rrvrrrrni news NATIONAL most extreme example of rock lyrics thinks the Immigra­ t must’ve been a rough week for Eminem. Not used to demean women, advocate tion and Naturaliza­ ■ only was the homophobic rapper forced to violence against women, violence tion Service should embrace queer icon Elton John after their much- against gay people,” she said. apply the same stan­ hyped duet during the Grammy ceremony Feb. 21 dards to all people. ♦5» in Los Angeles, he also had to accept three statues “A permanent despite his outspoken disdain for the awards. ttomey General John Ash- partner is a perma­ The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against x ’ croft met with the Log nent partner, peri­ Defamation was on his back, too. About 60 pro­ Cabin Republicans for 25 min­ od,” Kolbe said. “No testers demonstrated quietly across the street from utes Feb. 22 at the Justice one in government the Staples Center, and the organization invited Department, The Associated should be empow­ fans and experts to Press reports. The former Mis­ ered to make distinc­ discuss his contro­ souri senator—who was accused Attorney General John Ashcroft (he’s the uptight guy in the middle) meets the queers tions between the versial lyrics during of lying under oath during his propriety of gay/les­ town hall meetings confirmation hearings whefc asked about past -i- bian or heterosexual unions. Other nations have .S. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., reintro­ long recognized the value of such relationships Feb. 20 in Los anti-gay actions—promiseclto uphold the law Angeles and New for all U.S. citizens. duced Feb. 14 the Permanent Partners and have adapted accordingly. The U.S. is playing York. “That it was a gay organization reiterates the Immigration Act, which would provide for catch-up.” “GLAAD is fact that the attorney general is serious about being same-sex couples all the privileges that accrue to A total of 14 countries including the United gratified that Emi­ everyone’s attorney general," Log Cabin Republi­ legal spouses under federal immigration law. Kingdom, Canada, Australia and South Africa nem’s hateful lyr­ cans spokesman Kevin Ivers said. “He has stated First introduced in February 2000, the bill gar­ recognize lesbian and gay relationships for ics were not given more than any attorney general I can remember nered almost 60 co-sponsors in its first year. immigration purposes. According to Suzanne B. further glorifica­ that he is going to be committed to enforcing the Under current law, U.S. citizens can sponsor Goldberg, Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights tion and promo­ laws of this country without regard to ideology, their foreign national husbands or wives to immi­ Task Force board chairwoman, the act would tion by the record­ and I think he’s made that clear again with this grate on the basis of the spousal relationship. correct this inconsistency. ing academy with gesture, meeting with a gay organization.” However, those in committed relationships with “We are immensely grateful to Rep. Nadler for an Album of the Ashcroft spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said he foreigners of the same sex under no circumstances his role in educating legislators and the public Year award,” en­ welcomed the group’s offer to work with him on can sponsor their partners, no matter how long about this cruel discrimination in immigration tertainment media civil rights matters. “It’s important for them to the couple have been together nor how commit­ law,” she said. “Valentine's Day is a painful director Scott Seo- know that if they have a concern it can be voiced.” ted their relationship. reminder that our immigration law, which is sup­ min said. “We were sobered by the three Gram­ Ashcroft thanked the Log Cabin Republi­ “I think introducing a bill which aims to keep posed to keep families together, actually tears U.S. mys awarded Eminem, because it showed that cans for their support during the contentious loving and committed relationships together is a citizens apart from their foreign same-sex partners.” academy members were willing to place their nomination process. Executive director Rich perfect way to celebrate Valentine’s Day,” Nadler stamp of approval on lyrics that promote hate, Tafel, who has been called an Uncle Tom for said. “Why do we allow the government to tear -z- prejudice and violence.” defending the social conservative, pledged his apart committed and loving couples just because new study profiling gay voters shows that Vice President Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynne, continued devotion. of who they love?” they are becoming politically involved and even got into the act during an interview Feb. 20 “We want to be a resource for the attorney Just a few days after Nadler’s announcement, that the general voting population is more aware with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “This certainly isn’t the general on civil rights,” he said. “It’s clear that the bill gained its first Republican co-sponsor: of issues that are important to the gay community. first time, but Eminem is certainly, I think, the we’ve now laid the groundwork for that.” openly gay U.S. Rep. Jim Kolbe of Arizona. He “Out of the Closet and Into the Voting Booth: U A S aturn E ast SATLRN Visit our showroom at 247th & SE Stark, call us at 1-800-527-0231 or online at www.saturneast.com