Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, June 02, 2006, Page 19, Image 19

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    JUNE 2. 2006 juStlQUt Jg
Ahmeds execution from his bedroom
Korea and Ukraine,
window, four uniformed police officers
according to the U.S.
arrived at Ahmed’s house in a four-
Department of State.
wheel-drive police pickup truck,” said
The communist
OutRage’s Middle East affairs spokesman,
country also has lim­
Ali Hili. “The neighbor saw the police
ited the number of
drag Ahmed out of the house and shoot
babies who can be
Gay U.S. Rep. Barney Frank
him at point-blank range, pumping two
adopted by single
blasted Nigeria's president for
bullets into his head and several more
people—8 percent of
undemocratic treatment of gays.
bullets into the rest of his body.
the total per year.
“Several other neighbors confirm this account,
Adoption officials in Massachusetts told the
although they did not see the actual shooting. They
Globe that Chinese officials were “troubled by pub­
say they heard gunshots and saw the police leaving
licity in the late 1990s over gay parents in the
the scene. They then found Ahmed’s body lying on
United States raising Chinese babies.”
the ground outside his house.”
Hili also coordinates a gay Iraqi organization in
Australian Capital Territory
the United Kingdom and says he has reliable
Passes Partnership Bill
contact with an underground network of gay peo­
The Legislative Assembly of Australia’s Capital
ple in Baghdad and other cities.
Territory passed a civil unions bill May 10.
“According to our contacts...the Iraqi police
The bill was revised after the federal govern­
have been heavily infiltrated by the Shia paramili­ ment, which bans same-sex marriage, objected to a
tary Badr Corps," Hili said. “They are seeking to
section that would have let federally licensed
impose a fundamentalist morality on the people of marriage celebrants perform the unions.
Iraq. The murder of Ahmed follows a pattern of
“1 sincerely hope that the legislation will stand,”
Badr executions of suspected gays and lesbians.”
said ACT Attorney General Simon Corbell.
On April 17, the British Broadcasting Corp,
The federal government has veto power over
said Iraq has seen an increase in homophobic
the ACT Assembly.
The measure reportedly grants civil union
killings since the U.S. invasion. Frightened gay
couples the same rights as married couples.
people told the network the murders are connected
to the growing influence of anti-gay religious figures
and the increasing lawlessness of militias.
Costa Rican Court to Rule
“Saddam was a tyrant, but at least we had more
on Gay Marriage Case
freedom then,” one Iraqi gay man told the network.
Costa Rica’s Constitutional Court held a public
“Nowadays, gay men are just killed for no reason.”
meeting May 4 to gauge opinion on legalization of
Barney Frank Complains to Nigeria
same-sex marriage.
The seven justices are expected to rule within
Gay U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., has
weeks on a 2003 case brought by gay lawyer Yasin
written to Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo
Castrillo, who claims the Family Code is unconstitu­
objecting to pending legislation that would, Frank
tional because it permits only opposite-sex marriage.
said, “criminalize same-sex relationships and
The attorney general’s office has urged the court
weddings; punish those who witness, aid or abet a
to rule against Castrillo.
same-sex marriage; and outlaw any clubs, organiza­
tions or meetings—as well as any form of protest—
Canadian Gays Troubled
that support or advocate for the rights of lesbian
Over Census
and gay people.”
Canadian gay activists are upset with Statistics
“1 find this effort to persecute innocent people
Canada’s 2006 national census form.
based on their sexual orientation not only morally
The document instructs married same-sex couples
indefensible but also profoundly undemocratic,”
to use the “other” category to record their relation­
Frank said.
ship rather than ticking the “husband or wife” box.
He also threatened to withdraw his support for
Stats Can said it hasn’t had time to change the
U.S. aid to Nigeria.
form since same-sex marriage was legalized nation­
“If this proposed legislation that so blatantly
wide July 20, 2005, but said there is a blank space
violates individual freedom and basic democratic
married same-sex couples can note that they
rights to freedom of expression and association pre­
are married.
vails, Nigeria would no longer in my view have any
Although same-sex marriage was not available
claim to genuine democratic rule,” Frank said.
in every province and territory until 10 months
ago, it has been legal in Ontario since June 2003, in
British Columbia since July 2003 and in Quebec
Turkey Halts Trans Reality Show
Turkey’s Radio and Television Supreme Council
has banned a TV reality show in which men would
compete to best dress and act like a woman, the
Anadolu news agency reported.
He’s a Lady Now was axed before the first
episode aired following an alleged outcry from
members of the public.
since April 2004.
The president of the national gay lobby group
Egale, Gemma Hickey, said the census treats gays
and lesbians as “second-class citizens.”
The group’s executive director, Gilles March-
ildon, added, “Everyone who completes the 2006
census will see that our relationships are segregated."
Canada conducts a census every five years. ©
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China Blocks Adoption by Gays
China has blocked adoption by gays and
lesbians, The Boston Globe reported May 1.
The nation is the top source for international
adoptions, followed by Russia, Guatemala, South
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Compiled by R ex WOCKNER, who has reported for
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