J ills ex Constitution ;d by the U n i t e d - d h o S!. . « '« siC,n0nriehtS tfo„„arovmchM.cn federal rights, re.,»' have any of the M-5® . like Social Security otections of matt'aSe * R have your fo L Jelerm (S tole* •e f a v o r oi Yes, I’ll sit by while the Constitution is used to take away my rights. No, I’ll stand with the Human Rights Campaign to defeat discriminatory constitutional amendments. Whether or not I want to get married, that should be my choice to make, not the President’s. Speak now. Or forever hold your peace Join us to d a y— vrww.hrc.org T he H um an Rights Campaign congratulates the m ore than 3 ,0 0 0 couples who have m arried in O regon and the fair-m inded officials who made those marriages possible. We are proud to stand with you against those trying to am end the U.S Constitution to end your marriages. .