JUSt, OUt MARCH 17. 2006 CHOOSE PROM 130 FRAGRANCES Buy with ute, Sell with me. C ustom S centing S or essential oils can be used for our custom scenting. .'r » " -fit !»'■ , :— ' «•Ai ROSEMARY BERNARDI P.C. V. BROKER 503-784-2836 MEADOWS GROUP REALTORS 1902 SE MORRISON PORTLAND, OR 97214 SERVING THE GREATER PORTLAND AREA FOR 13 YEARS BRINGING REAL ESTATE r OUT OF THE CLOSET!} Don't be left in the dark about real estate, mortgages, or escrow. CD . You have family' to hold your hand through the entire process. Is the T- b ib F t Mj. r i ** * ,1 MARTY DAVIS w spring days of the year and the surprise March snowstorm, I caught my first real gardening bug of the year. 1 pulled out my sledgehammer, got butch-out on an over­ sized garden shed in my new back yard, pulled out the rose bushes and started tackling the black­ berries and English ivy. 1 will tell you that no matter what, there is always way more to haul away than you first think. Don’t get me wrong; I did the socially responsible thing. I took the shrubbery to the yard debris dump to be turned into compost, took good wood to the Rebuilding Center and reused some lumber myself, unusual plants, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, but but there was still a truck or two to just throw away. luckily the folks working there know their stuff and From where 1 live, the dump can be a big temp­ are always happy to lend a hand. tation. There is that big green gate, the St. Johns If you haven’t been out to Cistus yet, make this Bridge, and if I get across it and take a right, there year the one to go. Give yourself a few hours to is one place 1 usually wind up: Cistus Nursery on stroll around the gardens, which, by the way, are Sauvie Island. only 2 1/2 years old! ® 1 have to say that Cistus is one of my favorite places to go spend my pink dollars on plants, and C istus N ursery is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a new house 1 know that this trip will be the daily at 22711 N.W. Gillihan Road on Sauvie Island. first of many for me this year. Started in 1998 by partners Parker Sanderson and Sean Hogan, Cistus To reach D1RTY D an , who will answer any and all of has become one of the Northwest’s more cutting- edge nurseries specializing in the more unusual of your gardening questions, simply e-mail dirtydthegardener@yahoo . com. plant life. If by now you haven’t been, pulling into the driveway is an experience in -itself. Lushly planted borders, full of plants that 15 years ago no one even knew grew here, brush past your car win­ dows. It’s almost like going on a plant safari visiting the far corners of the world with only having to drive a half-hour. Inside, fences divide the plants into groups with fun names like Aboriginal “home of the left coast native,” Zonial Denial, the nursery’s catchphrase, and Fetish for the truly nerdy plant people. The sections are laid out by a plant’s cultural needs and where they are roughly native. While 1 was talking with Hogan, he confessed to being a complete texture junkie. This is very apparent in the plants at the nursery. The giant leaves of hardy bananas, Tetrapanax, Cannas and palms make you feel like you aren’t in Oregon any­ more. Exotic and hardy evergreens clue you in to the fact that this isn’t the nursery where your grandma bought her petunias. With so many Wintering over plants await spring gardeners. . fear of home buying keeping you in the closet? We can help! Mr r Cistus is not your grandma's nursery omewhere in between the first warm j Any of ] Any of our perfume oils £> Plant Safari I 1 7 — MARTY DAVIS 42 1 —L _ ___________ • TOM WOOD STACEY PEARO DON CLARKSON JAY MORTENSEN Pacific Northwest Title Broker Broker Home Loan Consultant (503) 350-5099 Realty Trust Group Realty Trust Group Countrywide Home Loans tomw@pnwtor. com (503)416-3377 (503)416-4159 (503) 274-0140 spearo@reahytrust.com dclarkson@reahytrust. com jay mortensen@countrywide.com Z Countrywide Sign up for Free listings by neighborhood! You choose neighborhoods and your price range and you get every listing, L J automatically! Sign up at www.alternativeagents.com Cherry blossoms welcome visitors to Cistus Nursery on Sauvie Island.