J * 38 WWW JU STOUT CO M NOVEMBER 5 2010 VOICES Loving the Sinner. Hating the Sin: Recently, one of Dan Savages readers wrote him a letter refuting Savage’s claim that conser­ vative Christians bear culpability for hostility toward gays—especially LGBTQ_ youth. De­ spite evidence to the contrary, including the spate of queer suicides, the reader’s rant: Christ’s followers are dedicated to “true” Biblical teach­ ings; they politely disagree with homosexuality, thus hold no responsibility for any resurgence of bigoted hysteria. The gist of Savage’s reply (“In Your Image”): Even polite love-the-sinner- hate-the-sin indoctrination hastens the culture war threatening our mere existence. Religion is often beyond reproach. Dare question peoples’ faiths in an invisible wish­ granting genie in the sky— sacrilege. You be­ come a crusader against freedom, a hedonist wanting to convert the whole of society into whores and atheists. But differentiating be­ tween personal spirituality and concerted reli­ gious oppression isn’t sacrilege— it’s survival. I know. I lived it. I spent my impressionable youth attending services several times a week. The sermons, the teachings? Social commen­ tary, political agendas, a dearth of careful ex­ aminations of religious texts, holy books that took centuries to assemble, pieced together slowly by sundry people. Most Christians (es­ pecially extreme social conservatives) refute this easily verifiable fact; they swear, with all the faith they can muster, each holy text’s LADY ABOUT TOWN by Daniel Borgen On Faoebook. a cousin declared: “We love Daniel, but don’t support his life choices." All hell broke loose. (I didn't say: I disapprove of /our closet alcoholism and unhapp/ marriage.) This backdoor, polite judgment will never again roll off my back. writer had a fireside chat with the Almighty. The translate-the-Bible-literally people aren’t new, although they’re often gussied up with fancy new names (such as Tea Party, Ore­ gon Citizens Alliance). In my old Pentecostal church, I knew them as my pastor, youth leader and Sunday school teacher. Their obsession with beating us over the head with fervently anti-gay principles— and their odd emphasis Lad/ Calls Bullshit on gay above all else— seemed rooted in a par­ ticular agenda: creating anti-queer Christian armies and forever sowing seeds of doubt in vulnerable, confused queer youth. As one desperately seeking approval from those entrusted with my well-being, I took their teachings to heart. My church performed dra­ matic, elaborate “altar calls,” when elders brought me down in front of the congregation, praying sin after sin out of me— emphasizing masculinity, manhood. “Daniel, Jesus says your destiny is to be a missionary. You’ll bring end­ less masses to truth, doing it with your faithful wife beside you.” As I started to grapple with my difference, I was terrified, hopeless. My church called gays “filthy abominations,” “disgusting perverts.” Preachers, sweaty and spitting, railed impassionedly against the “vile homosexual agenda.” And, oh yes, there were “demons o f homosexuality.” Homelessness? Poverty? War? Nary a mention. The preaching still haunts me, especially when old Pentecostal ghosts come a-callin’. Will I ever purge it? At a recent family function, my (very) ill aunt declared, “Be grateful, your family loves you. They love the sinner and hate the sin. That’s more than some people have.” A la Sav­ age, I call bullshit. Queers are under siege for living. On Facebook, a cousin declared: “We love Daniel, but don’t support his life choices.” All hell broke loose. This backdoor, polite judgment will never again roll off my back. Choose not to love and respect who I am— not just tolerate, then lose me. Blood isn’t the end- all, be-all of our relationships. And hope thrives. In high school, I realized there was a bigger, better life out there for me. With the help o f trusted instructors and confi­ dantes, ones who fed me literary greats and provided me the impetus to question every­ thing, I survived— and thrived. Now I have a beloved queer family along with straight allies surrounding me. I know parents who say to their children, “whomever you bring home someday,” consciously avoiding the gender as­ signments ingrained in our culture.That is hope. Progress may be arduous, slow, but change is in­ evitable. And it’s coming. To any young person happening upon this: Don’t abandon hope. There’s still plenty I’m un­ sure of, but this I can declare with utter certain­ ty: No matter who says so, you are not sick, ab­ normal or in transit to hell— or alone. Our gay “elders” led the charge; rely on their wisdom, their experience. Contact Q_ Center or SM YRC— forge your own family there. Email me, I’ll direct you. You have a long life ahead. And you might be the next Dan Savage. * !•] A lady recommends reading What the Bible Re­ ally Says About Homosexuality. Find it at Powell's. Em ail daniel @ justout . com . ALL $9.95 3 for VISIT 0 A FOR SPECIAL ra hoo HOLIDAY EVENTS. 8HI8HA. WWW .TABOOVIDEO.COM VANCOUVER 82ND AVE. MLK BLVD. BROADWAY (PEARL) 4811 NE 94th Ave. Vancouver WA 2330 SE 82nd Ave. Portland OR 237 SE MLK Blvd. Portland OR 311 NW Broadway, Portland 97209 (360) 254-1126 (503) 777-6033 (503) 239-1678 (503) 227-3443 HUGE SELECTION OF DVDS • ADULT TOYS • LINGERIE • MAGAZINES ALL STORES OPEN 24 HOURS TO SERVE YOU! PRIVATE AND INTIMATE MULTICHANNEL ARCADE