à. __ national Treatment, Interrupted Conference focuses on strategies for reducing the drug burden in anti-HIV therapy by Bob Roehr nti-HIV therapy has been spectacularly successful at dramatically reducing pro­ gression and death from the disease dur­ ing the past decade. But the downside to therapy can he side effects, the selection of resistant virus and the high cost, particularly in the developing world. So it is no surprise that as treatment practices have matured, patients and physicians have sought ways to possibly minimize use of those therapies while at the same time retaining their benefits. Strategic interruptions of therapy were a major focus of discussion at the 13th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections meeting Feb. 5 to 8 in Denver. Much of the attention focused on the Strategies for Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (SMART) trial. As the largest HIV treatment trial ever, it had enrolled 5,472 of its planned 6,000 patients before being stopped Jan. 11. An interim analysis revealed that those in the arm that inter­ rupted therapy had more than twice the risk of dis­ ease progression as those who continued on therapy. The trial design had patients start treatment when their CD4 cell count dropped below 250. Half continued therapy uninterrupted, while half were randomized to stop therapy once their CD4 count climbed above 350. “The study showed that there was an increased risk of HIV complications and death in patients who used anti-HIV treatment intermittently. But even more surprisingly, they also had more com­ plications,” said Wafaa El-Sadr, a researcher at Columbia University and a leader of the SMART study. “A lot of the complications and deaths were not due to what we call HIV-related complications,” she added. They were related to increased risk for heart, liver and kidney disease. “We don’t under­ stand why. We have a lot to learn about what start­ ing and stopping does.” When asked what parameters she would be comfortable with for an interruption trial, El-Sadr said: “Clearly, we would like to go to a higher fCD4] threshold for restarting. In the SMART study, those who had depressed viral loads at base­ line, they did the worst, they had the highest risk of progression” with interruption. Mixed signals on interruptions came from a smaller trial in the Ivory Coast in West Africa that randomized patients to three arms: continuous therapy; the same CD4 start/stop criteria of the SMART trial; or a rotation of two months off and four months on therapy. It also stopped the SMART-like arm of the trial when “it found a 2.6 times higher rate of serious morbidity in the guided treatment arm, largely because of bacterial infections,” said investigator Christine Danel. The fixed rotation of two months off and four months on therapy is continu­ ing, as researchers did not see the same type or number of events, at least not so far. In contrast, an interruption trial in Thailand that reinitiated therapy whenever CD4 counts fell below 350 saw no signifi­ cant differences between that group and those who were on continuous therapy. “The general themes are, the more time you are on therapy the better; the lower the reinitiation threshold, the high­ AIDS researcher Wafaa El-Sadr describes her findings er the risk; the shorter the discontinuation about the ineffectiveness of intermittent HIV treatment. “WOMEN’S BOOKS AND RESOURCES .... ' the better,” said John Mellors, a University of Pittsburgh researcher and vice chairman of the conference. Interruptions are “something that no one would advocate for John Mellors, a University of Pittsburgh researcher, co-chaired the patients with a low CD4 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in February. count, somewhere below regimen of atazanavir/ritonavir (Reyataz) and 300.” He added: “There needs to be dialogue as to Combivir, then stopped taking the Combivir. whether we can even move forward with any of According to Swindells, after a year on the sin­ these interruption strategies. The downside of gle drug, only three of the 34 patients had a starting/stopping, starting/stopping, even for brief detectable viral load, though none showed resist­ periods of time...with another study we see 30 ance to atazanavir. Why did those three patients percent drug resistance. That’s not a gtxxl thing.” develop detectable levels of virus? Monitoring found Mike Youle is a researcher at the Royal Free periodic low levels of the drug in two of the three Hospital in London who writes for the National patients with detectable virus, suggesting they did AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project. In reviewing not regularly take their medicine. data on the handful of interruption trials, he Swindells said the findings “are extremely sim­ acknowledged that the issue is far from simple. It ilar” to a pilot study using Kaletra monotherapy. often might depend upon a patient’s coinfections She does not believe nucleoside drugs are powerful and exposure to other pathogens. enough to maintain sufficient suppression of the virus, while a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase He also noted that as anti-HIV regimens have become safe and easier to use, there is a greater inhibitor can be rendered impotent with a single willingness to remain on them and less pressure to viral mutation, so at this point, any single drug develop strategies such as interruptions to reduce strategy would have to be based upon a protease inhibitor. use of those drugs. However, one risk of this strategy in using Another possible strategy for reducing the drug burden is a simplification approach that uses a stan­ atazanavir is that it does not appear to penetrate dard cocktail of therapy to knock down the virus blood-brain barriers very well. One poster presen­ tation found that concentrations of the drug in and, once viral load is undetectable, to withdraw part of the regimen. • the cerebrospinal fluid “are highly variable and are 100-fold lower than plasma concentrations, even The theory is that a single drug might be powerful enough to destroy the small number of with ritonavir boosting.” It warned that these virus that emerge from sanctuary resting cells and concentrations might not protect against HIV replication in the fluid. tissue compartments without giving resistance a That raises the possibility of virus replicating chance to emerge. It would work best with a drug behind those “walls” in the central nervous system that requires several mutations for resistance to and brain, the eyes and the testes. That is a sig­ develop to that drug. nificant issue for both individual and public health. Susan Swindells described a small pilot study at Mellors acknowledged, “That has to be evaluated University of Nebraska Medical Center. The very carefully.’ © patients had to be on a regimen containing a protease inhibitor, with undetectable viral load for B ob R oehr is a free'lanee reporter based in at least a year and no previous drug failure. If they Washington, D.C. were not on it already, they were switched to a We cover both sides of the fence. --I’:.— COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! Our new store is open !xc < «scade N KtiUngsworth 5t. NE Attorta St. z J * s I J I NE Fretti«« St. ' Well find you a home and get you the loan. 8 NE Killingsworth (at Williams) and it is beautiful! 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