J*LJ° W W W .JU STO U T.C O M MAY 6, 2011 m w / ane our nome ALL-INCLUSIVE AFFORDABLE SENIOR LIVING Luxury studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apartment homes, conveniently located above shopping & close to the Trimet and MAX lines. Call Today and Book Your 3-Night Complimentary Stay! 503 . 255.4757 11939 NE DAVIS, PORTLAND, OR 97220 www.thehazelwoodlifestyle.com THERE’S POWER IN OUR PRIDE esina Our 2010 survey had 45,000 respondents from over 100 countries! Everyone who completes the survey by June 15. 2011 will be entered into a drawing to win one of five US S I 00 cash prizes. (Or if you win. you may designate a non-profit charity to receive the prize.) Please take the survey today, and tell your friends! W e’re not just local. W è’re privately and locally owned. www.LGBTsurvey.com About the Gay & Lesbian Community Survey* : Tremendous strides toward full equality have been achieved by our communities over the past decade There's Power in Our Pride Power to make a difference! We don't just provide referral veterinary services. We provide personalized care for your pet. Most importantly, w e're not just veterinary specialists. W e’re people who love animals. Gay and lesbian survey studies have opened doors (and minds) m leading corporations and organisations, which in turn have rccog m/ed the value of their LG B T employees through the establishment ot equal luring policies and domestic partner benefits This has been a catalyst, leading to sweeping changes in political and social indusivity. Demographic reports also influence marketing investment Virtually absent until recently, we now see a growing variety of a products and services represented in gay media, celebrating our diversity. Ads keep L G B I publications and websites in business, serving their communities with independent news and information Beyond simply advertising, though, these companies support us in many ways, including sponsoring community events and funding community based chanties in order to earn our loyalty Taking an annual pulse on market trends through surveys helps demonstrate the LG B T community's growing power, and influences positive change. cascadeyr$jp|| ÌÉ0Ì684.Ì800 We respect your privacy. All imsonel survey dele is held securely by Community Marketing. Inc , a gey-owned end oper­ ated. independent market research and communications firm based in San rrancisco. and will not be sold to third parties or used tor marketing purposes. CMI was founded in 19 9 .' and is proudly NGLCC Certified. Thank you!