V20Q1 18 I ■e Wist Ml In JllSt Out Readers a Woaderfil ICW Year Aid Thaik Yen fir your Support! 4, m ■ -; • '• x m - - Take it fron rTZ Getting into a little hot water Qan be very, very nice. Soaking in the good life is where it’s at—so go to Oregon HotSprlng Spas, where you’ll find the best spas money can buy—not to mention relaxation, peace, contentment ctnd a warm respite from life’s achesland p ■ ì» It’s th e m o s t fu n y o u your ■ have NATIONAL incoming Congress will not be amenable to over­ turning the policy. Thus, we remain in a place where we will have to ask the Pentagon to imple­ ment the current law in the fairest manner possi­ ble. We hope that Rums­ feld will do just that.” | | resident-elect George W. Bush 1. nominated Donald Rumsfeld to serve as defense secretary Dec. 28. A veteran of the Ford and Nixon administrations, he served as G er­ ald Ford’s defense secretary from 1975 to 1977. Rumsfeld’s views on gays in the military are not fully known. W hen asked whether he would take another look at the issue, he President-elect replied, “T h e priorities are in other ith George W. Bush’s areas for me.” nomination Dec. 29 of Back in January 1993— the Houston Independent beginning of the debate on gays in Donald Rumsfeld School District chief Rod the military— Rumsfeld criticized Paige to head the U .S. Education Department, Defense Secretary Les Aspin for openly ques­ the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education tioning the efficacy o f lifting the ban on gays in Network restated its call for the incoming the military given the vocal resistance by top secretary to utilize every available resource to military leaders. In an interview with the Los com bat the pervasive harassment leveled Angeles Times, he said that a defense secretary against queer youth in schools throughout the must “lead by persuasion” and that the military United States. chiefs “will do precisely what they are told.” “Mr. Paige has earned a reputation as a C. Dixon Osbum, Servicemembers Legal results-oriented administrator interested in Defense Network co-executive director, said: holding schools accountable,” G LSEN execu­ “We look forward to working with Mr. Rums­ tive director Kevin Jennings said. “We, too, feld. We believe that he is a reasonable man want to hold schools accountable— accountable and a strong leader who will keep the doors to the notion that all students deserve environ­ open to communication. We have one simple ments of safety and basic respect.” request: Follow the law. Don’t ask. Don’t pur­ Jennings noted a recent Centers for Disease sue. Don’t harass. Control and Prevention study indicating queer “W hile we believe ‘don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t students are more than three times as likely as pursue, don’t harass’ hurts military readiness, the nongay students to be threatened with a weapon while at school. According to G L SE N , the education secretary is responsible for the overall direction, supervision and coordination of all activities of the department and is the principal adviser to the president on fed­ eral education priorities, policies, pro­ grams and activities related to education in the United States. “President-elect Bush stated time and again that our schools must be held accountable— and we hope that he will help to hold them accountable to pro­ tecting some of our most at-risk stu­ dents,” GLSEN public policy director Mary Kate (M K) Cullen said. “We look forward to the new secretary of educa­ tion setting a positive tone and adding his voice to the growing chorus of voices working to end anti-gay harassment in K -12 schools.” Rod Paige he head o f the nation’s largest organization o f lesbian, gay, bisex­ ual and transgendered physicians Jan. 4 T -n im s t. ^ HotSpring Spas opve of Life’s Rewards Phone: 5 0 3 2 8 2 -3 9 5 7 C CB# 146298 Fax: 5 0 3 2 8 2 -3 9 6 1 General Contractor www.orhotspringspas.com BEAVERTON CLACKAMAS SALEM BEND (503) 643-5002 (503) 650-8242 (503) 363-4000 (541) 388 0905 10367 SW Canyon Rd. (2 blks E. of 217) 16112 SE 82nd Dr. (Exit 12A off I-205) 3966 Silverton Rd. NE (off Lancaster) 61249 S Hwy 97 (Near Walmart) Now S hipping C hemicals . C all us at one of our 4 locations . iS All P h a s e s Rem odeling, Roofing T~~ R esid en tia l - Cotnervial - Naif Constm ction 0 13 # Licensed - Bonded - insured