march 2.2001 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Voters in 2000” examines an often undercounted portion of the electorate and was completed during the 2000 election by Denver-based Gill Foundation. Some key findings from the research: • Knowing someone who is gay makes a differ­ ence. 37 percent of voters familiar with gay people say their personal relationship has increased their awareness of gay issues. 26 percent of likely voters say they have a family member who is gay. 32 per­ cent of likely voters know a close personal friend, 44 percent know a co-worker and 63 percent say they have a friend or acquaintance who identifies as gay. Only 9 percent of the respondents to a sur­ vey of all likely voters said they did not know any­ one who was gay. • Voting matters to gay individuals. 92 per­ cent of LGBT respondents said they are regis­ tered to vote, 52 percent say they vote in all elections and 34 percent say they vote in most but not all elections. • Gay voters, like other voters, embrace political moderation. In terms of political philosophy, 43 percent of gay vot­ ers identify as moderate compared to 40 per­ cent of voters in the total U.S. population. • More gay people are comfortable com­ ing out. Half of gay voters consider them­ selves to be very open about their sexual ori­ entation, while 35 percent say they are not open at all about their orientation. NEW YORK • A recent survey conducted for New York £ 1 magazines Gay Life Now issue found a landslide level of tolerance and openness regard­ ing homosexuality. The poll found that straight residents are widely supportive of issues affecting gays and les­ bians, such as adoption, marriage and discrimination. In fact, when compared to a national sample, New Yorkers are twice as likely to support legalizing gay marriage. “The poll paints a picture of a city in which most straight people are not only comfortable with gays but socially and professionally intimate with them as well,” the magazine reports in its first- ever gay issue, which hit newsstands Feb. 26. Among the findings: • A total of 46 percent of straight New Yorkers have a gay male close friend, while 31 percent have a close friend who is a lesbian. • About 71 percent would be likely to vote for an openly gay candidate for mayor. • A total of 49 percent would be comfortable with an open­ ly gay baby sitter for their children. • More than three-quarters (78 per­ cent) think the state’s current hate crimes law should include gays and lesbians. • Two-thirds (65 percent) think gays and lesbians should be free to adopt children. ILLINOIS wo men were arrested for attempting to close the Cook County Marriage License Bureau by locking its doors with a chain during a pro-gay marriage protest Feb. 14 in Chicago. About 75 demonstrators gathered outside the City Hall/County Building downtown, then marched through the corridors chanting, “Mar­ riage for gays, we demand it today!” and “Lesbian SUBARU. @ The Beauty of Al I Wheel Drive. 2001 Subaru Legacy Outback All Weather Package TEXAS he House Committee on Judicial Affairs approved the James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Act on Feb. 19 in Austin. Witnesses included the parents of the bill’s namesake, the victim of a brutal racially motivated murder in Jasper. In a 7-2 vote, the panel advanced the measure, which is designed to prevent hate crimes motivated by prejudice. The decision followed closely on the heels of the bill’s 5-1 passage through Senate committee in early February. “The momentum behind the James Byrd Act this year is just incredible,” said Dianne Hardy-Garcia, Lesbian/ Gay Rights Lobby of Texas executive direc­ tor. “Today’s vote was a powerful demon­ stration that our legislators are taking a strong stand against hate in Texas.” Because of a recent Supreme Court ruling, the current Texas law is unconstitutional. According to the Apprendi v. New Jersey deci­ sion, hate-based motive must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in order to enhance penalties. The new legislation contains specific lan­ guage conforming to the new standard, Hardy- Garcia said. “The James Byrd Act is a compre­ hensive bill that will correct both the unconsti­ tutionality and the unenforcability of the old law and help prevent hate crimes in Texas.” House Bill 587 is backed by a statewide coali­ tion of religious leaders and civil rights organiza­ tions. They will join thousands of other Texans in showing their support for the act during the March Against Hate on March 18. I marriage is our right, we’ve only just begun to fight!” Deputies initially tried to prevent the group from approaching the bureau but then relented. Outside the doors of the agency, one lesbian and one gay couple were allowed to enter and attempt to get licenses. After they were denied, Chicago Anti-Bashing Network co-founder Andy Thayer and member Michael Maltenfort went inside and shortly thereafter tried to affix chains to one of the bureau’s two public doors. A lesbian woman successfully chained the other door. Thayer and Maltenfort each are charged with felony criminal damage to government-support­ ed property and misdemeanor disorderly con­ duct. After being held overnight in Cook Coun­ ty Jail, the two were released on $3,000 bond. The maximum possible sentence for the charge is one to three years in prison or up to 30 months’ probation and up to $25,000 fine. Compiled by Copy Editor J1M R adosta , who can be reached at HIV/HERPES STUDY • Participants must be at least 18 years of age, have had 4 herpes out­ breaks in last 12 months, and have been on combination anti-retrovi­ ral therapy for at least 2 months. • Participants will attend monthly clinic visits and will be reimbursed for their time and travel expenses. 2330 N.W. Flanders • #207 Portland (503) 226-6678 Westover Heights Clinic SALE PRICE #15316 $25,498 -3,210 $22,288 Expires close of business 3-15-01 107 SE Grand • 4 Blocks South of the Convention Center • 503-232-2000 \ • Six month research study of an investigational drug for the suppres­ sion of genital herpes outbreaks in HIV-infected individuals. For more information contact: MSRP Wentworth Discount jMtati 19 Z