Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, March 02, 2001, Page 9, Image 9

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    marcii 2. 2001 • Jaast
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'Part of the LesTiCjay Community
Ideas suggested during a forum last December will be incorporated into a proposal for Portland
Police Chief Mark Kroeker
gain health insurance benefits at many work­
places throughout the region. Registering also
he Sexual Minorities Roundtable will hold
gives domestic partners legal proof that they live
its regular quarterly meeting noon March 3
as a couple, which might be helpful in other
at Multnomah County’s Central Library,
legal situations.
801 S.W. 10th Ave. The gathering is open to
For more information call 503'988'5027.
the public.
Regular members of the roundtable plan
to unveil a proposal that, if approved, will be
ur ouse of ortland
presented to Portland Police Chief Mark
th ear
Kroeker. It is expected to include a list of sug­
gested actions he could take to rebuild his
ur House of Portland is celebrating 13
relationship and trust with the sexual minori­
years as the only remaining residential
ties community.
care facility in Oregon
A small committee is authoring the
and southwest Wash­
action plan. The group is utilizing the
ington for people with
notes taken during the forum sponsored
by Just Out and the roundtable last
AIDS. The organiza­
December in which Kroeker met with
tion will have an open
members of the sexual minorities com­
house from 2 to 4 p m.
March 11.
The proposal will be discussed and
In addition to mu­
voted on during the meeting. Kroeker
sic and refreshments
agreed to attend the forum after 10-year-
provided by Marriott
old tapes were found containing his
Hotel, awards will
controversial remarks about gays, AIDS,
be presented. Caprial
women and child discipline.
and John Pence, own­
ers of Caprial’s Bistro,
will be recognized for
Donald Falk
sponsoring and co-
ouples ontinue
chairing “Dinner at My House for Our House.”
to egister with ounty
The annual fund-raiser is the organization’s
ix months after Multnomah County
most popular.
launched a domestic partnership registry,
Harold Rain and Donald Falk also will be
216 couples have registered.
recognized for their many years of support and
The registry, giving same-sex domestic for their work on “For Love &. Money,” Our
partners the chance to officially document
House’s annual auction and cabaret event.
their relationship, is only the second of its
Grace Ripplinger, a sister of one of the facil­
kind in Oregon. The city of Ashland also has
ity’s first residents, will be honored for making
a registry for unmarried domestic partners.
signature quilts to honor those who have lived
Both registries also are open to heterosexual and died at Our House.
couples as well.
Agouron Pharmaceuticals and Abbott Labo­
To register, couples must reside together and ratories, both sponsors of the biannual newslet­
be at least 18 years old. They cannot be regis­ ter, also will receive awards.
tered in another municipality or be legally mar­
Grant High School’s Royal Blues Choir will
ried. The registry costs $60.
perform. The presentations and entertainment
Multnomah County’s registry came to begin at 3 p.m.
fruition Sept. 1 after months of lobbying and
Since 1988, Our House has provided com­
planning by the Oregon Gay and Lesbian Law passion and skilled nursing care to more than
Association and other activists. They worked 370 men and women. Last month, the facili­
in conjunction with city and county commis­ ty made history when all 12 of its beds were
sioners and other legal experts to launch the full. Until then, the facility had housed 10
Although the registry has no legal benefits,
Continued on Page 11
proponents say the certificate can be used to
R oundtable P lans M eeting
pm comctrt
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