8 just out OCTOBER 5. 2007 JOEL HAMLEY Broker, ABR The Real in Realtor LAURELHURST DENTISTRY C larice J ohnston dm . d If Your Home Is Unbecoming To You, Then You Should Be Coming To Me & ASSOCIATES • Treatment explained and discussed ROSE CITY Office: 503-238-1700, ext. 630 • Teeth whitening • New patients welcome Mobile: 971-506-9499 VETERINARY joelhamley@meadowsgroup.com HOSPITAL 503/233-3622 2520 East Burnside VISA 1-AfP^v. www.JoelHamley.com All confidential, all the time 503.988.3700 Portland 360.397.8089 Vancouver WE THE PEOPLE? Why Are Portland City Commissioners Ignoring The Will of the People Who Do Not Support Changing Interstate Avenue to Cesar E. Chavez Blvd.? Polls and Neighborhood Associations Say “No” To Interstate Avenue Name Change Overwhelmingly! Portland City Council refuses to listen to the people. But the facts state that the people in lopsided voting oppose changing historic Interstate Avenue’s name: Overlook Neighborhood Association 86 Opposed Name Change - 6 in Favor Arbor Ix>dge Neighborhood Association 67 Opposed Name Change - 11 in Favor KATU (Survey USA Poll-500 people) 81% Opposed Name Change - 19% in Favor KOIN Online Poll (1754 people) 96% Opposed Name ('hange - 4% in Favor KGW 91% Opposed Name ('hange - 7% in Favor Historic Interstate Avenue Businesses Honoring Diversity Every Day in Our Community www.saveinterstateavenue.com Tell Commissioners Adams, Leonard, Saltzman & Sten You Do Not Support the Name Change! Or Interstate Avenue Becomes Extinct! I he costs for such a name change will be significant for 90 plus businesses along Interstate Avenue. You see, businesses on and near Interstate Avenue are just returning to some profitability after 3 long years of building the Interstate light rail. Such a name change would require more of their hard-earned dollars to go out for new signage, business stationary, marketing materials, truck signage, invoices, websites...the costs quickly add up. Speak Your Voice Important Community Meeting Tuesday, Oct 9, 6:30 - 8 p.m. Ockley Green Grade School Gym, 6031 N Montana \> Let’s Find A Solution That Is Less Divisive To Our Community And Less Costly To Small Businesses. We have repeatedly asked the Cesar Chavez committee to work with us in finding an equitable solution. So many options are available to honor Mr. Chavez’s legacy including new schools...libraries...and other public buildings. These public buildings would not have a costly impact on the small businesses and citizens of a community. Doesn’t that sound fair? Don’t Let City Commissioners Dictate What The Vast Majority Opposes. Call the Renaming Comment Line at (503) 823-4127 NOW. CALC EMAIL OR WRITE PORTLAND CITY COMMISSIONERS AND MAYOR NOW! Mayor Torn Potter: MayorPotter@ci.portland.or.us Mayor’s Chief of Staff: (503) 823-4799 Commissioner Sam Adams: commissionersam@ci. portland, or.us Chief of Staff, Tom Miller: (503) 823-1121 Commissioner Dan Saltzman: Dan@ci.portland.or.us Chief of Staff, Brendon Finn: (503) 823-3110 Commissioner Erik Sten: erik@ci.portland.or.us Chief of Staff, Jim Middaugh: (503) 823-3599 Commissioner Randy Leonard: rleondard@ci.portland.or.us Chief of Staff, Ty Covatch: (503) 823-3003 Ad NOW. ALLLETFERSTANBEAD DRESSED IQ: Com m issioner____________________________________ City Hall 1221 S.W. Fourth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204