_ ________________________________________________________ AUGUST 18, 2006 JU St.QUt COMPLETE SPIRITUALITY AND NONMETRO LISTINGS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT WWW.JUSTOUT.COM band and a marching band with (lag corps. Come join us! (503 790-2170 info@rcgfb org. wwwrcgfborg.) 503-233-3557 Join listserv at LesbianswDegrees- subscnbe@yahoogroups com) Gay Women's Goff Group welcomes all levels of players (www.turfgirk com.) Satori Man's Chorus welcomes new members of all ages and races, regardless of sexual orientation or musical background, to join Wednesday rehearsals. No audition necessary. (503-299-4454 www. satori chorus.org.) Lulu's Pervy Playhouse is a social group for self identifying women who are into S/M. Play parties are held on the second Saturday of the month. (503-231-3992 dykedadi@comcast.net www lulus pervyplayhouse. org.) Lesbian Equestrian Group gets together for equestrian activities in the Pacific Northwest. (Denise 503-654-3865 Lynn 503-777-2339 kelrav@rdrop. com.) General Men Over 40 is a small, socially supportive group that meets second and fourth Thursdays. (503-777-1376.) Asian & Pacific Islander Lesbians and Gays is a nonprofit community voice for gay, lesbian and bi Asian and Pacific Islanders. Activities include potlucks, recreational outings and cultural events. Friendly environment to meet and connect with other API. (PO Box 12661, Portland. OH 97232 aplg_pdx@yahoo.com) Bad Giris is a social and educational leather and B/D/S/M club for self identified women with an empha sis on safety and education. Workshops, discussions, events and parties. Women of all orientations can connect and ask questions during the Kinky Women’s Welcoming Munch at 7 pm every second Tuesday (503-972-2233. wwwpdxbadgirfs.net.) Border Riders Motorcycle Club provides social opportunities for gay men interested in recreational motorcycle touring and promotes education on safe and legal machinery. (503-281-4488 brmcpret@ yahoo com.) Cascade Flyers are gay, lesbian and bi aviators, both private and professional, in Washington, Oregon and southern British Columbia. Dinner meetings in Portland area. (503-701-7922. casftyers@yahoo.com. www geocities.com/casftyers) A Common Bond is a social support network for for­ mer or questioning Jehovah's Witnesses who are queer. (acbportland@webtvnet.) Coqsure is a social group for people who were assigned a female sex at birth but identify otherwise (female-to-male, genderqueer, drag king, etc.). First Sunday meetings are open to partners and families of any configuration (503-471-1515. groups yahoo com/ group/coqsure) Dungeon Men PDX hosts a men's S/M party every other month in a Portland dungeon. Masters and novices always welcome. (503-281-2076. bighnboy @aracnet.com.) F.A.G. POX (Femme Affinity Group Portland), a radical activist and social group open to self-identified femmes of all genders, seeks to create solidarity among femmes, promote femme visibility and combat femmephobia in the community at large. (www notsorry org/fagpdx) 50-1- lesbian social group for women meets on the third Saturday of the month. (4-7 pm 503-642-3360 or 503-286-3575.) FTM Pacific NW OR&WA is a social and discussion group for female-to-male trans men. (groups yahoo. com/group/FTM_PacificNW) Funny Ladies, a social group for nice lesbians 35 and older as well as their friends and loved ones, holds potlucks on the second Saturday of each month. (flataps@yahoocom.) Gay Men's Garden Club meets at a different garden every month to enjoy the diversity of plant materials that Portland offers the avid gardener. Meet others, share ideas, trade plants, show off your garden, and have some fun outdoors! (11 am-1 pm first Sunday 503-347-5477 rogermosser@comcast.net) Genealogy group forming. Gather with other lesbian researchers to trace your family tree and tackle "backwall" female ancestors (famhistnw@aol com.) Imperial Sovereign Rose Court of Oregon is the oldest gay, lesbian, bi and trans social/fund-raismg organization in the state of Oregon Meetings are the first two Mondays of each month. (www rosecourt org) Jewish Gay Men's Group please call for meeting time and place. (503-246-5939 efraimlevi@aol.com) Keshet is a social connection group for queer Jews and their spouses, partners, significant others and good friends, whether Jewish or not. It meets month ly for potluck dinners and special events. (David 503-226-7079, ext 14, or Mike 503-331 1111.) Lesbians Enjoying Nature and Science (LENS) is a fun-loving group of women who enjoy exploring all aspects of the environment Activities include bird watching, nature walks, archaeology, camping, kayaking, star gazing and an occasional "lecture " No experience necessary (Vicki 971-998-6040 lensnews@yahoo com.) Lesbian Garden Club is a group of women who love gardens and gardening They exchange plants, seeds, advice and encouragement while having a good time Call for a copy of the newsletter and information about upcoming events. (Linda 503-909-2002) Lesbians with Degrees is a social group for mtellec tual women and those who want to meet them. (Lam Monamorous bi group forming for women in their 40s who are single and professionally employed. (monogirls06@yahoocom.) Night in Black Leather and The Leather Duck Club are the first and third Friday of each month at Gail's Dirty Duck Tavern. (9 pm-midnight. 439 NW Third Ave 503-224-8446 orleatherfrat@yahoo. com.) Oregon Men Enjoying Naturism is a social organiza­ tion for gay male naturists/nuJists. Social gathering second Saturday of every month. (omenpdx@omen pdx.org www omenpdx.org.) PDX FTM is a social group for female-to-male trans men and their significant others, friends, families and allies. (groups yahoo com/group/PDX_FTM.) PDX Lesbo Nerds invite interesting, intelligent women 35 and older to socialize while playing board games like Scrabble and Spades, (games groups yahoo com/group/PdxLesboNerds.) The gay Pinochle Group meets Sundays at Hobo's. Come play cards and meet the gang. New players always welcome. 16 pm. 120 NW Third Ave Mike 503-641 7224.) Poder Latino is a nonprofit social community voice group for gay, lesbian, bi and trans people that reach es out to Latinos and Latmas by organizing events and retreats and advocating HIV prevention. Meets every other Monday at Outside In. (6:30pm 1030 SW 13th Ave Hugo 503-997-8615 or Audencio 503-261-5463.) Portland Leather Alliance is one of the largest pansexual, nonprofit B/D/S/M, leather and fetish lifestyle organizations in the Northwest Regular social and educational opportunities, including KmkFest, Leather Ball and Fall Vendors Fair, (wwwpdxleather alliance org.) Portland Leather Men meet every second Saturday for potluck and socializing Meet men into a leather lifestyle and keep abreast of leather happenings. No dues, no formal organization, no officers or board, just leather socialization for the past 21 years (360-896-6665 plm@direcway.com.) Portland Lesbian Book Club gathers monthly to chat about a chosen book or to attend selected events. (6:30 pm third Tuesday groups yahoo com/group! portlandlesbianbookclub) Portland Metro Prime Timers is a social group for mature gay men and those who appreciate them, coming together for social, educational and cultural purposes. (PO Box 5884, Portland. OR 97228 503-286-4613 or 360-693-5506 pdxpnmetimers@ yahoo, com. www geocities com/pdxpnmetimers) Rainriders Motorcycle Club meets weekly at the Roxy Ride your bike or just come meet the group Everyone welcome. (10 am Sunday 1121 SW Stark St. wwwpdx-rrmc.com.) Rose City Discussion Club, the largest open pansexual/alternative sexuality club in the North­ west, is open to all orientations, fetishes and lifestyles that are safe, sane and consensual. Monthly meetings, workshops and newsletter. (503-972-1869 rcdc@teleport.com wwwrcdc org.) Soyboys Vegetarian Men's Group is a fun, social gathering for gay and bi men who are interested in a healthy vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. A variety of activities and monthly potlucks on the last Saturday. (veggieguys@aol.com.) Women of the Rivers, the Portland/Vancouver chapter of the Women on Wheels Motorcycle Club, meets monthly at Elmer's, sponsors riding clinics and takes day trips. (7:15 pm second Thursday 9848 N Whitaker Road www hevanet com/chama/wow ) Physical Recreation Adventure Group organizes a variety of activities year round, including hiking, walking, cross country and downhill skiing, rafting and mountain biking. (PO Box 2201, Portland. OR 97208-2201 www adventuregroup org.) Amazon Dragons Paddling Club invites women 16 and older to join Portland's only out lesbian dragon boat team Be part of the fun and fitness with this dynamic group Iwwwamaxondragonsorg) The Forest Group outings are cooperative adventures for women Participants are responsible for providing their own equipment and choosing outings appropri ate for their skill and fitness level All skill levels welcome. (503-772 1860 imnoregon(