Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, July 03, 2009, Page 14, Image 14

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JULY 3 2009
H e n d r ix
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Now lesbian
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S t a in e d G
la ss
Adams Cleared. Film at II. Recall Plans
Patty »
Sam Adams Update
v erlay
1214 SE 7th Ave. Portland. 97214
The Sam Adams saga again took center
stage on Monday, June 22, when the office
o f Oregon Attorney General John Kroger
released its report. The findings stated that
there was no evidence that the mayor had
broken the law by engaging in a sexual rela­
tionship with former legislative intern Beau
Breedlove, 17 at the time o f their introduc­
tion in 2005.
During an almost six-month process,
state investigators interviewed 57 witnesses
and found none to corroborate Breedlove’s
account o f his underage relationship with
then City Commissioner Adams, or any
subsequent criminal wrongdoing.
Among the questions stemming from
the initial matter, whether or not Adams
committed official misconduct by hiring
former Portland Mercury writer Amy Ruiz
to his administration in an attempt to halt
her coverage o f the scandal; whether or not
he utilized government resources to cover
up the story; and whether he made false
statements while on the mayoral fundrais­
ing trail.
Ultimately, Breedlove’s credibility - taint­
ed by a felony theft conviction in Hawaii in
2006, inconsistent accounts, media solicita­
tions and a revealing, paid cover spread ear­
lier this year in Unzipped magazine - was a
significant factor in the decision.
“Accordingly, we have concluded there
is insufficient evidence to charge, let alone
convict, Adams with illegal sexual contact
with a minor,” the report stated. Adams was
quick to a response to the results, saying “I
made mistakes in my personal life” and reit­
erating his apology.
Upon the report’s publication, the At­
torney General’s office released a litany of
supporting documentation compiled during
the investigation, including city calendars,
correspondence, interview transcripts, phone
records and text messages between Adams
and Breedlove.
The aftermath prompted Breedlove to
break his silence - a week after his mother,
Gwen Roseler, released a statement in which
she called her son “a victim,” “exploited, de­
ceived and betrayed by a friend and a ‘men­
tor’ (?) for his political gain.’”
In a July 2 appearance on Portland NBC
affiliate KGW, Breedlove expressed his an­
ger at Adams’ refusal to “come clean” - and
how his own credibility had taken a beating
when Adams’ had
not come into
question. “It really
upsets me (that
said. “It’s just lie
after lie after lie
until we’re at the
end o f the bowl
and the last per­
R e c a l l Sa m A d a ms.
son to be burned
com organizer
from the situation
Jasun Wurster
is me, and he’s
still burned me to try to save his career.”
Breedlove accused the mayor o f send­
ing deliberately misleading text messages.
“At the time I thought, oh that’s fine, he’s
protecting himself, but now at this point in
time I realize that he was doing it to cover
himself, and putting me on the line.” Breed­
love also claimed that Kroger’s office didn’t
contact witnesses to back up his own side of
the story.
“I assumed that there would be some type
o f safety net to prevent people from lying,”
he added. Kroger saw no need to put Adams,
Breedlove or anyone else under oath before
a grand jury - a move that would’ve made
false testimony illegal, versus that given to
a state investigator, which is not against the
law in Oregon.
Jasun Wurster, head o f the grassroots
RecallSamAdams.com effort slated to
launch with a July 7 filing, told Just Out that
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