Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, November 07, 2003, Page 20, Image 20

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ig n a t u r e
" A s a firs t tim e h o m e b u y e r, | d id n 't k n o w w h a t
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he Federation of Gay Games and the
he worldwide Anglican Gimtnunion likely
Montreal 2006 organizing committee are
will split in two because the U.S. Episcopal
arguing about plans for the next gay Olympics.
Church’s Diocese of New Hampshire selected
Montreal wanted to bring in ;is many as
an open homosexual as its next bishop, Arch­
24,000 athletes, Kit the federation wanted to
bishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said
limit participants to as few as 10,000 to save
Oct. 17. Gene Robinson was consecrated Nov. 2
money. After negotiations, Montreal reduced its
after his selection was confirmed by delegates at
number to as few as 16,000, Kit the federation
this summer’s Episcopal Church convention in
will go no higher than 12,000 as an initial goal.
In a second area o f disagreem ent,
“Undoubtedly there is a huge crisis kxim-
although Montreal organizers have lined up
ing,” Williams told the British Broadcasting
G irp. “It leaves the church with a huge chal­ extensive public and private funding, the
lenge about coordinating its discipline and its federation allegedly wants to control all
financial details.
legal systems across the world, which we have
“Fundamentally there’s an issue of vision,
never had to do before.... There may be a num­
which includes number of participants, size of
ber of provinces who will declare outright that
budget and the issue of control,” said Montre­
they are not in the union in the long run (and)
al organizer and Olympic gold medalist Mark
others which would wish to continue with an
Tewksbury. “1 empathize with the deficits of
impaired state of relations.”
The Anglican G>mmunion is composed of 38 past games, but at the same time, we believe
we have a vision that could really change
autonomous churches, including the Episcopals,
things. We’ve done
with 70 million mem­
the math, and we need
bers in 164 countries.
15,540 participants to
Williams’ remarks fol­
break even.
lowed an emergency
“This is a turning
meeting in London with
point for the G ay
37 of the communion’s
G am es m ovem ent—
38 primates to deal with
or a crisis, since the
the New Hampshire
last four games have
situation and other
lost money,” the swim­
ongoing internal con­
mer said. “They are
troversies related to
dealing with the chal­
lenge in their own
But following the
way; we just have a
meeting, Episo ipalians
very different vision of
refused to back down.
how to deal with it. It
“We Kxsk forward to the
would be irresponsible
consecration of Bishop-
of us to plan for a
elect Robinson on
games sm aller than
Nov. 2, believing that
our break-even point.”
G(xl has called him to
According to co­
this ministry, a call con­
firmed by diocesan elec­ Olympic gold medalist Mark Tewksbury is
Webster, the federation
tion and by the consent organizing the Montreal Gay Games, which
of (the) General G in- already is stirring up scandal even though it’s simply doesn’t want
Montreal organizers to
vention, in accordance three years away
with the Ginstitution
make promises they
and Canons of the Episcopal Church,” the New can’t keep, resulting in the Gay Games ending
up in debt for the fifth time in a row.
Hampshire diocese stated.
“We have four host organizations that have
ended up in bankruptcy, leaving a legacy of
embers of the London gay group OutRage!
debt,” she said. “ It’s our job to do something
now to break this cycle of financial failure.
picketed the consecration of two bishops
Oct. 29 at Westminster Abbey to protest the
“Montreal’s vision was grand and beautiful
Anglican hierarchy’s rejection of gay bishop
but not safe and prudent. The federation Kiard,
appointee Jeffrey John earlier this year. They car­ rather than repeat the mistakes of Sydney,
ried posters reading, “| Archbishop of Canterbury
Amsterdam, New York and Vancouver, wants
Rowan] Williams is a coward,” “Where is Jeffrey
to start out at a smaller level and build flexibil-
John.’’’ and “Stand up to the Church Nazis.”
ity into the plan so that as income is realized we
“There will be no peace for an archbishop can build the event. We want to achieve the
who refuses to take a stand or to show moral
24,000 part, [but| we want to make promises we
can deliver. We can’t stand by and let history
leadership,” OutRage!'s Brett Lock said. “No
spin-doctoring will make the issue disappear.”
repeat itself.”
According to Webster, it is unfortunate that
John would have been consecrated at the
ceremony as bishop of Reading, but Williams
Montreal organizers have chosen to argue their
forced him to stand down from his appoint­ case in the press
ment to placate homophobes in the worldwide
“ It’s not appropriate to negotiate though the
Anglican Gimtnunion. They were horrified
media,” she said. “We think it’s a shame they
that John is openly gay and lives with a partner,
have chosen that path. But negotiations are
although he has said they no longer have sex.
moving forward, we’ve made progress, and we
The conservatives threatened that the
have until Nov. 7 to reach a mutually accept-
Anglican G>mmunion would break apart if able licensing agreement. We remain opti­
John were allowed to take the job. He was mistic we’re going to meet that goal.”
appointed by the bishop of Oxford.
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national alliance of queer organizations
has formed, The Times of India reported
Oct. 18.
The India Network for
Sexual Minorities is the
nation’s first such associa-
tion. It hits 15 memK'rs,
said Ashok Row Kavi,
India’s best-known gay
The invitation-only
network seeks to over­
turn the ban on gay sex,
eliminate police harass­
ment of sexual minorities and improve gay peo­
ple’s medical care.
Hijras also are represented in the alliance,
via the Dai Welfare Society. They are trans and
intersex people— mostly castrated males— who,
while social outcasts, fulfill the societal role of
blessing newKims and dancing at weddings.
P r o p e r t ie s !
8 *
survey has found that 52 percent of people
/ * who belong to the Church of England
think sexually active gays should be allowed to
be priests. And 69 percent approve of gay
priests if they’re celibate.
The ICM Research survey for The Telegraph
daily newspaper questioned 500 church members.
round 200 people turned out to see 40
movies at India’s first gay film festival held
Oct. 17 to 19 in Bombay. The “Tremors of a
Revolution” event was staged in a university
on the outskirts of the city.
Alfonso Lopez Trujillo (right) is discouraging
Catholics from using condoms
top Vatican official said Oct. 12 that con­
doms do not prevent HIV transmission.
The president of the Pontifical G nincil for the
Family told the British Broadcasting Corp.’s
l\inorama program that all condoms contain
tiny holes that HIV can pass through.
“The A ID S vims is roughly 450 times small­
er than the spermatozixin,” Cardinal Alfonso
Lopez Trujillo said. “The spermatozoon can
easily pass through the net that is formed by the
con dom .... These margins of uncertainty
should represent an obligation on the p.irt of
the health ministries and .ill these campaigns
to act in the same way as they do with regard to
cigarettes, which they state to K* a danger.”
The World Iiealth Organization and AIDS
educators said the Vatican is confused. “These
incorrect statements aKmt condoms and HIV
are dangerous when we arc facing a global pan­
demic which has already killed more than 20
million,” W H O said.
G indom s can break or slip off, the organiza­
tion said, but they do not contain small holes
that HIV can slip through. The Catholic
Church teaches that it is a deadly sin to engage
in any sexual act that cannot lead to pregnan­
cy, such as oral sex, masturbation, gay sex and
sex with condoms.
lie Russian Orthodox priest who conduct­
Knit 2,500 anti-gays protested Oct. 18
ed the nation's first known same-sex wed­
outside the provincial Legislature in ding was defrocked Oct. 6, and his chapel was
Fredericton, New Bninswick, demanding the
demolished after local church leaders deter­
federal government abandon its plans to legal- i mined it had K'en desecrated.
ize full same-sex marriage nationwide, G m adi- i
Father Vladimir Enert accepted $450 to
an Press reported. The demonstration was
marry Denis Gogolev, 27, and Mikhail Moro­
organized by the Canada Family Action G iali-
zov, 23, on Sept. 1 at the Chapel of the
1 tion and local clergy.
Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in the city