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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 2005)
.... September 2. 2005 » j—St OMtjgj ADVICE ............... ▼................ SP I RITI ALIT Y Metro: Spirituality Ainsworth United Church of Christ is a multicultural, multiracial, open and affirming, just peace congregation (2941 NE Ainsworth St 5032848767) Anawim Community of gay men meets weekly for Christian meditation and prayer (7.30 pm Thursday 503 2810722 ) Atkinson Memorial Church a Unitarian Universalist church, provides a spiritual home for those looking for a liberal-minded, supportive and caring congregation in Oregon City. (10:30 am Sunday 710 Sixth St. 503-656 7296 ) Bridgeport United Church of Christ is a joyful community working for justice, nurtunng peace and exploring and celebrating our progressive Christian faith We are queer and straight, multicultural and multiracial, and our children are valued members. Good coffee, cool people, hot church! (11 am Sunday 621 NE 76th Ave 503-258 0992 www.bndgeportucc org) Community of Welcoming Congregations an interfaith ministry of spiritual congregations in Oregon and Southwest Washington that welcome and affirm people of all sexual onentations. provides pastoral care, advocacy, education and consultation (503-665 8741 2025 NE 23rd St.. Gresham Mailing address: PO Box 14948, Portland. OP 97293 www. welcomingcongregations org.) Congregation P'nai Or (Faces of Light) is a vibrant, egalitanan, Jewish Renewal congregation in Portland Meets several times a month at St Mark Presbyterian Church. (9750 SW Terwilliger Blvd 503-248 4500 Eastrose Fellowship Unitarian Universalist a welcoming congregation, offers Sunday service and children's religious education. (10 30 am 1133NE 181st Ave . Gresham 503-665-2628 office@eastrose. org. www eastrose. org.) Eckankar—Religion of the Light and Sound of God holds worship services and maintains a library of matenals. Learn how you can work daily with the Divine Spirit in your own life (10 am Sunday 7904 SE Milwaukie Ave 503-233-1595 www eckankar. org ) Elevation a gay Chnstian rock band, invites you to join us for energetic, inspinng jams and powerful. •spiritual messages at Metropolitan Community Church of Portland. (6 pm Sunday 2400 NE Broadway 503-281 8868) Enneagram Community of Portland offers mentoring, therapy, spiritual direction, classes, workshops and retreats. (enneagrampdx@aol com www enneagramportland com.) Faith United Methodist Church is a welcoming congregation that values and affirms the sacredness of all people. We invite and encourage everyone to find a place in the family of God. (10:15am Sunday 27400 SE Stark St.. Troutdale 503 661-4520.) First Congregational United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation in the liberal Chnstian tradition Church school and nursery care. (10:25 am Sunday. 1126 SW Park Ave. 5032287219) First Congregational United Church of Christ of Hillsboro is an open and affirming congregation explicitly welcoming everyone into its Christian community, fellowship and worship Bible and book study groups. Sunday school and nursery care (10 30 am Sunday 494 E Main St 503-648-4341. www.hillsboro-ucc org.) First Unitarian Church of Portland is an open and affirming liberal religious community offenng a wide range of programs to nurture spmtual growth, community and social justice Sunday service 9 and 11 am. (1011 SW 12th Ave 503 228 6389 www firstunitarianportland. org.) Nichiren Buddhist Temple of Portland offers several weekly gathenngs Everyone welcome1 (10 am Sunday. 7:30 am Tuesday and Thursday 7 30 pm Wednesday meditation. 2025 SE Yamhill St. 503-232-8064 Peace Church of the Brethren is a welcoming congregation (11 am Sunday 12727 SE Market St 503 254-6380) Portland Center for Spiritual Growth is a center for worship, growth and leadership that adheres to an all-inclusive spmtual philosophy similar to 12 step, Unity and Religious Science Impromptu wedding ceremonies available. (503-777-0727. www portlandcenter org.) Integrity is a group of sexual minority Episcopalians and friends Various locations throughout Oregon. (Steven Norcross or Bruce 503286-9111 brucepdxorQcomcast net www integrityusa org.) Interfaith Spiritual Center houses spmtual directors from various world religious traditions, who are available for guidance, classes and retreats (Second Floor. 3910 SE 11th Ave 503-233-2026. ext 3 www interfaithsprntualcenter com.) Koinonia Catholic Community s a progressive, small faith community that gathers weekly to celebrate Euchanst at Bridgeport United Church of Christ. A welcoming congregation. Catholic in tradition and Ecumenical in membership (6 pm Sunday 621 NE 76th Ave 503 6990473 www koinoniacommunity org.) Metanoia Peace Community United Methodist Church is a ‘house church" that brings gay and straight together Daily morning prayer and Sunday evening worship (503 281 3697 www tearsoup com/metanora ) Metropolitan Community Church of Portland Holds ecumenical Sunday morning worship services at 9 and 11 am Sunday school for children is held dunng the 11 am service (2400 NE Broadway 503 281 8868 mfoOmccportiand com www mccportiand com.) open and affirming with worship, children's school and child care. (10 am summer. 11 am school year 3300 SE Woodward St 503 238-1337. pastor&waverlyucc org www waverlyucc org ) Wy'east Unitarian Universalist Congregation is an open and liberal religious Rose City Park Presbyterian Church Zion United Church of Christ an open and a member of the Community of Welcoming Congregations and the Covenant Network of Presbytenans. is a vibrant, inclusive community of faith. All God's children are welcome to join in our life and worship. (10 am Sunday 1907 NE 45th Ave www rosecityparkpres. org.) affirming congregation, is open to gay, lesbian, bi, trans and heterosexual people who wish to worship in a Chnst-centered, warm, caring, mult'age/race/cultural faith community. (11 am Sunday 110:30 am summer! 2025 NE23rd Ave.. Gresham. 503-665 8741 ) Soka Gakkai International, a huge world peace Buddhist organization, holds monthly Rainbow Group meetings to talk about Buddhism and whbre queers can become familiar with a philosophy that has always had a place for everyone. (1805 SE Ankeny St. 503 230-1038 Southminster Presbyterian Church is an active member of the Community of Welcoming Congregations Sunday school, nursery care, classes, community service activities and events for all ages and interests (9 am Sunday chapel service. 1Ckam Sunday mam worship service. 12250 SW Denney Poad. Beaverton. 503-644 2073 staffQsouthmin. com. www southmm corn-) St. Andrew Catholic Church invites all to join a diverse faith community for prayer and fellowship (930 am Sunday Noon Spanish language service 806 NE Alberta St 503 281 4429 ) St. Brigid Celtic Anabaptist Community is a newly developing group connecting ancient traditions and future visions to manifest liberty, peace and justice. Now meeting for discussion, study and meditation. (Sarah 503-757-7545 www stbngidcac. co. nr ) St. James Lutheran Church a Reconciled in Christ congregation, welcomes all people for traditional, liturgical worship where we expenence God's reconciling love that sets all people free (9 and 11 am Sunday 1315 SW Park Ave 503-227-2439 www st/ameslutheranportland org.) St. Stephen's Episcopal Church has been welcoming all people since 1863 (12:10 pm Wednesday and 7 45 and 10 am Sunday Sunday school and child care at 10 am 1432 SW 13th Ave 503 223-6424 ) SisterSpirit offers women's spirituality celebrations, discussion groups, a drumming circle, workshops and classes Schedule of events available All women are welcome (Suite 102. 3430 SE Belmont St. Mailing address: PO Box 9246. Portland. OP 97207 503 736-3297 sistersp@teleport. com) Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Washington County is an open and affirming liberal religious community offenng a vanety of enrichment programs m addition to community and social action opportunities (9 and 11 am Sunday 22785 NW Birch St . Hillsboro 503648 1720 YOUTH Central Oregon: Spirituality United Church of Christ Congregational is an open and affirming congregation in The Dalles. (920 am adult Sunday school, 10:30 am worship (9 30 am summer!. 111 E Fifth St 541 2962909 ucccongl&netcnct. net www forministry com/usorucofcucocc) Washington: Spirituality Abundant Life Center assists the community in spiritual growth. (10 am Sunday. 111 W39th St.. Vancouver The Pev,Kathleen Verigin 360-573 2626 www abundant life-center org.) First Congregational United Church of Christ has been an open and affirming congregation since 1992, extending God's extravagant welcome to all people, no matter who they are or where they are on life's journey (1220 NE 68th St.. Vancouver 360 693 1476 www vancouverucc org) Longview United Methodist Church is welcoming and reconciling (10 am Sunday 2851 30th Ave . Longview 360 425-4927 ) Metropolitan Church of the Gentle Shepherd welcomes you Bible study follows morning worship (10 30 am and 6 30 pm Sunday. 2200 Broadway St.. Vancouver The Pev Harriet Barshofsky 360-695 1480 ) Michael Servitus Unitarian Universalist Fellowship a Welcoming Congregation, provides a home for the literal religious spirit (9 30 and 1115 am Sunday 4505 E 18th St.. Vancouver 360695 1891.) St. Luke's Episcopal Church has welcomed all people since 1853. Traditional but never stuffy. (English: 8 and 10:30 am Sunday Spanish: 1 pm Sunday Child care at 10:30 am. 426 E Fourth Plain Blvd., Vancouver. The Pev. John Allen 360-696-0181 www stlukeschurch. info.) Willamette Valley: Spirituality First Congregational Church. United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation offenng worship and church school Child care provided and wheelchair accessible (9 30 am Sunday learning hour. 10 30 am worship 700 Marion St NE. Salem 5033633660) Metropolitan Community Church Two Rivers is a Christian church with primary outreach in the sexual minorities community (6 30 pm Sunday 1166 Oak St.. Eugene ) (SMYRC) offers support, recreation, counseling ||| Metro: Youth Children of Loobiftno and Evorv whore (COLAGE) is the only international organization specifically supporting young people with sexual minority parents, ( www Gay, Lesbian and Straight ~~ "ten Metwork CGLSEN) strives to assure tfwt each and referral to gay, lesbian bt and trans kids 23 and younger Drop In computer access, pool tables and an informal place to hang out Weekly trims, leadership and art support group meetings (4-9 pm Wednesday, 4-11 pm Friday. 2100 SE Belmont St. 503-872-9664 www.smyrc org.) Eastern Oregon: Youth Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living offers support and advocacy to gay, lesbian, member of every school community is valued and respected, regardtess of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression (12700 SW North Dakota St.. Suite 180 »129. Tigard. OP 97223. 503-525-1177 gisen&glsenoregon org www.glsenoregon org) Washington: Youth Outekfe In operates a dm for anyone who can't Trip!* Point offers education, support and qualify for the Oregon Health Plan as well as needle exchange services that include those who inject hormones Provide transitional housing for youth 20 and younger and for those FflV-positive and younger than 23 Need vdunteers of afl ages (10 am 6 pm Monday-Friday. 1132 SW 13th Ave 503535 3800 www outsidem org) advocacy to gay. lesbian, bi. trans and questioning youth m Vancouver Meets every Tuesday m the basement of Youth House. (6-8 pm 1112 Columbia St John 360695-1325) Pride Project brings together Washington County Gey, Lesbian, BL Transgender and Questioning Youth Group for ages 13 to 18 queer and questioning youth to plan and attend monthly social events Also information, referral and advocacy services in Washington County. (Austin 503 260-5792. euttmOprideproject org ) Sexual Minority Youth Roeource Center Tm sick of mopping up my stupid friend’s mess! Waverly Heights United Church of Christ is Portland Radical Faeries meet twice a month with potlucks and circles at the full moon and the new moon. Open to all men seeking alternative spiritual growth and community Coffee hours start 9 30 am Saturdays at 3 Friends Coffeehouse, 201 SE 12th Ave. (503 235 0826 otterQpcez com ) Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship is a support organization for former and current Adventists who are queer as well as their family and fnends (PO Box 49375. Sarasota. FL 34230-6375. 866 732 5677. office@sdakinship org. www. sdakinship. org.) Fool me twice University Park United Methodist Church is a small, diverse, open and progressive community of faith that extends a warm welcome to all people (10 am Sunday 4775 N Lombard St 503 289-7843 www.upumc net.) community offenng intergenerational services and religious education for youth and adults. We welcome gay. lesbian, bi and trans members and nurture spiritual growth living by Unitarian Universalist principles. (5 pm Sunday 3300 SE Woodward St. 503-777-3704 www wyeast.pnwd. uua. org.) Gay and Lesbian Outreach (GALO) of St Philip Neri Catholic Church celebrates an affirming Mass followed by a social (7.30 pm Friday Paulist Center. 2408 SE 16th Ave 503 231-4955 ) www uuccwc org) bi. trans and questioning youth in Eastern Oregon (1021 SW Fifth Ave. Ontario 5418893119or 866-248-8369 Willamette Valley: Youth offers support, information and fun m Eugene Free, confidential, adult facilitated (Drop tn 4-6 pm Friday Amazon Community Center. 2700 HHyerd St. 541 684-3466) • but right now she can’t help it; her For about six frustrating and months, my friend seemingly willful Stacey has been a inability to see mess. Her love that she’s being interest, a younger screwed is woman I’ll call something that happens to nearly Maude, has tortured all of us at some her with ambivalent point when we fall mixed messages, manipulations and for the wrong even nasty criticism person. . All you can do about Stacey in bed. Whenever Maude is treat your friend Ms. Behavior mistreats Stacey, I’m with love and by Meryl Cohn there to mop up the patience and help mess. her up when she Their gets kicked. “relationship” finally seemed to end Hopefully, someday, when you’ve last month, and Stacey and I made a similarly tragic choice in planned to go away for the weekend your love life, she’ll do the same for together, but suddenly Maude came | you- back around full force. So Stacey ran off with Maude for the weekend D ear M s . B ehavior : instead and now claims that she’s My partner and I are planning to totally happy and that all the officially “tie the knot” for our 20th problems that existed a few weeks anniversary. We had originally ago have magically disappeared. planned on keeping it very private, Can terribly manipulative dykes including only a few friends (three, change their colors so quickly? to be exact) and, of course, a justice Seriously: All their sexual problems, of the peace. commitment problems, compatibility My dilemma is this: What should issues, etc. seem to have melted I do about my mother? 1 don’t want away. to invite her because my partner and Now, I’m left hating Maude and I really don’t want to make a big deal wanting to slap Stacey, or maybe out of our ceremony; we prefer to both of them for torturing everyone keep it small and intimate. Inviting one family member just fans the else. Should I forget everything 1 know (like Stacey apparently has) i flame for having to invite others, and just be happy for them? Ch- i Then where do we draw the line? I don’t want to hurt my mother’s should 1 just prepare for Maude to return to being her asshole self? Do 1 feelings, yet 1 don’t want to be “guilted” into inviting her to our have to be nice to Maude when I see wedding ceremony. Should 1 even her? How can 1 not be mad at Stacey tell her we’re getting married, or for being so stupid? —Wary should 1 wait until after rhe fact to let her know? D ear W ary : What is a bride to do? You don’t need to be “nice” to —Flustered tirule Maude, but perhaps you can aspire for a neutral attitude toward her. D ear F lustered B ride : Similarly, you don’t have to pretend Would your mother’s presence at to be happy for Stacey, but don’t call your wedding really ruin the day for her a dumbass or say “I told you so” you? If not, invite her; you already when Maude starts treating her badly know she’ll make you miserable if again, which she will. you don’t. When a friend is in the throes of But if you believe that adding infatuation—even if the object of Mommy to your minuscule guest infatuation is a creep—you must list would truly wreck your treat your friend with the kindness wedding, Wiiit until it’s a done deal you’d offer a developmentally to let her know about it. Tell her disabled person. Don’t say: “Stacey! that you and your partner had a What, are you retarded? IXimp the sudden urge to elope, and leave it bitch!” or “I can’t believe you’d let at that. This will at least forestall that skanky slut touch you after your mother’s crying and keening everything she’s put you through.” about being left out—which may go Instead say: “Stacey, it makes me sad on for several decades—until after that Maude doesn’t recognize how your big event. JM special you are” or “I hope Maude treats your body and emotions with M eryl C ohn is the author of Do the respect you deserve.” If you feel What I Say: Ms. Behavior’s Guide to corny saying sweet things, channel Gay and Lesbian Etiquette. Signed someone who’s nicer than you are. copies are available directly from the Stacey isn’t stupid; she’s a author. Send questions or pathetic creature ensnared in a net. correspondence to Maybe the net is of her own making, D ear M s . B ehavior :