Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, August 03, 2001, Page 28, Image 28

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    august 3.2001
Ju st out
is published on the first and third Friday of every month. The deadline
for sub m issions is 15 days prior to publication.
o u t & a b o u t is a free community service of fu st
Listing for events and
announcem ents that are specifically relevant to sexual minorities in O regon and
southw est W ashington is provided free of charge. The calendar features events
up to three w eeks beyond the date of publication. Bulletin Board listings run for
up to two m onths from subm ission date.
Portland Com m unity C olle ge 's Syh/ania C am pus (Call
for times 12000 S W 49th Ave. $ 1 2 .5 0 -$ I6 from
lem s? Y ou're not alone Join an ongoing evening sup­
stone_ally@ hotm ail.com . Include a self-addressed,
port group for gay men led by an experienced gay thera­
stam ped envelope with all subm issions. (8/17)
503-846-0958 or Fastixx.)
pist. G rou p s meet m a peaceful, rustic setting for a
triangle productions! presents two sim ultaneous
nominal fee. Schedule a free initial interview by calling
WiHiam D ouglas at 503-222-7671 or sending e-mail to
show s Stup id Kids, part of the Sexual Minority Youth
Internship Program, through Aug. 18. A lso playing is
Listings expire twice a year (in M a y and Novem ber), and subm issions run from
the date received until the next scheduled expiration date. Listings are automati­
cally deleted upon expiration. To ensure uninterrupted listing, please submit updat­
ed information at least a month prior to the expiration date.
Just out
(attn: Calendar)
P.O. B ox 14400
Portland, O R 97293-0400
Fax su b m ission s to 503-236-1257 or e-mail justout@justout.com .
Su b m issio n s cannot be accepted over the phone.
Please type your announcem ents and include full contact information.
John R. KiMacky. Su b m issio n s suggestion s and
Lesbian, gay, bi and trans youthi Need a job?
inquines should be sent by m id-August to
m usical revue that follows the ups and dow ns of
rom ance from youth through old age. through Nov. 10.
W ant a better job? W ant info about cool and accepting
jasonlw c9earthlink.net. All accepted material will be
places to w ork? G et resum e and application tips, prac­
paid a sm all fee if published. Killacky lectures widely and
(Call for times. Stupid plays at 3 4 3 0 S E Belmont St.: I
tice )ob interviews and find great internships by calling
is published in a variety of periodicals on disability and
Love You plays at 121 S W Salm on St. Tickets from
N e n ssa at 503-478-7347 or sending e-mail to
nediza@ w orksystem s.org. (8/17)
other issu es. H e recently com pleted the 17-minute
video C rip Sh o ts featuring Judy Sm ith, G re g W alloch,
Fastixx or the box office. 50 3 239-5919.)
Lesbians sought to participate in the forthcom ing
of up to 25 w ords (not including contact information) are pro­
vided free of charge to organizations and groups specifically serving the sexual
minorities community. All listings are subject to editing, and inclusion is subject to
space limitations, relevance and receipt by deadline.
by gay men w ho are disabled, is being com piled by
I Lose You, You're Perfect, N ow Change, a
outreach listings
Se n d listings to:
liam doug@ aol.com . (8/17)
Q ueer Crips, an anthology of perform ance texts,
poetry, e ssa ys, personal narratives and cultural entiques
Pink Flamingo Bingo is returning to Portland. The
host. M s. Chocha Fresca, Sa lsa Queen of the Universe,
prom ises cam py comedy, music, outrageous drag,
munchies, fun and. oh yeah. B IN G O ! Now is the time to
get involved if you would like to help plan the event or if
your group would like to be a beneficiary People of all
types and abilities are needed to help find sponsors,
gather pnzes. publicize the event and make it fun for
C h ris Hewitt. Bill Shannon and Terry Galloway. (8/17)
anthology S h e K isse d M e N eed text or photo sub m is­
Bradley-Angle House holds volunteer training
sion s or subjects who would be willing to model. Photos
Aug. 6 to Sept. 8. Help end dom estic violence! Call
can be black-and-white or color but must be in focus
50 3-282-9940 (8/3)
and not sexually explicit; erotic photos of lesbians k iss­
ing are fine. Text is limited to 100 w ords and should be
written from the perspective of what kissing m eans to a
lesbian or to the lesbian community. There is no com ­
pensation for subm issions other than bylines and/or
credits for photos/subjects. Inquire and/or send photos
to A. Dubois. P.O. Box 613, Salem , O R 97308, or
C om e to u s and feel good by w orking with the
Portland Faith of Rosas, a Portland nondenom ina-
tional spiritual society, challenges the religious right
wing. W e need help for cable television production,
new sletters and promotion. Call D uquesne du Bem en at
503-248-9019. (8/3)
everyone. M ore information is available at the Internet
site xjs.com/pf or by calling Thom as at 503-761-7480.
Weaver« Tale Retreat Center is offenng a retreat
for gay and lesbian seniors 10 am -1:30 pm Aug. 17 at
Alton Collins Retreat in Eagle Creek. C o st for the day is
$13.50 with lunch for an additional $5. The center offers
elders the opportunity to spend time outdoors breathing
fresh air and experiencing the sights and sounds of
Tom Hardy and David Inkpen celebrating horses,
through Sept. 1.
Savage Gallery is show ing new work by Kristy
Edmunds through Aug. 4 at 416 N W 10th Ave.
Art on Alberta holds a last Thursday gallery walk
every month from 6 to 9 pm, so mark A u g 30 on your
calendar and stroll along Northeast Alberta Street
between 1 4th and 30th avenues, where you H find 21
Scandals Other Side Cafe Bar. 1035 S W Stark
St., is featunng a show of w atercolors by Jim Kohler
is also now w hoty gay-ow ned
Activities include a guided nature walk on a wheelchair-
accessible trail, nature crafts, a m usic circle, storytelling
and m assage therapy. Need transportation? Call
Friendly H ouse at 503-228-4391 to sign up. (8/3)
Looking for lesbians of color who are interested
in forming a group focusing on relevant issu e s such as
career, community, health, networking, resource devel­
opment. social events and travel. This would be a w ork­
ing group with the aim of recognition of self and repre­
Broadway Rose Theatre Company presents The
Taffetas a revue of '5 0 s music, from Aug. 9 to 19 at
the D eb Fennell Auditorium (Call for times and pnees.
Corvallis Art» Center is featuring work by gay artist
Mike E. Watsh through Aug. 19 at 700 S W M adison St.
seniors with personal needs and mobility and are com ­
mitted to creating an ennching and enjoyable day.
through Aug. 31.
gallenes full of art. M a p s are available at the galleries
Be sure to check out the lesbian-ow ned gallery Plain
Jana at 2 9 3 6 N E Alberta St and the gay-ow ned
Alberta A its Pavilion/Our Dream Gallery at
2315 N E Alberta St. A nd finally, yet another spot,
O N D A Stedk» and Gallery at 2215 N E Alberta St.,
nature. Staff include health care professionals, artists
and nature enthusiasts. They are prepared to a ssist
9 0 0 0 S W Durham Road. Tigard Tickets from the box
sentation within the larger gay and lesbian community. If
interested call 503-777-4557 or send e-mail to
anndie@ aol.com . (8/17)
Volunteers sought for queer film festival.
office. 503-620-5262.)
Se n so ry Perceptions needs people to distribute pro­
Guardino Gallery, 29 39 N E Alberta St., is show ing
Brody Theater presents Harold and Game Place
gram s, w ork secunty and take tickets Sept. 21 to 29 at
photographs by Tamara Lischka and steel sculpture
by Guru harts Singh K roseen through Aug. 28.
through Sept. I (9 pm. 1904 N W 27th Ave. $8.
Cinem a 21. Volunteers can see festival program s for
free. Contact volunteer coordinator Steve for complete
details at www .sensoryperceptions org. (8/17)
Mark Woolley Gallery. 120 N W Ninth Ave., is
Steven Augustine presents Little Sh o p o f Horrors
through A ug 19 in the Perform ing A rts Center at
show ing
Equus, collaborative w ork
in various media by
Gay but not happy? D ep ression ? Relationship prob­
Clackam as County Public Hoalth Division
offers anonym ous and confidential H IV testing and
counseling to anyone. S e habla espanol. Interpretation
services available. Call for scheduled and walk-in testing
times. (O regon City: 503-655-8471 Milwaukie:
503-655-8735. Sandy: 503-722-6660 .)(11 /01)
Cascade A ID S Project provides nonmedical serv­
M etro: AID S & H IV
A ID S Prevention Team offers educational materials,
free condom s and lends out H IV b ooks and videos for
residents of Colum bia C ounty (503 397-4651 ) ( 1 1/01)
Friends of People with A ID S Foundation offers
assistance to those with H IV Se rvices include 72-hour
Portland gay icon Tom Hardy turn« 80 with a show off his sculptures at Mark Wooley
Gallery through Sept. 1
Friday (Drop in: 9 am -3 pm M onday-Friday. 2941 N E
Ainsw orth St. 503-460-3822.) (11/01)
They meet w eekly at Project Quest. (6-8 pm Thursday.
Multnom ah C ounty Health Departm ent's H IV Health
Services Center has specialized in the treatment of
Our House is a residential care facility for those living
with and dying from A ID S . (2 72 7 S E A lder St.. Portland.
O R 97214. 503-234-0175.) (11701)
H IV since 1990. It offers a full-service medical clinic,
including on-site pharm acist and nutritionist, medication
management, mental health services, w ellness program
Partnership Project provides social w ork and nurs­
G et help coordinating all a sp e cts of health care a s well
ices to people w hose lives are affected by H IV and
food boxes, em ergency travel and lodging, entertain­
and case management. S e habla espafiol. A S L and for­
eign language interpretation available. (8 am -5 pm
A ID S in O regon'and southw est W ashington Spanish-
ment, pet care, clothing, household goo d s and crema­
M onday-Fnday. Fourth Floor, 4 2 6 S W Stark S t
language assistance available Young M en s Coffee Talk
tions. (5 0 3 -2 8 3 -8 5 3 $ ) (11/01)
503-988-5020.) (11/01)
m eets from 7 to 9 pm every W ednesday at 3 Friends
Coffeehouse, 201 S E 12th Ave. Lavender Lounge
Health. Education, A ID S Liaison (HEAL) offers
m eets from 7 to 9 pm every Friday at the sam e loca­
tion. (Portland: Suite 310, 6 2 0 S W Fifth A ve
information about alternative view s of A ID S causation
and H IV testing. For information and a free packet,
International Foundation for Alternativo
Research in A ID S UFARA) provides education
through the Treatment Information Exchange 0 1 0 pro­
503-223-5907. W ashington C ounty 503-693-3234.
leave your name and address. (503-227-2339.) ( 11/01)
gram W eekly m eetings are led by professionals in a
Clark C ounty 36 0-735 -9 170.7(11/01)
H IV Day Center a program of Ecumenical M inistries
plan co-payments and deductibles for eligible people with
H IV/AIDS Programs of the Oregon Health Division and Ryan
Clackamas County A IO S Rafiaf Effort is a commu­
of Oregon, offers social activities, support groups, peer
specialized area of treatment. (Tuesday nights.
5 0 3 -7 3 6 -0 1 9 4 )0 1 !0 \)
nity-based organization providing H IV /A ID S prevention
support, professional counseling, m assage, haircuts and
White C A R E Act Titles I and 1 ( 8 am-5 pm Monday-Fnday
education and support services. (3300 S E D w yer Drive.
Suite 306. Mfwaukie. O R 97222. 503-653-8738.) (11101)
hom e meal deliveries Hot m eals are available at the
center at 9 30 am and 12:30 pm M onday through
CAREAssist (formerly known as ADAP/CH IP) pays for
health insurance premiums, prescription drugs and insurance
503-731-4029 Outside Portland800-805-2313.)(11/01)
eg IkW ëUch. O vlffo r by Alison BecfocU]
15 N M orris St. U nda 503-493-0288.) (11/01)
Metropolitan African America n Support
Connection (M A A S O is a support group for African
Am erican men and wom en infected or affected by HIV.
ing ca se m anagem ent to people living with H IV /A ID S.
a s financial management, food and housing assistance,
and em otional support. (8.30 am -5 pm Monday-Friday.
503-230-1202.) (11/01)
Plus Club House Party provides an open social
gathering for people living with H IV and A ID S to mingle
and network. The group m eets in private hom es at 2 pm
on the third Su nd ay of the month. (Brian
503-249-7030.) (11/01)
Project Quest offers health appointm ents, nutritional
information, support groups and sp orts activities for
people living with H IV and A ID S (1 5 N M orris St.
503-493-0288. pquestQteleport.com .) (11/01)