jmmry 5.2001 » J m * a t * j7 fi'luui.-ivj+M m e w s We’re more than just bubbles. Andrea, the volunteer coordinator super­ visor, says 40 volunteers are staffing the crisis line. They donated about 350 hours in December alone, she says. Call Jennifer at 503-232-9545 for more information or an application packet. „te Broke* ^ sS° C S t e in S a y s S h e W il l R u n fo r G o v er n o r xAatV-e te t * lnnOVÍ c e d B u V c ^ ^ i n a December letter to friends and sup­ porters, Multnomah County Chair Bev Stein announced she is planning to run for governor in 2002. She thinks government has a critical role to play in meeting the state’s chal­ lenges. The next governor will need to transform government to facilitate the strengths of Oregon’s citizens, she says. “I believe I have the skills, the experience and the vision to be that kind of governor,” Stein wrote in the letter. The former legisla­ tor, who has a strong record on sexual minor­ ity and human rights issues, has been the county’s chair for seven years. Stein’s letter asked for contributions to her pending campaign, but supporters had to act quickly. Because of a newly Bev Stein passed Oregon law— and one not known about by many— candidates for governor can’t together with an adult facilitator. Refreshments raise money during the legislative session. also are served. Donations had to be received before Dec. 31, “It has been good for both adults and chil­ the letter said. The Legislature goes into session dren,” says one father who is helping organize the second week of January. the westside meetings. “The children look for­ For more information call 503-221-7922 or ward to interacting with other children.” send e-mail to For more information call 503-228-3892 or send e-mail to P arent S u ppo rt G ro up S t a r t s o n W e s t S id e Love Makes a Family will expand its month­ ly meetings to a new westside location Jan. 23. The support group will meet 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Community Church of Cedar Hills, 11695 S.W. Park Way near Cedar Hills Boulevard in Portland. The eastside meetings will continue as usual. Organizers say the west side’s schools are more reserved about alternative families than those on the east side, so some of the parents decided to meet together to discuss their own issues. The new meeting is starting to reach out to more families on the west side of the metro­ politan area including Beaverton, Hillsboro and West Portland. A few families already have shown an inter­ est in participating, and organizers think more will come in time. The group welcomes parents and children at the meetings, where parents discuss pertinent topics and children meet S h a k e s p e a r e F e s t iv a l F u n d s E i g h t O r g a n iz a t io n s he Oregon Shakespeare Festival an­ nounced that $55,000 was raised last August by its Daedalus Project, a 13-year-old benefit for AIDS. Eight local, regional, national and international HIV/AIDS programs received funding. A 5K run/walk sponsored by Providence Medford Medical Center raised $2,250. Other events included a reading of Moisés Kaufman’s The Laramie Project, a sale of theater and com­ pany items, a quilt raffle and a bake sale. Funding went to OnTrack Inc.-Alan F. Col­ ins AIDS Project, Names Project Foundation, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Abdill- Ellis Lambda Center Association, Siskiyou County HIV/AIDS Foundation, AIDS Support and Prevention of Josephine County, the Rex Rabold Fund and Afficare. T Continued on Page 9 Phone 5 0 3 274-9936 KAREN M. 5WEIGERT, MD O bstétrico and Gynecology F sx 5 0 3 274-26 6 0 Q m u J c liW iiv '-r f Jedtdi PC 1130 N.W. 22nd, Suite 320, Portland, OR 97210 St. Stephen s Episcopal TUIE DOWNTOWN 1 P A R IS H # W elcom ing All People Since 1863 Sunday Services • 7:45 and 10:00 am Sunday School & Childcare at 10:00 am Rev. Lawrence Faikowski, Ph.D. rector 1432 S.W. 13th Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 223-6424 EÇCENTIAL lotions & oils 3638 SE Hawthorne # 236-7976 710 NW 23rd Avenue $ 248-9748 We use a different vocabulary to answer your financial questions. English. shouldn’t be any mystery to financial planning. That’s why a Waddell & Reed financial advisor takes the time to meet personally with, and get to know, you and your family. We listen and learn what you want to accomplish. Then we create a plan that’s specifically tailored to your needs and your goals, and explain everything thoroughly. © h e re If it’s time for you to make a plan, call Waddell & Reed. We speak your language. .WADDELL l< SrR EED Financial Services * ent