OREGON'S LGBTO NEWSMAGAZINE JUNE 17. 2011 THEY’RE BAAACK! Here comes Pride, and our Amateur Photo Contest paqe 3 “ v / W BY MARTY DAVIS s I start to write this page, head burst­ ing with topics— several o f which I shall remain silent on, for now— comes word that beleaguered U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D -N .Y .) has resigned his seat. Some will say that this resignation comes as a result o f photos and text mes­ sages sent; others will say it’s because o f how he handled the situation when said photos and texts made their way into the glare o f public scrutiny. Did the “crime” merit the punishment? There was no legal crime, after all. Weiner’s woes are simply another journey into a gray morass o f indecision as Americans ponder if they have the right, the expectation, to elect people who don’t panic and lie when caught with their pants down, so to speak. Since members o f the House have to run for reelection virtually every 15 minutes it often seems, perhaps the matter might have been left to his constituents to decide? A ow, the main topic at hand. It’s June, so it must be Pride time again in the Pa­ cific Northwest. Wait, I want to talk more about Weiner, don’t make me talk about Pride. No, no, no. I’ve been writing this column for a million years now, and every year about this time I search for something meaningful to say about Pride— what it means to me, what it means to the com­ munity as a whole. Rainbows, glitter, naked butts, bare breasts— people, do what you will. I got nothing. Pride in Portland has become a dusterfuck o f annoyance. That’s what Pride means to me. But wait, don’t whine and complain, Davis, find something -good to say. You can do it. Here goes. Pride to me means— oh hell, I need to be honest, I might want to run for office some day. Pride to me means money. This was N hurled in my direction recently, intended as an insult or accusation. Sorry, I’ll say it loud and proud. Pride is harvest season for this newspaper, this business. Pride means mon­ ey. It means reaching out to advertisers who often can afford ads only once a year. Pride means one month o f catching up on the bills carried over from the doldrums o f the first quarter before the same sets in for the third. Enhanced Pride revenues allow me to sponsor events, buy program ads, order new purple boxes, buy and pay for plastic bags from Bill Dickey. Yup, Pride means money. I take no shame in that. Now about those bags. I f you visit Ju st Out at our Waterfront Festival booth (#9 in the PABA Village), we will offer you a copy o f the paper along with a lovely plastic bag within which to carry it. These are fine plastic bags. They are made from recycled plastic and are 100 percent recyclable in and o f themselves. They were purchased from a local company, Morel Ink, which in turn contributes much back to our community. These bags will last a long time, are mul­ tiple use and would cost you as much as a whopping dime if purchased at Fred Meyer. I mention all o f this solely for the benefit o f the plastic bag police. You know who you are. was saddened this past week to have to at­ tend the closing night o f another popular gay-owned business, the Northbank tavern in Vancouver. I was not a “regular” at this establishment, but I’d drop in now and then for specific events.The Northbank was home to many o f Vancouver’s LGBTQ_m em bers and now they’ve lost it. When the letter came from the owners 1 had two immedi­ ate emotional reactions. The first was, “Oh God, I almost had to write this same letter.” The second was, “W hat could I have done I just out to help?” There’s no helping the Northbank now, but I’d like to plant the suggestion that if you value a business or establishment, you need to spend some money with them— if and when you have it. We often don’t realize the value o f something, or somebody, until it’s lost or gone. Each time we lose another gay business we lose a piece o f our unique­ ness, our culture, our past, our present and our future. Spending our dollars wisely and well within our own community is one way to keep the pride in Pride. Additional details on the closing and photos from the last call at the Northbank can be found on p. 20. oving on to the photo contest— good job, everyone! At one point I had de­ cided that this was going to be the last year for the contest. We’ve had a great run but all good things must come to an end. It was looking like there was no longer as much interest and it’s been nigh on to impossible to find sponsors to help with the cost o f the prizes. I f you haven’t noticed, this is a contest with very nice rewards for the win­ ners. This again is due to the extra monies brought in during Pride season. Advertisers, thank you for trusting/wj/ Out with your ad dollars and allowing me to put more money back out into the community. L e t’s have a group hug and a big Proud moment here. I’m going to hold o ff on making a decision to continue the contest until the first o f the year. Rather than drop the contest entirely, I need to look at ways to change it and re­ fresh it. Stay tuned for more details— and big thanks to everyone who contributed. VOL. 28. NO. 14 I JUNE 17. 2 0 11. INSIDE » GAY PRIDE 2011 M n closing, I’d like to share a moment o f personal pride. Last week I was delighted to be able to traipse off to Mexico for the wedding o f my niece, Erin. M y family, for reasons I’ve never understood, chooses to live in Texas, so I don’t get to see them as often as I’d like. This was a lovely and spe­ cial wedding, and it meant a lot to me to be able to attend. For this opportunity, I owe a big thanks to the highly capable Ju st Out staff who, by the way, have put out two very kick-ass and high-quality issues this month. Thanks for all your good work J u s t Out. You make me proud.JW 3 23 ORGANIZATIONAL PRIDEFILES 24 2011 PRIDE AMATEUR PHOTO CONTEST 40 IT’S HERE! QUEER! PRIDE! 44 STATEWIDE PRIDE 46 PRIDEFILES » NEWS & COMMUNITY | 5 LETTERS/NW NEWS IN BRIEF 12 STANDING FOR TRANS RIGHTS 14 BIAS CRIMES RECAP 16 MEET Q CENTER’S NEW EXEC DIRECTOR 20 NORTHBANK CLOSES » ARTS & CULTURE | 35 60 OUT & ABOUT NIGHTLIFE: GAY SKATE » COLUMNISTS 18 THE SASSY GARDENER 57 LADY ABOUT TOWN 58 ASK A GAY 62 REMEMBER TO BREATHE 66 MS. BEHAVIOR ON T H E C O V E R “Glitter and Grease” by Atom Ion: “This amazing creature is Domingo, part of my Artists as Art series. I observe the world around me from an impassioned perspective of latching onto things that interest me most, sometimes tuning out the other senses near me—capturing people at their most natural, be it nude or candid. I’m on a never-ending search for beautiful creatures.” Find Ion on Facebook or email him at atomseyesGP gmail.com. Serious Injury & Death Cases Wrongful Death • Medical Malpractice • Serious Accidents • Brain Injuries Trucking Accidents • Spinal Cord Injuries • Nursing Home Abuse • Therapist Malpractice O v er 2 1 Y ears E x p e rie n c e • Top “A V ” R a tin g Proudly serving our community since 1989 Free Consultation 5 0 3 - 2 9 5 - 1 9 4 0 • 8 0 0 - 7 9 5 - 8 9 4 5 www.goreslaw.com Halo J. Gores, Attorney H o ld in g I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n i e s A c c o u n t a b l e