g just out • november 4.2005 Cwertfry Cycle (7 Works r"£ryhjry r 'Ol 2| Richard Voss, GRI 7TïrT7Trî7Tïlne ws briefs abr Principal Broker / Owner A n A lternative to the A lternative Peninsula Realty 6110 N. Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203 Business (503) 286-5826 Cell (503) 804-9424 •Full Service Real Estate Office On Site Real Estate School Full Service Property Management Se habla Español •Notary Services •Fax Machine Services • In-office Closings »QUAI HOUStNC •On-site Mortgage Broker OPROR 'UNIT < Profeooiona I Seri 'ice Comfortable Btkeo Recunibento a Specialty! (COME SEE WHY!) Sec acct AcCfi chanted ad in (¿tie ii^ac Open Tuesday-Sunday 230-7723 2025 SE Hawthorne richard.vosstp century21 com www.century2lpeninsula.com Each office is independently owned and operated RingSide Gift Cards make great stocking staffers!" Ed Whelan Sports Newscaster KOIN TV 6 RÍNqSidE. Best steaks in town since 1944! DOWNTOWN GLENDOVEER N.W. 22nd & W. Burnside 140th & N.E. 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So, in spite of all the violent, unhealthy and oppressive messages that teach girls to hate themselves and their Fxxl- ies, Girls Inc. helps them value what makes them unique,” Mitchell wrote in The Oregonian. Heralding news of a new queer rag in Port land, publishing newbie Tony “le tigre” Lock- wtxxl posted an announcement on the classified site Craigslist.org stating: “Are you a queer or queerophile who thinks Just Out sucks?” The listing, fueled by bravado, according to Ltx^kwixxJ, continued to read: “Me too! Would you like to do something about it?” From the listing and a cadre of buddies, Lockwood has assembled a motley crew of artists, T ime T aps writers, Satanists, mis Q ueer T eens anthropes and others Time magazine, a publi champing at the bit to get cation whose political tone published. has been caught shifting L<x:kw<xxJ describes the with whichever team is win project, called Dreck, a$> a ning, printed the Oct. 10 “mega-zine,” combining cover story “The Battle Over the irreverence of The Port Gay Teens.” land Mercury with the queer The article was well- audience of Just Out, plus researched and chock full of the content of a literary statistics about teens coming journal. out at earlier ages and creat “I envision Dreclc as the ing record-breaking numbers Mercury meets Just Out Tony “le tigre” Lockwood is starting of Gay Straight Alliances in meets a literary periodical,” middle and high schools. a new queer rag titled Dreck. said Lockwood. “In other Among the handful of queer words, crass humor plus queemess plus literature teens featured was Matthew Vail of Gresham, and arts.” who spoke about his family’s growing accep Lockwocxl’s prior publishing high point was tance of his sexuality. winning a “letter of the week” award in the The mainstream magazine article, with clout Mercury for writing a letter to the editor stating to help set the national temperature, printed that Willamette Week would have to pay him to statements such as “At many schools around the continue reading the free publication. country, it is now profoundly uncool to be seen He expects to debut Dreck by late November as anti-gay.” or early December and plans to distribute the Time readers made their voices heard in a free publication quarterly. mixed bag of letters both applauding and “1 want Dreck to be the Addams family with scolding the publication and its coverage of in the rainbow family,” LockwixxJ said. gay teens. For more information e-mail One particularly vicious reader from Studio dedril@hotmail.com. City, Calif., wrote: “Homosexuality is a mistak en concept. Evil has become good, and good S iding with G irls evil. We Americans are witnessing the moral Oregonian writer S. Renee Mitchell dedicat death of our nation.” Such a letter was balanced with the fol ed her Oct. 26 column to defending Girls Inc. against accusations that the national organiza lowing, from a Los Angeles reader: “Oh, if tion is a “pro-abortion, pro-lesbian advcxracy” only my generation had had gay-straight group. groups back in the 1950s, when I was a lonely The accusation came from the American teen who thought of myself as a disgusting, Family Association, a Mississippi-based reli repulsive pervert!” gious group, and the Pro-Life Action League, an anti-abortion group from Chicago. The organi O n G uard in E ugene zations are promoting a boycott of products The city of Eugene is facing a decision about produced by one of Girls Inc.’s top financial sup whether to join 79 other cities, counties and porters, American Girl, which sells children’s states that have added gender identity to the list books and collector dolls. of classes protected from discrimination in pub From the group’s Web site, www.girlsinc.com, lic employment, housing and accommodations. Mitchell points out that the group’s stance on According to the Eugene Register-Guard’s coverage from Oct. 19, “Commissioners are united in their support for such a law; the sticking point is whether it should include a requirement that people claiming to he of a certain gender show proof—such as a driver’s license or therapist’s letter—that they really are that gender.” In a political twist, some transgender women support a caveat requiring proof of gender from people attempting to enter restrcxjms, locker nxims and public showers. The article stated, “A handful of critics, including some transgender women, say it’s appropriate to require documentation—in the interests of protecting women and children from being exposed to male genitalia in female- oriented public spaces.” Others suggest this requirement begs for abuse. “Such d(x:umentation is discriminatory and smacks of Big Brother,” Judy Moseley, a member of the Lane County Human Rights Committee, told the Register-Guard. “Who’s going to ask for the documentation, and who’s it going to be Time magazine outraged conservatives with a cover story on queer youth. asked of?" JT! WATCH