S. 2001- m mm Classified Â É ( 5 0 3 } H ala G o res, P.C. co m p u ters, 41 co u n s e lin g , 4 1 , 4 2 c r e a tiv e se rv ices, 4 2 d en tistry , 4 2 fitn ess, 4 2 h e a lin g arts, 4 2 h e a lth ca re , 4 2 h e lp w an ted , 4 2 , 4 3 h o m e services, 4 3 h o u sin g , 4 3 real e s ta te se rv ices, 4 5 se rv ices, 4 5 tra v e l, 4 5 ju st frien d s, 3 9 in s tru c tio n , 4 3 in su ra n ce , 4 3 , 4 4 ja n ito r ia l, 4 4 legal se rv ices, 4 4 o p to m e try , 4 4 p h otog rap h y , 4 4 public announcements, 44 real e s ta te , 4 4 , 4 5 real e s ta te escrow , 4 5 real e s ta te lo an s, 4 5 5 03 /2 9 5-19 40 21 ^ 2 3 24 ^ 28 29 30 31 (An extended list of deadlines is 26 27 4 11 ■ 18 25 5 6 *8S«» 12 13 [0 2 0 26 27 O ne M ain P lace io i e - mail : marfindl @ teleport . com P hone : 503-224-0077 520 SW 6th, Ste. 825 Portland, OR 97204 clai@hevanet.com N EED A HOME for Frankie and Johnny. They are a mix of Lab and St. Bernard; size is closer to Lah. Both are loving and great with kids. They need someone who can baby them and spend playtime with them. Time is of the essence. They are both great dogs and we hate getting rid of them, hut it just isn’t fair to them; they need a larger home and someone who has the time to spend with them. Frankie has been spayed, but Johnny has not been neutered. Please help. Call 503-872-8920. (1/5) Lynn Handlin e a , l t c , c f p Phone: 7 6 1 -9 2 6 7 SpitaCeri/fHandtin Bookkeeping and Tax Service, Inc. ■ B usiness & Tax Planning / Preparation ■ Certified Financial & Retirement Planning ■ Full Service Bookkeeping shbats @ spritone.com FAX: 503-761-9341 11916 S E Division Portland, OR 97266 Accident & Injury Claims Divorce & Custody Unmarried Couples Criminal Law & DUI Insurance Law Litigation , State & Federal Wills, Estates, Trusts Incorporation Business Transactions Real Estate AIDS Issues Personnel Policies Workers Compensation Discrimination Wage and Hour Employment Law Conservatorships - S 1 L Ù®___________ A N IM A D e n is e L. S t e r n Attorney-at-Law • Arbitrator * Mediator ■ Business Law, Corporations, LLCs ■ Wills and Probate ■ Family Issues and Adoptions ■ Real Estate & Litigation happy hounds home care Looking out for your best interest. care hr your pet when you can't be there • m id-day breaks 14 Years Experience Past Chair of Oregon State Bar Litigation Section Member, Oregon and Washington Bars * eare in your home during vacations • vet transportation T a x e s • B u s i n e s s C o n s u l t i n g A c c o u n tin g • R eal E s t a t e T a x a tio n for businesses and Karin Friends 503-774-1222 individuals Susan A. Nestor ....... . Certified Public Accountant r j| ~~ Paintings • Illustrations Wearable Art • Astrology • Tarot • Palmistry by appointment MARKS .................. R e n a is s a n c e A rtist p a n V '' Am erican Institute o f C ertified Public Accountants MCDONALD ................... \Maillo Tsuru telephone: (503) 2 4 5 - 8 0 9 0 m e m ber sh ip : O regon Socwty of C ertified Pubhc Accountants W estm orelan d O ffice i; tp?:? I ............. 5 0 3 ~ 4 1 7 -1 7 1 4 JACOBS ■ I Certified Public Accountants M iU'IJ < Willner Wren Hill & U Ren, LLP Full Service Accounting & Financial Consulting Firm GEOFFREY G. WREN 503 - 227-0581 Attorney at Law m ark@ m jm jcpa.co m 111 SW Naito Parkway Suite 303 Portland, O R 97204 503/228-4000 • Individual Tax & Financial Planning • Small Business Tax Issues • Business Start-up Tax Issues • 1RS Controversies • 9 Years Experience Personal Injuries/Accidents Workers’ Comp./Social Security Employment Law & Discrimination Civil Litigation M a r k A . C lif t 6 2 1 S W M o r r is o n , S te 6 0 0 P o r tla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 5 w w w .m jm jc p a .c o m ______ ACUPUNCTURE (503) 231-9340 CARING FOR THE COMMUNITY Richard B. Schneider JOHNSON MH B - V,;. S.W. M ain , S uite 804 P ortland , O regon 97204 Corinne J. Lai Attorney at Law (503) 2 2 6 - 6 9 4 5 ___________ A Ç C 9 .U N T 1 N Q ___________ I LAW "Estate planning is an absolute necessity 3 7 <W 8 r 9 10 14 15 1^17 21 0 2 3 24 28 AT Provide for your partner for unmarried couples." 1 ■ E. F in d l in g Mediation, Adoption, Divorce, Dom estic Partnerships, and other fam ily and relationship m atters II : = Display ad reservation 1 2 3 4 ^ 6 H = Classified word ads 7 ¡80 9 10 | f : 12 13 i i 14 15 16 17 18 W 20 V = Issue comes out ii arlen e ATTORNEY See m y larger ad in this issue FEBR U A R Y JA N U A R Y M Personal In ju ry ........ ........ ■ Advertising Deadlines I m m m sm . ■ : ........... ......................... I m Attorney at Law H is p £ i!i» a p a c c o u n tin g , 4 0 a c u p u n c tu re , 4 0 a n im a ls, 4 0 a rt, 4 0 a tto rn e y s, 4 0 bod y w ork , 4 0 , 41 business opportunities, 41 c a re e r c o u n se lin g , 41 c h iro p ra c to rs, 41 c o m m u n itie s , 41 llll» lim iilillll» lllll llil.l.l.l.¡Illl.ln.ll.ljll *v . Peter Borten, LA c. Herbal Medicine Acupuncture Shiatsu, Thai Massage I Protect Your Relationships ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Domestic Partnerships Wilts & Trusts Pow ers o f Attorney Elderly Parents M edicaid Eligibility jk For all physical, emotional, and spiritual conditions. Mark M. Williams 503 . 522.2613 A T T O R N E Y A T LA W 5 0 3 .2 2 4 .6 2 2 9 Bank o f Am erica Financial Center 121 SW Morrison Suite 900 Portland, OR 97904 Validated Parking A ttorn ey at L aw is well versed in the special estate-planning needs of the gay and lesbian community. Our practice is focused exclusively on estate planning. We are professional, we understand the issues, and we are here to help. FREE REPORT! ‘ GAY & LESBIAN (OUPUS FACE SPECIAL CHALLENGES IN ESTATE PUNNING.” What Evary Gay and Lesbian Couple Should Know About Estate Planning and Their Rights. Each year the American publk - gay and straight - spends over $1.5 billion on probate fees. In addition, the Will you may havt is completely ineffective with respect to illness or disability. Is there a better alternative? Yesl CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE COPY. (503) 241-1215 www.rbsik.com Law Offices of Richard B. Schneider, LLC 2455 NW Marshall St., Suite 11, Portland. OR 97210 The BODYWORK heading is for state-licensed massage therapists only. LMTs do theraputic, nonsexual massage. Look under the Healing Arts and Services headings for advertisements previously found in this section T IM M U L C A H E Y , LMT. Bodywork that soothes, awakens and empowers. 503-231-5755. ( 2 / 2 ) Logan’s Bodywork & Massage Bert Logan, LMT/Phyalcal Tharaplat Sweäith M a tsa g « & Deep T issu e Work 503.331.4755 ßA en yt TRoma J^ 7 , A * 7 ß AfUút. /ítA lctdC S m S (5 0 3 ) 3 4 9 - f 0 0 5 1940 "HS 9eeautiMf ii r ie t TßUueof» /C eü k tewcac