26 T he history of Oregon Citizens Alliance begins with a seemingly harmless primary race in 1986. The Republican primary for U.S. Senate pitted incumbent Boh Packwood against the virtually unknown Joe Lutz. Packwood was well respected and popu­ lar, so it seemed almost foolish for anyone to challenge him. But Packwood was soft on abortion, which left him vulnerable for an attack from conservative Republicans—and Lutz was the epitome of conservative. Lutz was also a Baptist minister who preached political involvement. A race against Packwocxl was the perfect opportunity to put his words into practice. No one was surprised when he lost, hut everyone was surprised by his numbers. Lutz had captured 40 percent of the vote, and his campaign inspired religious con­ servatives to be more active in politics. After the election, Lutz and several follow­ ers, including T.J. Bailey and Lon Mahon, dis­ covered a niche for conservative views but no local or statewide organization to voice them. So they formed an organization called the Oregon Citizens Alliance in 1987, and Mabon quickly emerged as its leader. At first, the OCA tried to influence which bills would pass or fail in the state Legislature. Then it rated lawmakers on how they voted on conservative issues. Vera Katz, who was speaker of the House at that time, received one of the lowest scores, which was just fine with her. Right away, the OCA had its critics, but that didn’t discourage Mabon. In 1988, the OCA backed at least 10 leg­ islative candidates and three initiatives. Of these activities, one stood out as proof that the OCA was not to be taken lightly—Mea­ sure 8. It repealed Gov. Neil Goldschmidt« executive order banning discrimination by state agencies against homosexuals. ' Goldschmidt’s executive order was a mile­ stone in the history of gay rights in Oregon. Attempts to add sexual orientation to Ore­ gon’s anti-discrimination law had failed since the first gay rights bill was introduced in 1973. When the 1987 Legislature again failed to pass a gay rights bill, Goldschmidt took anoth­ er route and issued an executive order. Gay rights activists were thrilled, but religious conservatives were angry and wanted to undo the executive order as quickly as possible. By now, Bailey was chairman of the state Republi­ can Party. He believed only the Legislature or voters should decide issues relating to homosexu­ ality. Still, it was a bit risky for the GOP to spon­ sor an initiative to repeal the executive order. Such an effort might deepen the rift between moderate and conservative Republicans. Instead, Mabon and the OCA took up the task. OCA p la y -b y -p la y Through the years J u s t O ut has devoted am ple ink to Lon M abon & Co. Here's a look back at the roots o f O regon's most notorious hate group. by Pat Young W hen Measure 8 passed and the executive order was repealed, gay activists were shocked. But the O C A was inspired by its success and became even more involved in politics. In 1990, it sponsored third- party candidate AI Mobley for governor and backed an anti-abortion ballot measure. Both failed, but the OCA had become a well-established grassroots organization with members in almost all of Ore­ gon’s counties. And it had found the perfect topic to rally against: homosexuality. In 1992, the OCA sponsored Ballot Measure 9. It would have amended the state’s constitution to lump homosexuality with pedophilia, sadism and masochism as being abnormal and perverse behavior. Fur­ ther, Measure 9 would have forbid local government from promoting or encouraging such abnormal behaviors and would require schools to set a stan­ dard that homosexuality was abnormal. While working on Measure 9, the OCA also sponsored local initiatives in Corvallis and Springfield. It wanted to stop those cities from protecting homosexuals against discrimination through civil rights ordinances. The effort failed in Corvallis but passed in Springfield. The Springfield vote gave the OCA confidence that the statewide Measure 9 would pass. In the midst of the Measure 9 campaign, the OCA was slapped with a lawsuit. Photog­ rapher Catherine Stauffer had been learning as much as she could about the OCA and in the process was on friendly terms with a few members. So it didn’t seem out of the ordinary for her to receive an invitation to one of their events at Portland’s Foursquare Church. How­ ever, when she showed up, OCA communica­ tions director Scott Lively grabbed her by the arm and pushed her to leave. Then he threw her on the fltx)r and dragged her out of the building. Stauffer reported the incident to the police and even­ tually sued the OCA. The court awarded her about $30,000, but she received very little of the money. Meanwhile, the campaigning continued until voters rejected Measure 9. In its wake, the gay community was emotionally, financially and physically drained. However, it left the OCA optimistic, since 43 percent of the voters were in favor of the measure. Mabon also looked elsewhere for inspiration, because while Oregonians were rejecting Measure 9, Colorado voters were passing Amendment 2, which was similarly worded but didn’t have the inflamma­ tory language declaring homosexuals abnormal. Within 24 hours of Measure 9’s failure, Mabon announced he would return in 1994 with a toned-down anti-gay initiative. To pre­ pare for the campaign, the OCA pushed “Son of 9’’ anti-gay initiatives in small cities and rural counties around the state; 26 of them passed. Fortunately, the Oregon Legisla­ ture passed House Bill 3500, which stopped the measures from taking effect. The new law irritated the OCA and so did some city offi­ cials who had opposed a “Son of 9” measure. When two Canby City Council members voted against the OCA, the organization sponsored a recall election and got them kicked out of office. In 1994, Oregon voters once again said “no” to the OCA and did not pass Ballot Measure 13. By now, many people thought the OCA was just using the issue of homo­ sexuality to keep itself financially afloat. People wrote letters to newspapers com­ menting that Mabon should get a real job. But he filed yet another anti-gay statewide initiative for the 1996 ballot. However, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Colorado’s Amend­ ment 2 as unconstitutional, he scrapped the attempt. W ith his organization on the brink of failure and the Stauffer settle­ ment hanging over his head, Mabon actually managed to put an anti-gay initiative on the 2000 ballot. Coincidentally, it was called Measure 9. It sought to prohibit schools from promoting or sanctioning homosexuality or bisexuality. By restricting the measure to schools, the O C A got around the U.S. Supreme C ourt’s ruling on Amendment 2. This also failed. In 2002, gays and lesbians saw a picture of Mabon they thought they would never see: Mabon in handcuffs on his way to jail. Stauf­ fer’s suit finally caught up with him. Not only had he ignored the court settlement, but Mabon claimed Oregon’s judges were frauds because the words “and impartially” were not in their oath of office. When he refused to participate in hearings about the suit, the judge threw him in jail for several days. Mahon's wife, Bonnie, said that the OCA didn’t have the money to pay Stauffer and that its failure to pay her had nothing to do with her sexuality. Today, Mabon continues to file anti-gay initiatives. He’s in the signature-gathering phase to place an initiative on the 2004 bal­ lot. Meanwhile, Stauffer waits for the rest of her money. JD Dignity in Safe Schools \ EQUITY Investing in Dignity Your gift to Equity is an investment in dignity. A Gay-Straight Alliance can make all the difference. That's why Equity Foundation is proud to be a sponsor of Safe Schools projects throughout the state, including at Madison High School in Portland. Chris Enyeart, a student at Madison, says, "Every person who knows there's a GSA feels safer, because our group is totally unbiased and open.” Equity Foundation’s Safe Schools Initiative assures that all youth have the opportunity to learn in an environment free of bullying and harassment. Make your contribution today so young people across Oregon can feel safer in their schools. Founded in 1989 by Oregon’s Gay and Lesbian community W W W . 6 Q U i t y f O U n d d t i O n . O r 9 Ad sponsored by Marvin Salles. Realtor and Susan Nestor, CPA. PO Box S696 Portland, OR 97228-5696 505-251-5759