32 JUSt OUt » October 21.2Û05 Metro: Mental Health YWCA of Greater Portland Counseling Center offers sliding fee scale counseling for individuals, cou pies and groups in a safe, confidential and supportive environment. Also offers a Sexual Minorities Women Support Group on Thursdays and an FtM Trauma Survivor Support Group on Wednesdays. (1111 SW 10th Ave 503-294 7440) Bradley Angle House provides emergency shelter for woman-identified domestic violence survivors and a support group for women battered by women Also pro­ vides individual support and advocacy for women who have experienced emotional, physical or sexual abuse in their relationships. Free, confidential and safe (Crisis: 503-281 2442 Business: 503 232-7805. ext 3 emilyg@bradleyangle org) Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence serves survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Linn and Benton counties and offers a 24-hour hot line, con­ fidential shelter, legal and hospital advocacy, safety planning and support groups (Crisis 541 754-0110 or 800-927-0197 Business 541-7580219) Clackamas Women's Services offers shelter, sup­ port and resource referral to survivors of domestic and sexual violence Lesbian, bi and trans fnendly Wheelchair accessible. TTD. relay calls and collect calls accepted (Cnsis 503654-2288 Business: 503-7222366) Portland Women’s Crisis Line offers free and confi­ dential services for survivors of domestic and sexual vio­ lence. It operates a 24-hour crisis intervention hot line and provides information and referrals for shelter, coun­ seling and support groups Sexual assault advocates and foreign language translation available (503-235-5333 or 888235-5333 www pwcl.org.) Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) provides SOCIAL Metro: Arts & Music • Creative Connection (formerly Real Connection) is a social gathering for gay men who are artists, writers or musicians or who pursue some creative activity Noncommercial, nonjudgmental; supporting personal creativity for novices and professionals alike. Monthly potlucks on the second Friday (7 pm Cad 503-284-2971.) Portland Gay Men's Chorus is open to singers, support members and volunteers. (503-226-2588 www pdxgmc org.) Metro: Recovery CityGuys part of the Men’s Prevention and Wellness Extended Family hosts queer friendly Alcoholics department at Cascade AIDS Project, strives to help Portland queer men keep informed and stay healthy by offenng information, referrals and safer-sex supplies. Look for staff and volunteers out and about in bright yel­ low T-shirts1 (503-223-5907 cityguys@cascadeaidsorg) Anonymous meetings at Metropolitan Community Church of Portland. (5 30 pm daily 2400 NE Broadway 503 281 8868) Planned Parenthood of the Columbia/Willamette provides confidential and affordable sexual and reproductive health care, including STD testing and treatment. 20-minute anonymous HIV tests, annual exams and condoms. Sliding-fees, insur­ ance welcomed Se habla español Health centers in Southeast and Northeast Portland, Gresham. Beaverton, Salmon Creek, Salem. Bend and Vancouver, Wash. (800-230-7526 wwwppcw.org ) Portland GLBTQ Yoga Alliance, a group of teach ers from various traditions and studios, helps sexual minority and HIV-positive people find yoga classes that are specifically welcoming and/or experienced in addressing their special needs. (www gayyogaportland com bart@stonewallschool org ) The Triangle Project at ASAP Treatment Services is Oregon's only alcohol and drug addiction treatment program specifically for the queer commu­ nity Safe, respectful, confidential and effective since 1986. (503 224-0075 www asaptx org.) Metro: Sexual The Multnomah County Lunch Bunch hosts queer-fnendly Alcoholics Health Department STD Anonymous meetings at Metropolitan Community Church of Portland. (Noon daily, 1 pm Sunday 2400 NE Broadway 503-281 8868) Program offers testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. HIV testing and hepati­ tis A and B vaccinations. By appointment or walk-in. Most insurance plans accepted; sliding- scale fee. Se habla español. (9 am-430 pm Monday Friday except 12:30-430 pm Wednesday 426 SWStark St.. Sixth Floor. 503 988-3700) Live and Let Live Club offers the sexual minorities community a safe place to find friendship, recovery and clean-and-sober activities Meeting space available for 12-step groups. (1210 SE Seventh Ave 503-2386091.) Rainbow Recovery Al Alon is a 12 step group of queer and questioning people who support one another in recovering from the effects of another person's drink­ ing. (6-730pm Thursday. 1244 NE39th Ave 503-223-8822, ext. 1. wwwalanonportlandoregonorg) Rush Hour Reprieve is an open Alcoholics Queer Love Action Network for Discovery Anonymous meeting. (5 30 pm Monday-Fnday 1210 SE Seventh Ave. 503-772-5213.) (Q-LAND) an HIV/STD prevention organization, pro­ Sex Addicts Anonymous is a 12-step program for vides resources and referrals on men's health chal­ lenges and holds bar testing, touching, yoga, film salon and other events promoting wellness and intimacy. (503-223-8822. mfo&qland org. www gland org.) those suffering from addictive sexual behaviors. Any gender and sexual onentation is welcome Weekly gay and lesbian-friendly meeting at Alano Club focuses on Steps 1 -2-3 and the spiritual solution. (7-8 pm Tuesday Willamette Valley: Health nity choir that welcomes singers, supportive members and volunteers. (503-453-4117 www.plchoir.org.) Rose City Gay Freedom Band is a performance group for queers and supportive friends of varying musi­ cal skill levels with annual fall and spring concerts Subgroups include the Rose City Swing band and a marching band with flag corps. Come jom us! (503-7902170. info@rcgfb.org. wwwrcgfb.org.) Satori Men's Chorus welcomes new members of all ages and races, regardless of sexual orientation or musical background, to join Wednesday rehearsals. No audition necessary (503-299-4454. www.satorichorus.org) center affiliated with Pearl Program and Gallery in Dallas, has certified profession­ als specializing in adoption, couples, sexual abuse, dream work and eating disorders. (Michelle Cox 503-831-0618.) Womenspace provides a confidential shelter for waiT female ancestors, (famhistnw@aol.com.) year round, including hiking, walking, cross­ country and downhifl skiing, rafting and mountain biking (PO Box 2201. Portland. OR 97208-2201 wwwadventuregrouporg.) Imperial Sovereign Roce Court of Oregon is the oldest gay. lesbian, bi and trans social/fund-raising orga­ nization in the state of Oregon. Meetings are the first two Mondays of each month, (www.rosecourt.org.) Amazon Dragons Paddling Club Jewish Gay Men's Group— please call for meeting invites women 16 and older to join Portland's only out lesbian dragon boat team. Be part of the fun and fitness with this dynamic group (www.amanondragons.org.) time and place (503-2465939 efraimlevi@aolcom.) Keshet Portland is a potluck group for Jewish members of the sexual minorities community and their partners, spouses and supporters. Its purpose is to help build bridges with the larger Jewish community. Monthly social, religious and cultural events. (David 503-226-7079. ext. 14.) The Forest Group outings are coopera­ tive adventures for women Participants are responsible for providing their own equip!- ment and choosing outings appropriate for their skill and fitness level. All skill levels welcome. (Dawn and Tarm 503-659-2782 ncc1127@yahoocom. www.geocittescom/nccl 127/forestpdx) Metro: General Asian & Pacific Islander Lesbians and Gays is a nonprofit community voice for gay, lesbian and bi Asian and Pacific Islanders. Activities include potlucks, recreational outings and cultural events. Friendly envi­ ronment to meet and connect with other API. (PO Box 12661. Portland. OR 97232. aplg_.pdx@yahoo.com) Bad Girls is a social and educational leather and B/D/S/M dub for self-identified women with an empha­ sis on safety and education. Workshops, discussions, events and parties Women of all orientations can con­ nect and ask questions dunng the Kinky Women’s Welcoming Munch at 7 pm every second Tuesday (503972-2233 www.pdxbadgirls.net) Cascade Flyers are gay, lesbian and bi aviators, both private and professional, in Washington. Oregon and southern British Columbia Dinner meetings in Portland area. (503-701-7922. casftyers@yahoo.com. www.geodties.com/casffyers) and third Friday of each month at Gail's Dirty Duck Tavern (9 pm-midnight. 439 NW Third Ave. 503-224-8446 earl@leathercigarboy.com.) Lesbians Enjoying Nature and Science (LENS) is a fun-loving group of women who enjoy Lesbians with Degrees is a social group for intel­ lectual women and those who want to meet them (Lani 503-233-3557. Jom listserv at LesbianswDegrees-subscnbe@yahoogroups.com .) Lulu's Pervy Playhouse is a social group for self­ identifying women who are into S/M. Play parties are held on the second Saturday of the month. (503-231-3992. dykedadi@comcast.net www luluspervyplayhouse org.) Men Over 40 is a small, socially supportive group that meets second and fourth Thursdays. (503-777-1376.) Oregon Men Enjoying Naturism is a social organi­ zation for gay male natunsts/nudists. Potluck social third Sunday of every month, (omenpdx@yahoo.com. *www geocites com//omenpdx) A Common Bond is a social support network for for­ PDX FTM Is a social group for female to-male trans mer or questioning Jehovah's Witnesses who are queer. iacbport/and^webfv.netJ men and their significant others, friends, families and allies (gmups.yahoo com/gruup/PDXJTM) Coqsure is a social group for people who were assigned a female sex at birth but identify otherwise (femaleto-mafe. genderqueer, drag king, etc) First Sunday meetings are open to partners and families of any configuration (503471-1515. groups.yahoo, com/group/coqsure) PDX Lesbo Nerds invite interesting, intelligent women 35 and older to socialize while playing board games bke Scrabble and Spades (gamesgroups.yahoo.com/group/PdxLesboNerds) 50+ lesbian social group for women meets on the third Saturday of the month. (4- 7 pm. 503642-3360 or 503-286-3575.) Fem2fem social group forming for feminine singles between 30 and 50 (fem2fempdx@yahoo com.) FTM Pacific NW OR A WA is a social and discus­ sion group for female-to-male trans men (groups .yahoo.com/group/FTM_ PacidcNW) Funny Ladies a social group for nice lesbians 35 and older as weS as their friends and loved ones, holds potlucks on the second Saturday of each month. (503-6397488 8ataps@yahoo.com) Genealogy group forming. Gather with other lesbian researchers to trace your family tree and tackle “brick- The Gay Women's Golf Group wel­ comes all levels of players. (www. turfgirin. com) exploring all aspects of the environment. Activities include bird watching, nature walks, archaeology, camp­ ing. kayaking, star gazing and an occasional “lecture" No experience necessary. (6:458:30 pm second Thursday planning meeting Laurie 503-977-2903 lensnews@yahoo. com.) The Lesbian Garden Club is a group of women who love gardens and gardening They exchange plants, seeds, advice and encouragement while having a good time. Call or e-mail for a copy of the newsletter and information about upcoming events (Peggy 503 909-2002. Igc@spiritone.com.) The gay Pinochle Group meets Sundays at Hobo's. Come play cards and meet the gang New players always welcome (6 pm 120 NW Third Ave Mike 503-641 7224) Poder Latino is a nonprofit social community voice group for gay. lesbian, bt and trans people that reaches out to Latinos and Latinas by organizing events and retreats and advocating HIV prevention Meets every other Monday at Outside hi (6:30 pm. 1030 SW 13th Ave Hugo 503-997-8615 or Audencio 503-261 5463) Portland Bisexual Women is a discussion, social and support group for tx and questioning women. (503-347 5817. portfandbrwomen@comcastnet ■www portiandbiwomen fneeservem com) Portland Leather Alliance is one of the largest pansexual. nonprofit B/D/S/M. leather aid fetish lifestyle organizations in the Northwest. Regula social Gay dancer Mike Barber performs Oct. 21 at Conduit. Charms a nonprofit counseling Leather Night and Red Hanky Social are the first Portland Lesbian Choir is a nonauditioned commu­ 1 909 NW 24th Ave. Second Floor 503-452-5961 www port landsaa org) Lesbian Equestrian Group gets together for equestnan activities in the Pacific Northwest. (Denise 503-654-3865 Lynn 503-777 2339 kelrav@rdrop.com) National Gay Basketball League is forming a chapter in Portland to represent Oregon in the 2006 Gay Games. (www ngba us/portland/pdx htm.) CoHo Productions presents Nixon's Nixon through Nov. 26. and educational opportunities, including KinkFest. Leather Ball, kind auctions and Fall Vendors Fair (wwwpdxleatheralhance org.) Portland Leather Men meet every second Saturday for potluck and socializing Meet men into a leather lifestyle and keep abreast of leather happenings. No dues, no formal organization, no officers or board, just leather socialization for the past 21 years. <360-8966665. plm@direcway.com.) Portland Metro Prime Timers is a social group for mature gay men and those who appreciate them, com­ ing together for social, educational and cultural purpos­ es. (PO Box 5884. Portland. OR 97228. 503286-4613 or 360693-5506. pdxpnmehmers@yahoo.com. www.geodties.com/pdxprimetimers.) Rainridere Motorcycle Club meets weekly at the Roxy Ride your bike or just come meet the group Everyone welcome. (10 am Sunday. 1121 SW Siark St. www.pdx-rrmc.com) Rose City Discussion Club the largest open pan- sexual/aiternative sexuality club in the Northwest, is open to all orientations, fetishes and lifestyles that are safe, sane and consensual. Monthly meetings, work­ shops and newsletter. (503-972-1869 rcdc@teleport.com www.rcdc.org) Soyboys Vegetarian Men's Group is a fun. social gathering for gay and bi men who are interested in a healthy vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. A variety of activities and monthly potlucks on the last Friday (veggieguysQaol com.) Women of the Rivers, the Portland/Vancouver chapter of the Women on Wheels Motorcycle Club meets monthly at Elmer's, sponsors riding clinics and takes day trqas. (7:15 pm second Thursday 9848 N Whitaker Road www hevanet.com/chama/wow) Metro: Physical Recreation Adventure Group organizes a variety of activities Out Dancing teaches dancing for same adults and children who have been abused physically, sexually or emotionally; a 24-hour hot line; and a drop-in advocacy center for any victim of domestic violence. Spanish speaking available Hosts a lesbian and bi women's support group. (Crisis: 800-281-2800. Business: 541-485-8232.) wanting to participate (503-736-3292. www. teamoregon2006. org.) Team Tennis meets Sundays at University of Portland. All levels of play welcome. First time is free, subsequent times are $3. Please join us! (8 am-noon. 503-516-8329. teamportlandtennis@yahoo com. Southern Oregon: Social Abdill-Ellis Lambda Community Center plays host to social events and groups. Call for schedule. (Suite 112. 208 Oak St., Ashland. Mailing address: PO Box 927. Ashland. OR 97520. 541488-6990 www abdeliis org.) Douglas County HIV Resource Center hosts Gay Men's Movie Night every second Friday and a Gay Potluck every last Friday in Roseburg. (7 pm movie. 5-8 pm potluck. 832 Highland St. 541 -440-2761) Washington: Social Social Group for Single Lesbians in the Vancouver area hosts movies, dining out, camping trips, concerts and more. (360-666-6227. rainmyheart@aol. com.) Willamette Valley: Physical Recreation Frontrunners and Walkers is a queer fitness and social group in Eugene that meets every Saturday morn­ ing (9 am. 15th and Agate Sadie 541-683-2692 or Hank 541-484-6259.) sex couples at Ankeny Street Studio. Classes for different dance styles start the first Friday of each month: countty, swing, tango, cha-cha, etc. Call for schedule (503-236-5129. out_dancing@yahoo.com . home.att.net/-outdancing.) Eugene's GLBT Tennis Group meets every Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting. (Noon. West 20th Avenue and Polk Street kfranken8@yahoo com.) OutKayaking. Portland's gay and lesbian sea kayak Capitol Forum is a gay/lesbian nonprofit social ser­ vice organization serving the mid Willamette Valley. (503-363-0006 PO Box 663. Salem. OR 97308 0663 www.satemcforg.) group, explores the lakes, rivers and bays of Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington. (www outkayaking.org.) Willamette Valley: Social Pacific Coast Boating Club provides opportuni Confluence: The Willamette Valley Mixed ties for gay and lesbian boaters to come together for fun on local rivers and promotes safe boating. (paccoastboatdub@comcast net) GALA Chorus rehearses Sundays at Unitarian Portland Avalanche rugby team is always seeking new players for practices Mondays and Wednesdays Aug. 29-Nov. 12 at East Delta Park. (630-8.30 pm. 10737 N Union Court 503-715-3122 www.avalancherugby org.) Portland Gay X Lesbian Community Bowling Association Is in its 28th season! Meets Sundays at Hollywood Bowl. Drop-ins welcome anytime. (3 30 pm 4030 NE Halsey St. Mailing address: PO Bpx 42034. Portland. OR 97242 503 722-0438 pdxbowf@comcast.net www.pdxbowi com.) Whether you’re a running novice or a seasoned marathoner. Portland Frontrunners welcomes gay. lesbian, bi and trans people of all abilities and interests (Gary into@portiandfrontrunners.org. www portlandfrontrunners org.) Rosetown Ramblers. Portland's gay and lesbian square dance dub. dances at mainstream and plus levels (PO Box 5352. Portland. OR 972285352 www.rosetownramblers.com) Ruby Red Flippers, a group of gay and lesbian scuba divers m the Portland area, teaches new recruit and takes dives in Tacoma. Hood Canal and other Pacific Northwest waters, (njbyredfhppers@yahoo.com www rubyredfbppers.org) Team Oregon, the umbrella sports group coordinating efforts for Outgames 2006 in Montreal aid Gay Games 2006 in Chicago, holds monthly meetings for those Universalist Congregation of Salem. (4-6:30 pm. 5090 Center St. NE. 503-364-2370. conftuence@aol.com. www.confhjencechorus.org.) Eugene's GLBT Movie Night group gets together every Thursday to view and discuss queer films. (7 pm. kfranken8@yahoo. com.) Family Values meets monthly to provide a social support network created by and for queer youth, families and allies (541-485-9953 family_values_pnde@hotmail.com) Lavender Womyn t$ a warm and friendly lesbian group with chapters in Salem. Eugene and Portland for support, fun and friendship Game nights, bowing, bar­ becues. bunco, camping, flag football, etc. (Kim 503-581-5102. www.lavenderwomyn.com.) Marionberry Salon meets monthly tn Salem for potlucks and discussion of books touching on the gay/lesbian/bi experience. (Cary 503 363-6036 marionberryseion@aol com.) The Fellowship Group, a gay men's activity group m the greater Salem Keizer area, holds monthly potlucks, city walks, hikes, movie nights and special events (salemfellowsNpgrmjp@yahoo com. www feHowshipgroup org.) Together Works is a confidential group in McMinnville for queers and their friends to get together for soaal events and discussions of topes of mutual interest. Meets second and fourth Mondays at First Baptist Church. (7 pm. 125 SE Cowls St. Don 503-434-6266.)