Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, January 05, 2001, Page 31, Image 31

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january 5.2001 » J—
First they sing,
then you dance
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
All that glitters
W hile former Portlander G u s Van San t
courts O scar with Finding Forrester, a recent
transplant has taken his place as the Rose
C ity’s finest queer director. C h eck out Todd
Haynes’ latest as the Hollywood T heatre’s Brief
History of Rock ’n ’ Roll film series concludes
with 1998’s Velvet Goldmine through Jan. 11 at
4122 N.E. Sandy Blvd. A perfect com panion
piece to the ’70s nostalgia trip of
Almost Famous, this glam rock fanta­
sy follows the rise and eventual disap­
pearance o f a self-absorbed and
mythical musician. Based on the
exploits o f David Bowie and Iggy Pop
and borrowing its structure from Citi­
zen Kane, Velvet Goldmine is a fasci­
nating analysis o f pop culture. Haynes
( Poison, Safe ) will attend Jan. 11 to
introduce the film and answer ques­
tions. All this for only $3.50 a pop—
or $2.50 when you purchase 10
admissions. For showtimes call
—Jim Radosta
One in a hundred
The Portland Lesbian Choir presents
its winter concert, “The Rhythm of Life,”
8 p.m. Jan. 20 at the Northwest Cultural
Center, 1819 N.W. Everett St. The choir,
now in its 14th year, will present a diverse
array of music, and the featured artist will
be musician and comic Carol Steinel.
Afterward, party on at a dance with tunes
spun by DJ Lauren. Tickets are $14 at the
door or $12 in advance from It’s My Plea­
sure, In Other Words and choir members. N o
one will be turned away for lack of funds. The
concert will be wheelchair accessible and Am er­
ican Sign Language interpreted. For
more information call
503-241- 8994 or e-mail
More boob tubing
Portland musical mover and
rocker Sarah Dougher made Out
magazine’s year-end “O ut 100,” a
list o f queers of quality who
“made a difference last year.” Best known for
her work with the bands Crabs and Cadallaca,
she was chosen for her activism and her role in
putting on Ladyfest, an alternative music and
wom ens culture festival held last year in
Olympia, Wash. A study in contrasts, this punk
gal also is a Reed College grad, sports a Ph.D.
in comparative literature and classics and is
back at her alma mater teaching classical lit.
We’d put her on any list o f cool dykes!
Will she or won't she?
A s ER fans already know, Dr. Kerry Weaver
is growing enamored o f a new colleague played
by the lovely Elizabeth Mitchell. S o far, she is
only curious, but her would-be seducer is an
out lesbian. Although this is slated to be a
short-term storyline, homophobes are heating
up the Internet, aghast with hate mail over the
possibility. If you’re so inclined, it couldn’t hurt
to fire off an e-mail at www.nbc.com in favor of
Kerry’s Big Sapphic Adventure.
People to watch out for
In other television doings, In the Life returns
to PBS at 11 p.m. Jan. 16 with its latest install­
ment featuring segments on gay pioneers who
were pre-Stonewall activists; a story about the
openly gay president of Walt Disney Feature
Anim ation; and a profile o f Alison Bechdel,
who has been watching out for dykes in her
cartoon for more than 17 years.
m n
Mon-Thurs 9 pm-2 am • Fri-Sat 9 pm-2:30 am
Visit us at
E Bernstée St
Brightly colored balls
How about some good old-fashioned indoor
fun to while away a soggy winter afternoon?
T he Portland G ay and Lesbian Com m unity
Bowling Association is about to begin its 23rd
annual W inter Bowling League, which lasts 16
weeks until early May. T h e cost is only $9 a
week, and men and women o f all ages and skill
levels are welcome because this is more o f a
social league than an intensely competitive
one. S o put on a jazzy shirt and head over to
Hollywood Bowl, 4030 N .E. Halsey St., at
3:45 p.m. Sundays. Registration begins at
2:30 p.m. Jan. 7. For further information call
503-293-0438, e-mail BOW Lpdx@ aol.com or
click on www.bowlpdx.com. i n
Compiled by O riana G reen
I h a v e n ’t h a d
sin g le d r i n k t o d a y
... t h e y ’ve been
d o u b le s .
They Star gate;
2651 E. Burnside • ( 503 ) 234-6171
at(iopftkto [Ypfeft II
Free Off-Street Parking • New Dance Floor
2913 SW Stark
Joah Keller wants to put you on
television— or behind a camera, if
you prefer. Sh e’s the organizer of
the new Womyn’s Film and Video
Collective forming at Portland Cable Access. A
graduate o f PCA ’s training program, she’s look­
ing for other gals who either have taken the
classes or who are willing to take them to get
certified to use the facilities. A n orientation
starts 7 p.m. on the first Thursday o f every
month at PC A , where you’ll learn about the
three basic required classes. Som e scholarships
even are available for women with financial
need. Ultimately, Keller hopes to produce pro­
grams on lesbian issues as well as general
women’s herstory stories. Join the fun by calling
her at 503-331 -7172, or call P C A at
503-288-1515 for more details.
Parties welcome • Pool table & pinball • Full bar • All lottery games
visit our website at
w w w .citysearch.com
Boxxes/Brig— 1035 SW Stark St.......................... 1
Brandy’*— 3728 NE Sandy Blvd......................... 16
CC Slaughters— 219 NW Davis St........................ 5
Chopsticks Express— 2651 E. Burnside St............ 13
Club Portland— 303 SW 12th Ave.......................11
Darcella XV— 208 NW Third Ave.........................5
Dirty Duck Tavern— 439 NW Third Ave................. 6
Eagle PDX— 1300 W Burnside St......................... 7
The Edge— 333 SW Park Ave............................ 10
Egyptian Club— 3701 SE Division St..................... 8
Embers Avenue— 110 NW Broadway .................. 9
Estrellas— 2845 SE Stark St.............................. 4
Fox and Hounds— 217 NW Second Ave................14
Frontline— 1125 SW Washington St.....................3
Hobo's— 120 NW Third Ave................................ 5
JOQ's— 2512 NE Broadway ............................. 12
Kokopell’s Choice— 2845 SE Stark St................... 4
Neighbors— 1417 Villard St........................ Eugene
North Bank Tavern— 106 W Sixth St......... Vancouver
Panorama— 341 SW 10th Ave.............................1
Scandals Lounge— 1038 SW Stark St.................. 1
Shanghai Steakery— 16 NW Broadway ............. 9
Silverado— 1217 SW Stark St............................ 11
Starky’a— 2913 SE Stark St.................................4
300 Club— 300 Liberty St. S E .................... Salem
3 Friends Coffeehouse— 201 SE 12th Ave..............2
Three Sisters Tavern— 1125 SW Stark St............ 11
Touchstone Coffee House— 7631 NE Glisan St
. 15
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Guide courtesy of
1038 SW Stark St
Portland. OR 97205
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