Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, April 21, 2006, Page 17, Image 17

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    APRIL 21. 2006
justout 17
Investing with your Best Interest at Heart
Initial consultation with
no charge or obligation
strongly opposed an anti-gay constitutional amend­
ment facing Wisconsin voters this November.
“The proposed han on civil unions and marriage
is a mean-spirited attempt to divide Wisconsin, and
it should he defeated,” Feingold said. “It discrimi­
nates against thousands of people in our communi­
ties—our co-workers, our neighbors, our friends and
our family members. We shouldn’t enshrine this
prejudice in our states constitution.”
Feingold also expressed his support for the right
Sophomore Jason Johnson was kicked out a
Kentucky university because of his sexuality.
of gays and lesbians to marry.
“Gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry
injury,” said Solmonese. “On a day when the state
and have access to the same rights, privileges and ben­
was supposed to be celebrating diversity, Gov.
efits that straight couples currently enjoy,” he added.
“Denying people this basic American right Ls the kind
Kentuckians out of the law."
was removing an entire
group of
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of discrimination that has no place in our laws.”
As a result of this announcement, Feingold
becomes the fourth U.S. senator to support marriage
equality, along with Lincoln Chafee, R-R.L; Edward
Kennedy, D-Mass.j and Ron Wyden, D-Ore.
Expulsion Jeopardizes College's
Funding, Accreditation
A Kentucky university’s recent decision to
expel a student for being gay might wind up
when jot/ are!
costing the school a proposed multimillion-dollar
24 Equality Riders Arrested at BYU
college of pharmacy.
University of the Cumberlands, a private four-
Two dozen activists were arrested April 11 on
year college with about 1,700 students, bans homo­
the campus of Brigham Young University during a
sexuality and extramarital sex as “not consistent
demonstration designed to show the human cost of
with Christian principles.” The schixil managed to
the school’s anti-gay policies. The event was part of
draw’ a great deal of attention to this policy in early
a nationwide protest tour by queer activists called
April, when campus officials discovered the home
the Soulforce Equality Ride.
page of sophomore Jason Johnson on the popular
The demonstrators carried Easter lilies onto
campus in remembrance of queer members of the
have committed suicide because of the church’s
Alliance has responded with a petition demanding
stance on homosexuality.
that Gov. Ernie Fletcher veto $11 million in pro­
ticularly fitting during the Christian holy week that
new pharmacy schcxd.
Hurricane Katrina Aid
In Other Words
Mercy Corps
c Our House
National Gay
‘ & Lesbian Taskforce
r Portland Lesbian
Habitat for
Basic Rights
the Accreditation Council for
Pharmacy Education, which accredits pharmacy
bloom because of the despair they felt from their
schools in the United States, requires that appli­
church’s teachings on homosexuality.”
cants prohibit discrimination based on sexual ori­
who participated in the action, cited his Mormon
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posed funding earmarked for the creation of the
we remember those whose lives were not able to
BYU junior Matt Kulisch, one of the students
d Advocates
identified Johnson as gay, leading to his dismissal.
A gay rights group called Kentucky Fairness
said Haven Herrin, the ride’s co-director. “It’s par­
social networking Web site MySpace.com. The page
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who
“The lilies are symbolic of both life and death,”
Careful and energetic handling of
all your homefinancing needs
entation. Without accreditation, a degree from the
school would be largely worthless.
RI/MAC equity group
faith as part of his motivation for being arrested
with the Equality Riders. “My church has always
taught me rhe principle of standing for something
true. My integrity demanded this message of God’s
love for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender peo­
ple be told in its entirety.”
Central Valley's Queer Prom
Safe, Successful
Though organizers feared protests and possibly
confrontation, an unofficial gay and lesbian prom
celebration organized by high school students from
Governor Axes Protection for Gays
Kentucky’s Republican Gov. Ernie Fletcher
the Central Valley city of Tracy went off without
incident April 13.
proms are commonplace
issued an executive order April 12 repealing anti­
Southern California and the Bay Area. But in the
discrimination protections for gay, lesbian, bisexu­
more conservative valley, where the l<x:al economy
al and transgender state employees.
is driven by commercial farming, the event was still
The order superseded a 2003 edict by his prede­
a novelty, attracting visitors from a wide area.
cessor, Paul Patton, that protected state employees
“It’s a way of getting more tolerance out in the
and job applicants from discrimination on the basis
Central Valley,” Dane McKinley, 17, told The
of sexual orientation. The new policy forbids discrim­
(Stockton) Record.
ination based on “race, color, national origin, sex,
age, religion, veteran status and disability” but does
not mention sexual orientation.
Etheridge's Partner Expecting Twins
"The governor’s hypocrisy is outrageous and un-
Singer Melissa Etheridge and her partner,
American,” said Joe Solmonese of the Human
actress Tammy Lynn Michaels, announced April 17
Rights Campaign. “No one should he fired from
that the couple are expecting twins.
their job simply because of who they are. Gov.
Etheridge wrote on her Web site: “We are
Fletcher’s backwards step does nothing whatsoever
thrilled to announce that Tammy is pregnant and
to move diversity forward and puts hardworking, tax­
expecting our twins sometime around this fall. To
paying citizens at risk.”
answer the obvious question: We used an anony­
mous donor from a [sperml bank.’ ©
Ironically, Fletcher’s order came on the same day
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Compiled by M arty SMITH