DECEMBER 1,2006 JUSt|OUt,11 completed his third term June 12 as chairman attend the organization’s fourth annual “Organizing doors. Now, BRO wants people to order a of the Multnomah County Community Leaders: Students of Color Organizing Conference," Community Education Toolkit to begin educating Health Council and was a member of the which will be held from Jan. 12 to Jan. 14 in Atlanta. neighbors and friends on the issues. The kit county’s Citizen Budget Advisory Committee. The conference will gather middle and high includes a packet of Fair and Equal Oregon litera­ He also met annually with Pacific University school students of color to provide networking ture, postcards to legislators and a list of 10 ways graduate students of occupational therapy to and skill-building opportunities to empower to educate rhe community in a way that best suits help them become better therapists. young people to become engaged in safer-schools your needs. The commissioners encouraged all com­ work. Students will create action plans they can munity members to recognize the impact of make into projects in their own schools and AIDS and the progress that has been made on communities. Applications should be submitted by Dec. 3. To World AIDS Day. register visit Q Center Celebrates December Q Center and Love Makes a Family are throwing a holiday bash from 3 to 5 p.m. | Dec. 16 at Q Center, 69 S.E. Taylor St. The event is fun for all ages with delicious treats, cookie decorating, holiday crafts and a sing-along. Activist Bill Hancock was honored by Multnomah County commissioners for World AIDS Day. Department’s administration office. Hancock, 51, died of brain cancer June 29. He developing its public policy priority list and some­ National Gay and Lesbian Task Force leaders will be in Portland from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 3. A contingent from Confluence Chorus will Holly Pruett and Amber Wilson are hosting women’s travel writer Thalia Zepatos and Rodney Dec. 16. The group will make an immediate impact featuring artifacts, videos, stories and pertonnances— explores queer family traditions, from the outrageous To RSVP contact Todd Kimmelman at 310-855-7383 or Link and others in the queer community define and create family on their own terms. His exhibit helps make the diverse definitions of family visible. For more information visit Register for GLSEN Conference Basic Rights Oregon is searching for volunteers to educate the community through Jan. 1, 2007. BAJA and the organizations that are important to you. our sales managers. Bill or Ted at GRESHAM SUBARU 1925 E Powell Blvd Gresham, OR 97080 Phone (877) 499-1656 Fax (503) 667-8951 SUBARU For times and a meeting location, call 503-481-2935. If you were considering making a donation to PFLAG, the clock is running out. Any donations made after Jan. 1, 2007, will not be tax-deductible unions and ban discrimination throughout the state for 2006. based on sexual orientation and gender identity. For more information call 503-232-7676 or visit © But the work starts now. Project had volunteers knocking on thousands of active lifestyle, your community, wear leather-soled shoes and long sleeves and bring Next year BRO plans to urge the Oregon Education Network encourage local students to 2006 SUBARU of road in Northeast Portland. Volunteers should Legislature to pass a bill that would create civil and Tri-County Safety Net Enterprises board. He GRESHAM PFLAG’s Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup Day is gloves. Vests and tools are provided. Join the Fair and Equal Campaign Phase one of the Community Education For a no hassle deal contact attendees are required to bring a potluck dish. on the state highway system by cleaning up a strip Leaders at Oregon’s Gay, Lesbian and Straight WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY. give a special performance. The party is free, but worldwide at 2338 N.E. Seventh Ave. health. He served on the HIV Planning Council We are proud to support your Methodist Church, 1838 S.W. Jefferson St. department to discuss the state of queer rights times traveling to Salem and Washington, D.C., to lobby legislators about issues concerning public Friends of Lesbians and Gays is hosting a holiday party from 7 to 9 p.m. Dec. 12 at First United Dec. 1. The interactive, multimedia exhibit— to the ordinary, taboo to transgressive, foreign to Hancock was policy coordinator for CAP, Task Force Leaders Hold Discussion Link, opens with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. familiar. representing the agency on a statewide committee, The Portland chapter of Parents, Families and McKenzie from NGLTF’s organizing and training 1995, and moved out June 22, 1996. Hancock, his partner and a third resident where the first to leave Join PFLAG for Cleanup and Holiday Fun A December art show, Family by Aaron Raz moved into Our House of Portland on Dec. 5, Our House alive and recovered. To register for the campaign, visit www.basic By J aymef . R. C utí and M alka G effen