NOVEMBER 17, 2006 jUStjOUt 41 High Roller Lesbian manages poker room at Spirit Mountain Casino by Cristy Barsky ee Dee LeBaron works as the poker problem and to get help—from friends or profes room manager at Spirit Mountain sionals. The industry also must, and Spirit Casino in Grand Ronde, which is about i Mountain does, make certain that people are aware 80 miles southwest of Portland. A for- ; of resources for those with gambling problems. mer welfare mom, she manages a staff of 73 people, a mixture of part- and full-time staff. CB: Do you think the majority of people who game or gamble are problem gamblers? Cristy Barsky: Could you talk a little about DL: 1 think that there is always a risk when how you became employed at Spirit Mountain' you are talking about money. The search for rich Dee Dee LeBaron: 1 didn’t plan on working at es will always bring out those that are desperate a casino, but I was a single mother and they were and will do anything to find it. hiring. I had just moved here from California, and However, 1 think the majority of people are 1 needed a job. When 1 started at the casino I had responsible gamers. In terms of poker, it is a compe no real education or experience, and in fact I was tition, it is a networking place, and it is entertain- receiving welfare to keep my head above water. I worked briefly as a cashier and then moved into the poker room. 1 was determined to become a dealer and taught myself how to deal. I found that I was good at it, and I think 1 loved the atten tion 1 got for that. After dealing about two years, 1 graduated to a supervisor, then shift supervisor, then assistant manager, then manager. CB: How would you char acterize the average age of your customers? Do you see, for instance, a lot of retirees? DL: We used to and we still do, but with poker coming to TV and the Internet, we have just been bombarded with younger people and women. CB: Could you talk a little about the Grand Ronde Federation itself? DL: The formal name is the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, which include the Dee Dee LeBaron says Spirit Mountain Casino has been Umpqua, Molalla, Rogue River, bombarded with younger people and women who are catching the wave of poker popularity. Kalapuya and Chasta peoples. 1 have seen the local community grow from a very poor community to one that ment. It can also be a place to not be alone, which provides housing for their elders and poor; they can be a positive or a negative thing, depending on support all of the local schools, which my children the person. benefited from, and 1 am not tribal. They have created support for the total health of their people, CB: When did you come out, and how has including taking a very good, hard look at the issues that been at Spirit Mountain? that some people may not want to face, including DL: I came out about eight years ago. When poverty, drugs and alcohol. They also fund many I first came out I was worried. I was very motivat programs and social action activities in the wider ed to “climb the ladder.” I had one boss that told community. me I would never be anything because I was gay. I reported it to one of the tribal members who said: CB: In my opinion, the Indian gaming indus “That is ridiculous. I have a gay sister.” For what try has provided a road out of the unbelievable ever reason, this guy was gone within a couple of poverty imposed on Native peoples. At the same weeks. Once I was in a committed relationship, I began to bring my partner to social events at the time, I believe it is true that compulsive gambling can cause great hardship to individuals and fami casino.... My experiences have been very positive. lies. In listing the ills that the tribe has addressed, you didn’t mention gambling. How do you per CB: How much do you play poker now ? ceive the growth of the gaming industry, and does DL: I don't get to play much because 1 don’t it pose risks to individuals? have time, and as a manager I can’t play at mv own DL: I think the important thing is that people casino. I love to play Omaha, a variation of Texas need to understand when gambling stops being Hold ’Em, but for the most part I only get to play if I travel to Vegas on vacation © entertainment and becomes or is becoming a 6PM PATRON DINNER AMP AUCTION $7J(INCLUDIS COKlim CAU >01-184-11» FOR TICKETS TICKETS AVAILABLE THROUGH SAFEWAY TICKETSWEST ________________ —D av i d W. O wen s P. C. & ASSOCIATES serving the community since 1975 A ttorneys at L aw Serving Oregon & Washington 503 224 3100 DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS ADOPTIONS • ESTATE PLANNING WILLS • TRUSTS • ADVANCE DIRECTIVES POWER OF ATTORNEY GUARDIANSHIPS AND CONSERVATORSHIPS www owens law com • 101 SW MAIN, SUITE 700 • Portland, Oregon 97204 • Parting Validated BB