JUNE 2, 2006 satingout eatingout eatingout lUStiOUt 53 eatingout Busch’s ecc^Qtric upbringing as a suburban New York kid blessed with movie-obsessed parents and his own Auntie Marne; his practically forensic study of camp movie goddesses like Joan Crawford and Bette Davis; and his early struggles to create a ragtag theater company of drag queens, muscle boys and fag hags, enacting hothouse melodramas like Vampire Lesbians of Sodom, Pardon My Inquisition and Theodore, She-Bitch of Byzantium. Watching the generous footage of these works sampled in The Lady in Question, it’s easy to see where Busch’s ideas came from, but the road wasn’t easy. He had a near-death experience with a ruptured aorta, and the company lost Come see us at the North American Organic Brewers Fest at the World Forestry Center on June 10, 2006! members to AIDS. (Busch describes how one of The Lady in Question Is Charles Busch is a valentine to the well-known New York writer and actor. his actresses insisted on finishing the show despite being gravely ill and was taken by ambu­ lance from the theater to the hospital. Footage of stake and what these women are losing on a daily her performing that night is particularly poignant.) basis. That they are as brave as they are in trying to But the successes trumped the tragedies as build a community based on who they are—the Busch won acclaim for his often hilarious, nuanced film shows a secret lesbian wedding sequence com­ incarnations of the strong, stylish, long-suffering plete with crying, simpatico relatives—is near woman who veers from the straight and narrow but miraculous. Keep Not Silent deserved the Israeli eventually redeems herself. Most recently he’s Oscar it won for Best Documentary. starred in his play The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife, in Art: Nicole Rawlins its second year of a successful Broadway run. As his n a happier note we come to The Lady in Question O other vocation as a writer suggests, the Busch seen Is Charles Busch. Busch is a well-known New here is highly articulate, and quite endearing, in York writer and actor whose gender-bending camp, discussing his life and work, supported by a loving based on old Hollywood divas, lit up Broadway, off- network of friends, family, lovers and fans that off-Broadway and movies. This documentary (pre­ includes Rosie O’Donnell, Boy George, Kathleen BUT SMALL PATIO HAS EXPANDED! WE BROKE DOWN THE FENCE AND^AVE QUADRUPLED OUR PATIO SIZE!! miering 9 p.m. June 19) is a valentine to the star of Turner, Jason Priestley and other queer and queer­ COME AND CHECK IT OUT. Die, Mommie, Die! and Psycho Beach Party, an amus­ friendly icons. Weekdays 4:30 • Saturday & Sunday Brunch 9-2, Dinner 5:30 • Closed Tuesday ing and upbeat mix of facts, interviews, rare footage from his stage work, fake movie trailers and even a G ary M orris edits and publishes Bright Lights vignette of a nonexistent silent film in which he’s an Film Journal, located online at overwrought “lady” in distress. We learn about www. brightlightsfilm. com. Pink Fink man until his arrest and ne of the more distressing exposure. The lethal combination episodes in queer history occurred in 1960, when of a sn