JULY 21.2006 discrepancy, Justice Paul Rivard ruled that the statute was discriminatory. The government missed its deadline to appeal the decision and must therefore change the law within 12 months. Rutherford’s attor­ ney, Joanna Radbord, said she was surprised that Ontario’s government even fought this case. “This is an Cynthia Nixon poses with Youth Courage Award winners, from left, outdated statute that does­ Christopher "Cree" Gordon of Eugene, Captain Young and Ana Lopez. n’t reflect the realities of family life. But the government usually wants a Awards Fund Arts Organizations trial so they can blame the outcome on liberal Various local queer-run or queer-friendly arts judges.” organizations received sizable grants when the By June 6, 2007, the government must amend Regional Arts &. Culture Council (RACC) the law, but can do so, according to Radbord, with a announced awards July 11 in the areas of general narrow fix that only addresses lesbian couples who support and professional development totaling use unknown donor sperm or with a big-picture fix $1,035,895. that could show the intended, genetic and social Among the organizations funded were Artists parents on the birth registration. “It would be my Repertory Theatre with $41,400; Broadway Rose dream come true it the government rewrites the Theatre Company with $15,800; Do Jump Vital Statistics Act to recognize the diversity of Movement Theater with $16,900; Literary Arts families and prioritize children’s best interest." with $27,700; Miracle Theatre Group with $17,800; Portland Center Stage with $58,800; Eugene Youth Honored Portland Gay Men’s Chorus with $6,900; Portland at New York Pride Institute for Contemporary Art with $15,700; Christopher “Cree” Gordon of Eugene was Portland Opera Association with $104,800; awarded the Colin Higgins Youth Courage Award Portland Taiko with $25,400; Profile Theatre at a star-studded gala June 22 during New York Project with $14,100; White Bird with $33,500; and Write Around Portland with $10,400. Pride. Bom to a white mother and black father into a RACC general support grants fund arts organi­ homophobic and racially divided community in zations in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington rural Louisiana, the 20-year-old struggled to be counties that provide a wide range of high-quality black enough for black people and white enough arts programming made available to the public. for white people. Gordon came out to his parents These grants recognize the cultural and economic at 14; his mother tried to accept him, but his step­ benefits of a strong arts community and provide father eventually threw him out of the house after stable support for local arts organizations with budgets of $80,000 or more that together provide his first semester of college. He lived on the streets of New Orleans, hustling his body to survive. services to more than 2 million patrons annually. Gordon met a man from Eugene who tk him “Local artists and arts organizations drive the west before becoming abusive. On the streets again creative economy, enhance our children’s learning in Eugene, he took an HIV test to get the $10 with arts education programs and improve the incentive a local clinic was offering and was faced quality of lite for all area residents,” said Eloise with a positive result. Damrosch, RACC executive director. "We are Within weeks of his diagnosis, Gordon began delighted to provide support for these vital partners volunteering and speaking out at local high schools who are working with us to integrate arts and and colleges about being HIV-positive and queer. culture in all aspects of community life.” He says, “If in all the speaking I do, I can save the Applications for next year are available online at www.racc.org/grants. The electronic application life of one person, that would be worthwhile.” Gordon became a leader at University of deadline is Aug. 21. Oregon’s queer student group and Black Student BRO, HRC Endorse Kulongoski Union, working to bridge the two communities. Incumbent Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski pre­ A charismatic and energetic public speaker, he has a knack for opening eyes and hearts; his motto dictably won the endorsement for November’s general election from Basic Rights Oregon, the is “You gotta make them uncomfortable to make organization announced July 20. ’em comfortable.” Gordon’s Youth Courage Award The endorsement was a collaboration between will enable him to complete his next semester of BRO and the Human Rights Campaign. college. The groups cited Kulongoski’s commitment to The awards ceremony included celebrity queer rights spanning three decades, beginning in presenters and entertainers such as Sex and the his first term as a legislator in the 1970s, when he City star Cynthia Nixon, The Vagina Monologues introduced one of Oregon’s first anti-discrimination creator Eve Ensler, playwright Tony Kushner and bills. actress Christine Ebersole. Michael Patrick King, creator of Sex and the City, hosted the evening's “As a movement, we are lucky to live in a state where our governor has done more to stake out a festivities. public position in favor of GLBT equality than any The Colin Higgins Youth Courage Awards other governor in the country,” said Frank Dixon, honor queer youth who have demonstrated BRO’s interim executive director. “From the tremendous acts of courage and strength in the face SUMMER SAVINGS EVENT - Good Through August - FLOOR Located in the heart of Sellwood 7703 SE 13TH AVE STE. 3 M-F 8:30-5:30 Sat 10-2 & by appt. 503.236.8775 www.floortrendsnw.com I want we discovered in Charleston s Historic District on our vacation. z' Beautiful In-Stock Cherry -5" wide Laminate Flooring Hand-Scraped FROM Hardwood $E99 wJsQ FT. Installed Maple, Birch, or Oak \ Solid Brazilian FROM $139 I5“"- J I Carey Lish, owner Marmoleum Financing FROM Click Available $129 I SQ. 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