6 JUStpUt, JANUARY 1Ç)^2.Q7 northwest You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello working with her daughter, whom she said would Change isn’t inherently gixxl, but for the own­ bring a fresh outlook and younger attitude to the ers of Bella Casa Realty, the parting of ways is a | company, Lyon kxiks to a future of being out on her welcome change. About five own. “I’ll he able to give 100 years ago, Oregon natives Terri percent on both the buying and Popejoy and Celia Lyon left the selling ends,” she said. world of corporate real estate to start their own business. This Whip It Good month Lyon left Bella Casa to “Many days 1 stop and work for Meadows Group, while think, '1 can’t believe I get paid Popejoy brought her daughter, to do this.’ It is so much fun,” Niki Robins, on board as her new business partner. said Christian Messer of Whiplash Design. “It was time for a change,” said Lyon, who has He said he had been waiting tables for 10 years worked in real estate since 1990. “I gained the expe­ when he happened to pick up a Portland rience of being a principal broker and learned about Community College catalog and decided to join managing a real estate company, but 1 also learned the Sylvania graphic design program. He opened that I don’t want to be a manager—I want to be Whiplash Design around September 2001. “It was working and giving all my attention to my clients one of the worst times to start a business,” said and get back to the business of selling real estate.’’ Messer, who works solo hut hopes to bring an employee on to do prixluction work in 2007. Despite the al & L1 lie Remedie1 'esticide^fèeZl Al lergy Products