Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, January 06, 2006, Page 41, Image 41

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    JANUARY b, 2006 JUSt OUt 41
C ustom
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(Stimpson J. Cat) and an asthmatic Chihuahua named
Ren, who were, from all inferences (and interviews
with its creator), gay lovers. Not that sex really entered
into the equation with this series of demented and
bizarre cartoons that featured slimy body fluids, spas­
tic action, genre-bending outrageousness and a gor­
geous sense of color and design. This DVD set features
some commentaries and a featurette, but the episodes
themselves have been slightly edited.
edged toward “killer of the week" plots, the second
season focused more on Black and the Masonic-like
secret society for which he works. Horror and con­
spiracy theories combine as Millennium mines its
best season, but it’s the relationship between Black
and his young daughter that holds together the fragile
humanity behind the series. Unlike many police pro­
cedural shows that overuse queer criminals,
Millennium rarely relied on this trope. For those who
love atmospheric horror with a distinctive visual flair
and solid acting, this is your best bet. The DVD set also
features some featurettes and commentary tracks.
Hosted by:
CaTemme (Portland- 'Docmeshfa ci
La<Femme+ Internationai Celeste Towers
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Doors 7pm - Show 8pm
$5.00 Donation
Darcede XV Showplace
208 (NW 3rd Xue. - (Portland Oregon
Lost: The Complete First Season
Buena Vista
An airline flight from New Zealand crashes on an
island where mysteries abound. Why is no one rescu­
ing them? Why is there a polar bear on the island, as
well as an unseen gigantic monster? Are the four dozen
survivors really alone? Why do their past lives seem to
have so many intersections? The creators of Lost seem
to dole out the answers at a leisurely pace, but not so
slowly that it alienates viewers. The cast is uniformly
excellent as they attempt to rebuild some life on an
island devoid of comforts, and several of the leads are
awfully easy on the eyes. It seems astonishing though
that of 44 very diverse survivors, none of them is gay
or lesbian. Guess it’s another mystery of the island.
Despite the lack of queer characters, Lost is an excel­
lent thrill ride and an engrossing drama. The superb
DVD set has a raft load of extras, including documen­
taries, commentaries, audition tapes, unaired scenes
and more.
The Complete Second Season
Speaking of thrill rides and drama, Millennium
stars lance Henriksen as Frank Black, a dour serial
killer profiler in Seattle who works for a secretive
group that is ferreting out evil. While the first season
Drawn Together:
Season One Uncensored!
Saving the most audacious for last, here is a two-
disc set of the most offensively funny parody ever
broadcast on television. Drawn Together features
eight cartoon “types" put into a reality house and
filmed: a superhero, a storybook princess, a black-
and-white 1940s-era starlet, a Japanese anime crea­
ture, a mystery-solving singer, a video game hero and
more. Don’t eat or drink while watching this, or you
risk spills and projectile spewing, as the beloved car­
toon characters engage in the most adult-oriented
juvenilia ever animated. Watch for copious queer con­
tent, including a hilarious song duet as the bigoted
princess and the foxy African-American mystery solver
discover lesbian kissing in “Some Black Chick’s
Tongue,” and gape in amazement as God discusses his
true feelings about gays while in a gloryhole booth!
Extras include deleted scenes and karaoke, but a set
this funny barely needs the help. It’s a guaranteed
good time. •
A ndy M angels is a best-selling entertainment
author and DVD special features documentary
director. Visit his site at wu w.andymangels.com.
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