Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, January 05, 2001, Page 24, Image 24

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Film Talk m eets
J a n . 11 to w a tch and d is c u s s
S h o w tim e ’s v e rsio n of Q u e e r a s
F o lk at O ld W ives' T a le s
C .C . S la u g h te rs plays host to a Tea
D a n c e every Sunday afternoon with
D J F J . (3-9 pm. 219 N W Davis St.
Flam e on every Sunday at Ohm during
its Q u e e r Night, and enjoy m usic by
the flamboyant D J Tronic.
(9 pm-2:30 am. 31 NW First Ave. $5.)
The Im perial S o v e re ig n C o u rt of
the R a in tre e Em p ire plays host to
a gaming night featuring an auction and
live entertainm ent at the NorthBank
Tavern. (6-10 pm. 106 W Sixth Ave:,
Vancouver, Wash. $5 buys you $100
o f play money. 360-695-3862.)
How about a day out on the slopes at
Mount Hood M eadows with S k i O ut?
This group of gays, lesbians and sup­
portive friends carpools up to the
mountain tw ice a month through May.
There’s another lovely lesbian named
Lynn in Portland who w rites and sings
songs, but this one plays piano. C h e ck
out Lynn T h o m as during her regular
gig every Sunday at Hobo's. (7-9 pm.
(7 am. www.skiout.org.)
should be sent
to jUSt
Calendar, P .0.
O u t D a n cin g teaches dance cla sse s
to sam e-sex couples every Friday at
S a lly M ack's School of D ance. This
month it's country two-step. (7-8 pm.
532 S E Ankeny St. $5. 503-236-5129.
outdancing@juno. com .)
The Portland B isexu al Alliance presents
the w orkshop T h a E th ica l S lu t at
Laughing H orse B o o ks. (7-9 pm.
3652 S E Division S t. 503-775-9717.)
Box 14400,
Portland, O R
a A i j M ) AT
Calling all football fans— the C .C .
Slaughters softball team plays host to
a Fo otball and P izza P a rty every
M onday night. Team m anager Steve
W illiam s will be spinning pizzas using
his secret recipe. (6-9 pm. 219 NW
Davis St. 503-248-9135.)
120 N W Third Ave.
Leam the ins and outs of strap-ons and
other paraphernalia during S e x To ys
101. a free cla ss at It's My Pleasure.
Are you a crafty gal? The
L e sb ia n S o c ia l G ro u p
invites you to bring som e­
thing made of g lass that
you'd like to paint to the
Lesbian Comm unity
Project for an evening
of fun and creativity.
Paint and som e
stam ps are provid­
ed. (7-9 pm.
1001 E Burnside
St. Donation
(7 pm. 3106 N E 64th Ave. Preregister
at 503-280-8080.)
G et your w eekend off to a rousing
start— catch up with the A d ven tu re
G ro u p every Saturday morning for the
Fun Run/W alk along Portland's
w aterfront, followed by a brunch. M eet
at the form er R iver Queen Restaurant
parking lot for a two- to six-mile run or
w alk open to all skill levels. (9 am. Don
www. adventuregroup. org.)
or faxed to
Deadline is
S ilve r screen fan tasies can com e true
when Richard Anthony Film s holds
a u d itio n s fo r tha g ay India film
M urder in Portland at the Z Club.
(7 pm. 333 S W Park Ave.
www. gaynewsusa. com.)
15 days before
issue date,
ju st out
published on
the first and
third Friday of
each month.
A ll addresses
are in Portland
K ick up your heels for g ay co u n try
w a s t a m d a n cin g with the Rosetow n
Ram blers at Portland M etro Club (fo r­
m erly P PA A ). (10 pm-1:30 am. 618 S E
Alder S t. $5 503-234-9944.
www. rdrop. com /users/ram blers.)
Those outdoorsy L a s b ia n s Enjoying
tha S c ia n c a s take a nature hike at
O aks Bottom . (9 am. 503-232-6738.)
Sip a latte with the R a d ic a l F a a r ia s
during the w eekly K o ffa a K la tc h at
3 Friends C offeehouse. (9 am. 201 S E
P e rfo rm e r
E n n is S m ith sin g s
h is h e art out fo r a
g reat c a u s e during
In the Life,
airin g J a n . 16
on O P B
L e s b ia n s Enjoying the S c ie n c e s
congregate indoors for a day of fun at
O M SI. (10 am. Deni 503-238-3877.)
O com e all ye faithful to the
C h u rc h of the P o iso n
Mind, featuring her loveli­
n ess Poison W aters, at
Silverado. Enjoy a beer
bust from 3 to 8 pm. a
free buffet from 4 to
8 pm and male dancers
from 5 to 8 pm.
Hallelujah! (1217 S W
Stark St. Free.
12th Ave. 503-235-0826 )
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