nary 16. 2001 «m ? IN V IN C IB L E D O M ESTICS Ho u s e h o l d C l e a n e u s Light or Deep Cleaning Services available C all for estim ates and appointments Proud to 5 0 3 -4 1 7 -1 7 1 4 be your Good Neighbor agent for 2 years. Shaw n V o rrath , A gent 6 7 1 3 NE 6 3 r d St S u i te 1 02 V a n c o u v e r , WA 360-735-1452 In The Buff Quality H ousecleaning With A Sm ile Ray 503-341-9743 EASTM O RELAND Protect Your Civil Rights *K "' '"‘•'-y Professional legal services are tut close as your phone. s t a t e f a r m .c o m ™ A | Preventative Legal Services ^OS Motor Vehicle Legal Services • Trial Befense Services • IRS Audit Services • A 25% discount on all other legal services State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Auto, Home, Life & Business “Your Independent Insurance Agency” | Q E B Q Q Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker, Inc. By owner, two bedroom, two bath, fireplace, new appliances, garage, fenced. (Separate apartment earns $600/month.) Quiet. 3641 SE Martins. $239,000. Perfect for gay couple wanting beauti ful, quiet neighborhood. 503-788-9537. (2/16) Your West Side Specialist I will listen to your wants and needs and together we will accom plish your Real Estate Goals Petworking with quality Caw Jirms ' 1 1 ¡ i f §1 across Americal $ A Lass than $ 1 " a day! PrePaiif Legal Services® Inc. Eastside 503-235-1012 Wastsida 503-645-6830 mm Bob Harrington Phone: 503-277-2715 Fax: 503-626-2915 E-mail: www.iusticeisgreen net W right-Christie & A ssoc. 2645 SW 153rd Dr. Beaverton, O R 97006 O n t u jj^ i NATUROPATH Donald Falk, o r i \ s m >< I VI I IIKOM It Suzanne Scopes, n . d . 503-335-9898 ext. 107 Experienced Representation Personalized, Holistic Care Since 1985 Naturopathic Family Practice Women’s Healthcare Marc Baker • Mary Miller Downtown Portland _ A _ _ _ _ . (503) 227-1771 a A r c v> U N eed Botanical Medicine • Homeopathy Clinical Nutrition at Circle Healthcare Clinic 316 N E 28th Avenue • Portland 503*230*08 1 2 > mm i RELIABLE A N D D ETAIL-O RIENTED house cleaning. O ne time or regular basis. Reasonable rates. Call David. Pager 503-818-0994. (4/6) Bearjr clean' Too much to do— too little time? Do you hate to clean? W anna come home to a clean house? C la ssifie d a d D EA D LIN E fo r the M a r th 2 issu e is 4 p .m . F e b r u a r y 2 2 \ hardwood floors, tiled kitchen & bathroom, french doors, new 810-6476 windows. Deck with pond & B P 'i« r o w N waterfall. 2330 SE 90th/Division. \ \ I IN * C h a r m & c h a ra c te r! Pamper Yourself—Call Now! David Roberts r¥ $ 135,000. 3 bedroom 1908 (503) 649-5004 USCle Bound Cleaning, Inc. A IZueUi ty (ZlecLHiH ÿ Señolee R e s id e n t ia l & C o m m e r c ia l ^ Fab u lo u s sta rte r on 1/4 a c re lot! remodeled 2 bedroom. Inlaid Realtor rn V K I N ew N est ? $125,000. Extensive quality George Marvin ( 503 ) a f Ml. Tabor Ranch $126,950. Dc Eric R. Brown 3Bd, 2 car garage. All new paint & floor coverings! Washington Park Condo $165,000. Optometric Physician 2Bd/2Ba security building, pool, view o f neighboring Washington Park. • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Spectacles and Contact Lenses • Minor Ocular Emergencies (503) 284-1077 3030 NE Woidlor 2Bd/2Ba, loads o f storage, open floor plan. (503) 629-0683 Upgrades Galore! 5 Y r Old Ranch SE $229,900. 3Bd/2Ba, vaulted ceilings, fam rm o ff large gourmet kitchen, 3 car garage and storage shed. Central AC, beautifully landscaped. West Hills Ttidor $319,900. 4Bd/2.5Ba, Lg formal dining rm, 3 fireplaces. Elegant & loaded w/ upgrades - chandeliers, French wallpaper, granite counters. f o r A p p o in t m e n t ceilings, fireplace, fir floors, clawfoot tub & full basement. Fully fenced King City Perfect $129.900. m m **) Bungalow with large porch, high Irvington Contemporary $375.000. yard with deck & storage. 5522 SE 65th/Horold. To view these listings or to view any property listed by any agent please call: G ail D avis , gri 3Bd/3.5Ba, fam rm. Fireplaces in liv rm and master suite. Glass walls let south light flood in. Washington Park Condo $165.000. 2Bd with parking. Walk to your favorite shops and restaurants. M A ID B R IG A D E 4133 SE Division Call 1.23 Acre Wooded Lot $97,900. In coveted BECAUSE YOU HAVE THINGS TO DO ap Reliable, superior service...Period ap Regular or on-call visits ap Immediate scheduling ap Serving East Metro Area 15031 492-0197 Diane Beals Photography Aldercrest area o f Milwaukee. Portraits • Commitment Ceremonies Special Events 5Bd/2.5Ba. large lot. 503 581-0747 * B ealsp h o to @ ao m Located Inside the Reed Opera House at Suite 207 • 189 Liberty St SE • Salem. OR 97301 Beaverton $199.900. G a il D a v is : 0/A. (503) 2 0 3 -2 2 1 4 Y M Associate arvin Broker Salles (5 0 3 )3 2 0 -1 2 7 1 3ohn£.Scott « fT T T m r r T _ SSSr . 24-Hr Voice Mail A More specific m b? Ask for my T free brochure My satisfied | clients tell the real story! | E'mail - < • • • • • > I A 9 ♦