Classifieds 503-236-1253 promote your business here ATTORNEYS AARON COUNSELING Hala Gores, P.C V A R H O L A AT AT T O R N E Y Attorney at Law Personal Injury LAW 503/295-1940 See my display ad in this issue AND 13 CHAPTER BANKR A Debt Relief Agency Provide for your partner "Estate planning is an absolute necessity for unmarried couples. Margaret M. Smith PhD Licensed Cl'nical Psychologsit 955 Officers Row Vancouver WA 98661 360- 213-9450. (12/15) GLBTQ COUNSELING-INDIVIDUALS, COUPLES Jennifer Stock, PhD, PC Licensed Clinical Psychologist 503.242.1558 Real people, real help. Evenings available. Affordable. GLBT centered.Dr. Jamie Pettus 503-296-2910. (I 1/3) Working from a place of compassion and respect with individuals and couples since 1987 BREAKING OLD PATTERNS Specializing in relationship issues, life transitions, depression, guilt, shame, body image, anxiety, grief and loss, fertility/infertility, adoption, and parenting. Powerful insights. 503-860-4845.(1/19) Brightmind Counseling Downtown Portland Back By Popular Demand1 *The Breaking Free Group Series* 503.546.7913 Focus and Topics: Poor Boundaries, Low Self-Esteem. Co-dependency. Relationship difficulties, Abuse and Trauma histones, chemical, behavioral, and relational addictions, and more avarholaê 1020 SW TAYLOR ST. SUITE 230 The group begins November 8th. 2006 from 7:00 - 9 OOp m & will meet weekly The cost is $40 00 per group Insurance accepted Sliding fee scale available Historically the series has run 14-16 months To learn more contact Dale Nader at 503.708 9863. LAW OFFICES OF RICHARD B SCHNEIDER, LLC FOCUSED EXCLUSIVELY ATTEND A FREE SEMINAR! REGISTER ONLINE: Portland, OR 97204 Mariah Ureel, M.A. ON ESTATE PLANNING AND RELATED MATTERS BICYCLES ■ Wills ■ Living Trusts Free initial consultation • Sliding tec scale ■ Powers of Attorney ■ Health Care Planning —Cycle Genius ~STX" Recumbent Closeout-1 Only $499.99 oog $69999 Incl. Kickstand, hag toe clips, bell Pedal Pusher 503-380-1286 ■ Advanced Estate Planning ■ Probate and Trust Administration ■ Domestic Partnership Agreements ■ Business Formation ■ Financial Planning Assistance COMPUTERS 503.241.1215 2455 NW Marshall St. Suite 11 Portland, OR 97210 M arlene E F indling ATTORNEY AT LAW Adoption, Wills, Divorce, Domestic Partnerships, and other family and relationship matters P ortland , O regon 97212 P hone : 503-288-3133 M arfindl @ teleport . com (503) 421-3785 Beth Richman, LCSVV, CADO I ALL GENDERS WELCOME.' LGBTQ, Kink friendly (ask for Blue Dove counselor), Individual, Group, Couple, Poly SLIDING SCALE FEE FROM $13 Monday-Saturday 8-8 Downtown and NE locations 503-294-7440 Experienced, Aware, Professional queer trans X7 kink eliminating racism empowering women ywca poly trauma EMDR Dr. Art C. Tolentino, Ph.D. 503.754.61 45 Individual and Group Therapy insurance accepted, sliding scale available Computer & Web Training Ciose-in SE Portland (503) 336-4712 Jerry Deckelbaum, j . d ., l . c . s . w . Psychotherapist Downtown Portland ' vpk- " Fjqurf. www. glbtcounseling. com/ deckelbaum.html • Increase pleasure • Decrease frustration • Improve productivity Talk to someone who can help. Carol A. Carver, Ph.D. Mac Rory. Com (360) 695-6929 / optimize Macs <<• teach people to toe them individual, Children, Couples, Sc Family Therapist Office located in Gresham, OR Phone: 503-312-0184 www Individuals, couples, men’s group 503-224-0033 2722 NE 33RD A venue S uite 207 Relationship Specialist Psychotherapy for couples and individuals “Integrating mind, body and spirit" YWCA Counseling Center ReiD V anderburgh , ma . L mft Gender identity Loss and grief Couples counseling 503-341-7001 • ReidPDX S teven “B o ” O’ dell Licensed Psychologist L icensed C linical S ocial W orker Serving Our Community since 1981 Insurance Billed Directly D epression • A nxiety S elf E steem » identity individuals a C ouples A dults a adolescents 305 SW “C” Ave. Suite 4 Corvallis, OR 97333 (541)757-2066 S alem (503 i 363-1 1 75 P ortland i 503 I 249-7844