6 ML 2001 Borders welcomes Tom Spanbauer, Joanna Rose, Carolyn Altman & Stevan Allred Reading from their novels-in-progress Wednesday, February 28 at 7 pm First Congregational United Church of Christ BORDERS 1126 S W P A R K A V E N U E 228-7219 708 SW Third Avenue 503-220-5911 Bridges Vocal Ensemble « Meet that special Writ^p ur own FRE part of the lesbigay community wone . tonal ad Guest Choir, performing with the church’s jazz combo VOICE PERSONAL ADS February 25, 2001 10:25 a.m . Sunday Service Go to www.justout.c or out the form on page 39 An open, affirming church where everyone is welcome — including straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Across the Park from the Art Museum. W ashington L egislators F ight for E quality S everal bills recently were intro­ duced in the W ashington Legisla­ ture that would affect gay residents. Sen. Pat Thibaudeau and Rep. Ed Murray, both liberal D em ocrats, offered a proposal Feb. 2 that would authorize Vermont-style civil unions guaranteeing the same benefits and protections as marriage. T he A ssociat­ ed Press reports the bill doesn’t stand a chance in the House, where Republi­ cans hold a co-majority. “T his bill is about treating all o f our citizens with dignity,” Thibaudeau said. “T he bill does nothing to diminish marriage but grants same-sex couples equal protection under the law.” Murray added in a statement: “Sam e-sex couples have the same responsibilities as all other couples. It is time that same-sex cou­ ples be accorded the same rights and the same level of respect.” Murray also is involved in the Safe Schools/Bullying Bill, which would define harassment and intim idation in an inclu­ sive way to cover sexual o rien tation . Dem ocratic Sen. Rosemary M cAuliffe and Republican Rep. Ida Ballasiotes are the Sen. Pat Thibaudeau other sponsors. T h e S e n ate also is considering legisla­ tion that would reverse last year’s decision to in Salem before m oving to M innesota, was extend health care benefits to the dom estic found dead Sept. 28. He just had been elected as partners o f state em ployees, including sam e- secretary o f the Lambda Society, a gay and les­ sex partners. Sponsors o f the bill cite cost bian campus group. concerns, while opponents co n ten d it’s im ­ Gallaudet student Joseph Mafhas Mesa Jr. of p ortan t for W ash ington to take a stan d Barrigada, Guam, was arraigned Feb. 14- Executive against discrim ination. Assistant Police C hief Terrance W. Gainer said the 20-year-old told investigators he killed the two fellow freshmen during separate robbery attempts. T h e news o f M esa’s arrest surprised Kathleen allaudet niversity C om ils, Plunkett’s mother. “ I have no comment tudent rrested at this time; I’m going to get more information.” ust four months after the murder o f a former T hom as M inch, 18, o f Greenland, N .H ., was Portlander, another G allaudet University charged Oct. 3 with second-degree murder but student was found dead in the same dormitory released O ct. 4 because o f insufficient evidence. Feb. 3. A n arrest was made in the case Feb. 13, University Provost Jan e Fernandes said he was The Washington Post reports. kicked off the campus after the arrest but is free T he death of Benjamin Varner, a 19-year-old to return now that he has been cleared. from San Antonio, shocked the campus, which barely was beginning to recover from the first slaying. G allaudet, located in W ashington, oot atrol D .C ., is the nation’s only university for the deaf olds ew raining and hard of hearing. Eric Franklin Plunkett, who grew up in Port­ he Rainbow Com m unity Foot Patrol will land and attended Oregon School for the D eaf train volunteers 2 p.m. Feb. 17 at M etro­ politan C om m un ity C h urch o f Portland, 2400 N .E . Broadway. T h e new patrol is seeking a m ini­ mum o f 12 volunteers to help keep the community safe by their pres­ ence on Portland’s streets. Although the ultimate goal of the foot patrol is to cover all of downtown Portland, it will begin this spring around the bar district, on Stark Street at 12th Avenue, and O ld Tow n/Chinatown. Pa­ trollers, who will be easily identified by their bright jackets, will carry radios so they can alert police if they come across problems. C o -c h a ir D an a R osen lund said she is working on an applica­ tion for nonprofit status, design­ ing a W eb page and setting up an e-m ail account to improve com ­ m unication. Volunteers must be 18 years old and agree to a crim i­ nal background check. For more information call 503-774-9085. G S U A J F H T 5 0 3 . 296.3875 EMAIL: ELIS E@ R E A LTO R .C O M INTERNET: ELISECAMPBELL.REALT0R.COM Specializing in home financing for ' gay men and lesbians com P N T