24 i lUSt.OUt OCTOBER 20. 2006 the first ever Powell Vision & Dental KT ve HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 50% OFF Exam, Contact Lens Fitting, & Selected Costume Contacts offer expires 10-31-06 justout BENEFITING FRIENDS OF PEOPLE WITH AIDS / WE NEED GIFS R enovator ’ s D ream ! FOR TODDLERS TO TEENS. Fixer cottage located in area of appreciating values. One bedroom with lots of potential. Fix or start all over! Zoned R2.5. Priced under $200,000! 4312 NE Mallory "Real Estate is my career. Since the early 90’s, I’ve helped many dreams of home ownership come true! I’d love to interview to represent you in your next home purchase or sale!” MANY MORE STYLES AVAILABLE! Christine Cjebhardt, Oil). 3431 SE 75th c* Pouell (503) 777-5544 uiiii.eycdoegchhardt.eom HI MUÜmS ROSEMARY BERNARDI, P.C. BROKER 503-784-2836 MEADOWS CROUP REALTORS 1902 SE MORRISON • PORTLAND, OR 97214 Give^Tabo-o/Gi ertific.ate y /• ,.w Sunday, Oct. 29th 8:00 pm Us j* jpur MLK Blvd. Taboo 82nd Ave. Taboo Taboo Vancouver 237 SE MLK Blvd. Portland (503)239 1678 2330 SE 82nd Ave. Portland (503)777 6033 4811 NE 94th Ave. Van./ WA (360)254 1126 HUGE DVD SELECTION • ADULT TOYS • LINGERIE • MAGAZINES • MULTICHANNEL ARCADE re CpstMtwe $10 cover with invitation/$20 without Complimentary Hors D'oeuvres Buffet DJ Sab Hutton, Go-Go Dancers, and More Invitation may be picked up at Chameleon Tues-Sat after 5pm 2000 NT 40th Ave. Portland, 97212