a very good supper. The eats committee functioned to perfec tion. Roy Metcalf was the honored guest of the evening, giving a talk on the accomplishments of the employed boys Club. He spoke of the reading room which they are planning for magazines and books for the fellows read in their spare time. Also he mentioned a shower for use after handball games arid the Campfire Stunts Tomorrow Night The annual Junior - Senior Prom was pronounced a grfst success by all those .h at tended. The affair was brld Friday, April 12, In the LitUa Springs Hotel. A color scheme ot green and yellow, which are the senior class colors, was carried out with ivy and daffodils. ' A' huge bunch ot green and yellow bal loons were suspended from the celling, and at the close ot the evening each senior was presented with one ot these as a souvenir. Dancing was the main attrac tion of the evening although cards and games were played by those who did not care to dance. A prize waits which was won by Howard Woodson and Wanda Cchwein, and a balloon dance in which John Billings and Louise Hanson were win ners, were the Special features. During the course of the eve ning a program including two voca! aolos, "Just A Wearin For You," and "Indian Love Call" by Eunice Hager, with Marie Moon as accompanist, a sailor clog dance by Pearl Wright, and a clever reading by June Sherard, was presented. The Campflre Girls hold their annual stunt show here at the high school tomorrow night in the Gym. This Is the fourth year such a show has been put on and has been a success each time. The girls have been working hard to perfecf. the various stunts and have well nigh per fected them. The money ob tained from this show goes to ward the summer camp at Lake of. the Woods. Normal Instructor . Speaks to Students Professor Messenger of the Noimal. School ayk .very 4inw Normal School gave a very tine speech before the assembly on Thursday, April 11. His topic was "Training to Be A Teacher." He stated that the first thing a teacher must possess Is faith He must be able to see good in everybody and overlook the fault as much as possible also that he must have lead ership and be able to influence the students. Tact and enthus iasm are very essential to the successful teacher Continued on Page 4) Two Periods Are Upon Us Again "Two period next period. I got it straight. No tooling this time." Students pass the word down the hall, then rush Into the ass. embly room and ram their nosea into their books for the next class. Everyone rushes to the pencil sharpener a '.id rets pencils ready for the terrible task before them The teachera wear a wis look on their faces when the students enter the room, but teachers are hard to understand anyway they are so absent minded that maybe (Con oa P8 Four)