A s the first issue of Just Out was just com­ ing out on the newsstands 20 years ago, a nice, supposedly straight, married guy was grappling with issues of his sexuality and the thought of coming exit. The publication was suggested to me by a concerned friend— and it was as if someone had thrown me a lifeline. Desperate thoughts, including brief consid­ erations of suicide, were replaced with ener­ gized plans to gather up my strength and courage, come bursting out of the closet and rebuild my life as a stronger and more produc­ tive person— using Just Out as part of my blue­ print for my new, better life. Through Just Out I found my way to PFLAG, support groups and a large, supportive community that helped me through the growing pains I was experiencing. Just Out was responsible for leading me to opening night of D m H om s very first play, resulting in an incredibly valuable friendship and client relationship of more than 13 years. I guess, because it got me to the play that night, Just Out should also take some responsibility for me meet­ ing my partner of 13-plus years, Ed Cunningham. J eff F isher Jeff Fisher LogoMotives ust Out is one of the most important institutions in the LG B T community. Not only is it a resource for local and national news, hut it stands for so many other things. Its a place where people connect, decide where to shop, find out about communi­ ty activities and learn their history. Just Out is an entry point into a thousand other things. Where would we he without Just Out! The closet, probably. Thank you, Just Out, for being the best queer paper in the country, for all that you do to support organizations like BRO and for making our daily lives that much better. J Dear Just Out... Readers write to recognize the paper's 20-year contribution to queer life in Portland Compiled by Jim Radosta appy 20th, Just Out, and I hope to see 20 more years of insightful, education­ al and riveting news from our favorite queer media! It’s been wonderful watching this publication as it has evolved to encompass every aspect of our community. 1 applaud Just Out in also taking on the dif­ ficult task in trying to reach so many marginal­ ized sections of our community. They have truly helped to bring us all a little closer together, a place where we can come to a better understanding of each other. H M isha R ockafeller Rose Empress XXXVIII W ith the Internet at my fingers, I’ve had the opportunity to commiserate with drag performers all over the world, exchanging ideas, sharing stories and providing overall support. The biggest com­ plaint of these community activists is the lack of support in their local queer media. Just Out has recognized that and not put the efforts of the drag/trans community in the shadows. I applaud you not only for including “us” hut for your continued dedication to our entire community, bringing us fair, concise, factual and often entertaining coverage of the lives we proudly lead. Congratulations on 20 great years! K evin C ook /P oison M arie W afers R oey T horpe Rose Empress XLIV I very much loved, and deeply miss, this: the small Just Out map of west neighbor- hixxl nightspots, formerly in every issue. When we would drive up from Eugene, at barely 21, to play in bigger-city Portland (three to 10 friends at a time, crammed in someone’s Chevette) we would read Just Out hy car light (whoever wasn’t driving) and through the gixxl news and had news, and notes and poli­ tics and opinions printed in each issue, this inset— an aerial map detailing all the gay bars, diners, dives, clubs and cubbyholes in down­ town— was proof for us, geographic pnxif that more of us existed. A miracle square-mile to young, eager eyes. To us, this space, not Pio­ neer Square, was Portland’s true living room. L ee W illiams Author, After Nirvarut: A Novel appy 20th anniversary to Just Out, the newspaper that changed my life in June 2000. That wonderful change started with the lovely article that recognized my work as a senior in Old Lesbians Organizing for Change in your “Family Pride: Class of 2000" section. In September 2001 you did another great article, this time intrixlucing Senior Housing and Retirement Enterprises to our G LB T com­ munity. SHARE is very grateful for all Just Out has done for us. Evelyn, my partner of 44 years, and 1 never miss an opportunity to tell friends in our G LBT community how great Just Out has been to us. Thank you for all you’ve dime. H Basic Rights Oregon or me, Just Out has been a resource for finding out the real news. The paper has also been a resource for finding organi­ zations, whether I’m working with them as an ally or just wanting to get involved. Being a transgender man, I very much appreciate the inclusion of transgender communities in Just Out's focus. These communities must he heard. We live in a time when mainstream media are owned by corporations, when local voices are not heard, especially when these local voic­ es come from gay, lesbian, hi or transgender people. It is comforting to know that there is a community-focused paper for these voices. ecause of Just Out 1 have seen Peacock in the Park grow more and more suc­ cessful each year, increased visibility in Imperial Sovereign Rose Quirt, and I’ve even sold more Tupperware thanks to your “Queer Profit” outing me as a lesbian Tupperware Lady! I am especially thrilled with the changes in the paper since Marty Davis took the helm. I appreciate the fact that there are so many more local interest features in the paper rather than pages and pages of queer politics in for­ eign lands. Keep up the great work. You are a very spe­ cial hunch! Here’s to another 20...4 0 ...6 0 glo­ rious years! K aelin B owers K imberi , ee V an P atten Basic Rights Oregon Trans Advisory Group Peacock Productions F B M ary B eth B rindley personally am grateful for your OutReach sec­ tion, which prompted me to look into Team Tennis, where I found a group of wonderful people who have helped continue my interest in tennis for a negligible cost. 1 am very proud that Just Out is a part of my community and my life. Thank yixj for being there, for doing such a wonderful job and most­ ly for your great work of obtaining and retain­ ing worthwhile advertisers who help to make all this happen for us. R ay S cott Portlaiul F or several years prior to moving to Portland I subscribed by mail to Just Out, paying substantially more to have it delivered in a plain brown envelope in my conservative Midwestern city. It was my life­ line to Portland, which 1 had come to admire on visits here. 1 would usually read Just Out cover to cover, and when the time came to move to Portland, its ads helped me find home and auto insur­ ance here ahead of time. It also had valuable information about social groups that I might like to join. (I’ve joined three.) D avid H arris Portland T wenty years ago, I was 26 years old and had recently moved from Phix'nix (a mecca of conservative Christianity and gay oppression) to Portland. I remember seeing Just Out in news boxes or sitting in piles in lob­ bies of various businesses around the city. I was amazed that this leshian/gay newspaper was available in mainstream places, waiting for peo­ ple like me to pick up and absorb! And after a while, I noticed that there were nongay people reading it, tix>. Just seeing a newspaper that was written for me openly available around the city made me realize 1 had come home. Portland V aune A lbanese ust Out has been a valuable aid to Port­ land Metro Prime Timers in recruiting new members. Our listing in the com­ munity resources section has yielded many inquiries about our group, many of which have resulted in membership. We lixik forward to continuing our presence in Just Out. J P aul Z epernick . Portland y partner and I moved to the area 10 years ago, and we are thankful to Just Out for enabling us to view var­ ious aspects of the gay community at a glance. I Portlaiul * he Just Out newspaper is a reflection of the growth and support for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community in Portland, and is a valuable resixirce for ixir city. The city of Portland has always worked to create an open, diverse and safe city for all of its citizens and we will continue to do so. It is with great pleasure that I express my congratu­ lations and support for the 20 years of publish­ ing and building community. M ayor V era K atz Portland