july 15.2ÛQ51 jUSt OUt 21 unews “It basically infringes upon the constitution,” said coordinator Carlos Perera. “Why have they marched? Nobody called for the legalization of marriage. “We don’t chixise to be gay,” he added. “Who wants to be gay in a country that still treats gays with so much discrimination? It’s a life of hardship.” V ietnamese P rime M inister : W e H ave F ew G ays There aren’t very many gays in Vietnam, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai said June 27. Visiting Canada, Khai was asked how his government handles the equality rights of gays and lesbians, according to the Canadian Press wire service. He laughed and said: “This is not a serious problem in Vietnam at the moment. Only a few people, 1 think. The issue has not been rising or debated in Vietnam.” MIDEAST/AFRIC A U ganda B ans S ame -S ex M arriage Uganda’s Parliament amended the constitu­ tion to ban same-sex marriage July 7 by a vote of 111-17 with three abstentions. Legislators also criminalized the act of staging a same-sex wedding. Penalties will be deter­ mined during an upcoming revision of the nation’s penal c