OREGON S LE S B IAN/GAY/B l/TRA N S/Q UEER NEWSMAGAZINE JUNE ^ 2010 5 . NW NEWS IN BRIEF Victims Speak Out About Memorial Da/ Weekend Queer Bashing A fun night out dancing at Red Cap over Memorial Day weekend went from bad to worse when a group of gay men was subjected to anti-gay insults that turned into punches. According to the victims, three men were as­ saulted on a well-lit downtown corner before the alleged assailants fled the scene. Reports of other incidents are circulating, but so far, none have been confirmed. Accounts by Jeffrey Darling, David Fletcher and a man who asked to be identi­ fied only by the drag name Nefertiti Ay all indicated that three men were assaulted in the resulting scuffle, including Fletcher, Ay and his partner, James Campbell. Portland Police spokesperson Mary Wheat said police had one confirmed victim and two suspects. As of press time, no arrests had been made. “Detectives are following up on the case to see if there were any other victims harassed or assaulted. Detectives are trying to locate any witnesses and are looking for video surveil­ lance if it exists,” Wheat said. “Unfortunately, the victims did not report it right away so that makes it hard for us to solve the case or make any arrests.” The investigation is being led by Assault Detective Paul Dolbey and is being treated as a bias crime, which means police cannot re­ lease the report, or the identity of the victims, until the case is resolved. However, many of the victims shared their accounts of what happened with Just Out, and at a community forum held Wednesday, June 2 at (^Center in response to the attacks. Six men, three of whom were dressed in drag, were walking past the Living Room Theaters around 2 a.m. on Sunday, May 30, when they were confronted by a group of young men flanking the sidewalk and yelling homophobic slurs such as “fucking faggot,” “tranny” and “I hope you die of AIDS,” ac­ cording to Darling and Ay. Ay yelled back at the men to “fuck off and get out of here. Leave us alone.” He said two or three of the men responded by punching him in the jaw, at which point “it became a car-crash blur.” The men said that no one in their group threw punches, but Campbell and Fletcher both entered the fray in an attempt to pull the attackers off their friends. As Campbell jumped in to help his partner, he called to police officers across the street near Rocco’s for help—and was “sucker punched” so hard that he was knocked into the street and lost both consciousness and memory of the event, according to both Ay and Darling. Once police arrived on the scene, they asked if everyone was okay and if they could identify who attacked them, but Darling could only remember that the assailants were wearing baggy pants and baseball caps. Although the men were too in shock to file a report that night, they followed up with police on Monday, May 31. Detectives returned to interview them on Wednesday, June 2, according to the victims. That they filed a report at all seems to put them in the minority, according to comments made at Wednesday’s forum. Stephen Cassell, one of the event’s orga­ nizers, asked the audience how many present knew someone who had been queer-bashed. Nearly every hand in the packed Q_ Center house shot up. Yet the statistics cited by law enforcement told a different story. According to Portland Police Central Precinct Commander Mike Crebs, there were 15 reported bias crimes based on sexual orientation in 2009, and 8 so far in 2010. In response to questions about whether the city experiences an increase in bias crimes during the Rose Festival, Crebs said there were no such crimes during June of last year. “We’re told by police that this doesn’t happen often in Portland,” Campbell said, but “if we as a community don’t report these crimes, there are no statistics.” The forum also addressed ways the com­ munity can respond to, and prevent, future attacks. Blow Pony party promoter Airick Heater said he wanted to organize a queer patrol, funded by queer bars and staffed with volunteers trained in self-defense, to walk the streets during and after events. According to Cassell, Red Cap Garage and Boxxes have also committed to funding such a patrol. “I’m not saying we need to encounter vio­ lence, but maybe we need to learn how to de­ fend ourselves,” Heater said. “I’m not a fighter. ... I don’t want to be fighting for my life.” Just Out will continue to investigate reports o f Memorial Day weekend assaults on members o f the queer community and will post updates to blogout.justout.com as more information be­ comes available. I f you have information about the alleged attacks, contact Detective Paul Dolbey at 503-823-0457. To report a crime in progress, call 911. To report a crime that is not an emergency, call the Portland Police non­ emergency line at 503-823-3333. —Erin Rook Hundreds Come Out in Unit/ Against Westboro Baptist Church Picket at Grant High Grant High School principal Joseph Malone told the community to stay away from a counter-protest of the Westboro Bap­ tist Church picket at his school on Thursday, Great Netù Location . . . ; Same Great Service , -Va F J - t* » L • f BRIDGETOWN BROADWAY 54 Years of Experience and... We Won't Be Undersold! 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