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About Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 2001)
24 february 16.2001 Kick start your weekend— catch up with the Adventure Group every Saturday morning for the Fun Run/Walk along Portland's waterfront, followed by a brunch. Meet at the former River Queen Restaurant parking lot for a two- to six-mile run or walk open to all skill levels. (9 am. Don 503-224-6747. www adventuregroup. org.) International Women's Day celebration March 11 at the Portland Conference Center. Art expressing lesbian themes especially is encouraged. (1-5 pm. 1001 E Burnside St. 503-285-4339.) C.C. Slaughters plays host to a Tea Dance every Sunday afternoon with DJFJ. (3-9 pm. 219 N W Davis St 503-248-9135.) The Forest Group visits the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. (503-491-5147.) Just in time for Valentine's Day: Casey and Berdell Moffett-Chaney facilitate a work shop. Relationships That Last: Seven Secrets of Successful Lifelong Relationships, through Feb. 17 at the God Submissions should he sent to just out Calendar, P.O. Box 14400, Portland, O R 9 7 2 9 3 -0 4 0 0 ; or faxed to 5 03-236-1257. Deadline is 15 days before issue date, just out is published on the first and third Connection Center for Worship, Growth and Leadership. (7-10 pm Friday and 10 am-3 pm Saturday. 4828 NE 33rd Ave. $50 a couple, includes lunch. 503-481-7591.) Let loose your inner Virginia Woolf! Lisa Dale Norton from the Neahkahnie Institute leads a workshop for women called Join the Portland Area Business Association in honoring Deborah Betron with the Commitment to Our Community Award during a dinner at the DoubleTree Hotel Lloyd Center. Hilarity will be provided by WYMPROV!, a lesbian comedy troupe from Eugene. (Cocktails 6 pm, dinner 7 pm. WOO NE Multnomah St. Reserve by Feb. 16 at 503-241-2222 o r Greatest Sex You Ever Imagined' March 1 and 2 at It's My The Oregon Bears takeover the lanes during their Paws-n-Balls outing at Grand Central Bowl. (7 pm. 808 SE Morrison St. 503-255-7508.) which will explore how a wnter creates good habits and sustains herself. Expect writing exer cises, a discussion of creativity and more during the class, which takes place at In Other Words. (1-4 pm. 3734 SE Hawthorne Blvd. $25. Call 503-232-6003 for availability.) r_[ Lesbian legend Cris Williamson sings her heart out at the Majestic Theater in Corvallis. (8 pm. 115 SW Second St. $18 at the door. $16.50 in ? advance from CD “ ' World in Corvallis and ■ Eugene.) Portland Bisexual Women meet for their monthly cof fee chat at Lavender Lounge, a gathering of Speak to Your Brothers, happens every Friday at 3 Friends Coffeehouse. (7-9 pm. 201 SE 12th Ave 503-223-5907, ext. 233.) Touchstone Coffee House. (12:30-2:30 pm. ; 7631 NE Glisan I St. Jann I 503-294-7960.) month. All addresses are in Portland specified. Young Men's Coffee Talk happens every Wednesday at 3 Friends Coffeehouse. (7-9 pm. 201 SE 12th Ave. 503-223-5907, ext. 233.) same-sex couples every Friday at Sally Mack's School of Dance. This month it's swing danc ing. (7-8 pm. 532 SE Ankeny St. $5. 503-236-5129. outdancing@juno. com.) Friday o f each unless otherwise If you worship the Divine Miss M. you can gather with other acolytes Wednesday evenings at C.C. Slaughters to enjoy a special steak dinner and watch Bette together. (6-9 pm. 219 N W Davis St. 503-248-9135.) Out Dancing teaches dance classes to The Portland Bisexual Alliance pre sents the Dating Carousel Meet new friends in a painless way! Open to all at Laughing Horse Books. (7 pm. 3652 SE Division. Bi-Line: 503-775-9717.) Salem for a potluck to discuss A Density o f Souls by Christopher Rice. (6.30 pm. Call Cary at 503-363-6036 for more information.) For fun on a volcano, go ____________ B | ' fjP p T It s a Bear Bust when those fuzzy Oregon Bears take over Gail’s Dirty Duck. (8-11 pm 429 N W Third Ave. $7-$9 503-224 8446 ) cross-country skiing with the Adventure Group along the Sasquatch Trail at Mount St. Helens. (9 am. 503-452-5680 www adventuregroup org.) & W YMPROV!, a lesbian comedy troupe from Eugene, entertains at the Portland Area Business Association dinner Feb. 21 Rosetown Ramblers roll out the fun during their skating party at Oaks Park. Please bnrig a donation of nonperishable food for Esther's Pantry. (7:30-9:30 pm. Foot o f Southeast Spokane Street. $5. 503-234-9944.) The Portland Polyamory Circle meets to discuss triad dynamics. Gay, bi, straight—all welcome. (7 pm. Call Laury at 503-285-4848 for location.) Marionberry Salon meets in Does the Burpee catalog set your heart racing? How about Jackson and Perkins? Whatever does it. join the Lesbian G arden Club as the gals meet to share seed catalogs and books. They're meeting at Gayle’s house to dream and plan new garden projects. (2 pm. Call 503-909-2002 fo r location.) The Im perial Sovereign Court of the W illamette Empire meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at the 300 Club in Salem. (7.30 pm. 300 Liberty St. SE. Contact Star Empress 23 Lydia Octavia Snapp at 503-463-8585 or for more information.) Radical Faeries during the weekly KoffeeKlatch at 3 Friends Coffeehouse. (9 am. 201 SE 12th Ave. 503-235-0826.) Building a Writing Life Li’U T D / W teens to share writings about prejudice. Tonight they focuc on writings from African American history. (7 pm. 1720 N Jantzen Beach. 503-240-5578.) Sip a latte with the Oregon Ballet Theatre presents James Canfield Signatures March 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10 16 V Barnes & Noble Jantzen Beach sponsors Teens OutLoud!. an open mike night for If mushy stuff isn't your box o'chocolates, perhaps you d enjoy Valentines \ from Hell the annual M tough drag show at Embers I Avenue to benefit the Pride * I of the Rose Scholarship Fund (7 pm 100 NW Broadway $5 www rosecourt org ) The Lesbian Art Guild invites all lesbian artists to bring their original two- or three-dimensional artwork to an Art Review Party at the Lesbian Community Project office. Art selected will be shown dunng the The Adventure Group gets together for a Fun Run/Walk every Tuesday at Duniway Park. (6:30 pm. Don 503-224-6747. www. adven tu regroup, org.) / Attention voracious readers—and eaters: In Other Words, Portland's only nonprofit femi nist bookstore, is celebrating its eighth anniversary with a fund-raiser, A Literary Feast: Women of the Americas. Show up at Norse Hall, and you’ll be treated to a three-course meal with Latin American flavor as well as readings of women's writing. RSVP by Feb. 18. (6:30 pm. I l l N £11th Ave. $50. 503-232-6003.) Bring your poetry and stories to Open Mike Night every Thursday at Touchstone Coffee House. (7-9 pm. 7631 NE Glisan St. 503-262-7613.) In the mood for some “ blues, rock, folk or R & B? Catch M aria Webster performing original acoustic music on her guitar every Thursday at the 52nd Avenue Sports Bar. (9 pm-midnight. 5201 NE Sandy Blvd. 503-288-0313.) “Sunday Afternoon" is a painting by Nand on view through Feb. 28 at the Pearl Gallery I