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The organization finds loving homes for retired racing dogs. “We are truly thankful for what she did,” vol unteer Kevin Friends said. “She didn’t know any thing about greyhounds before that day, and she was quite impressed,” added Pat Toman, board of direc tors member and national president. Call 800-366- 1472 for more information. C 503 . 977.6545 Continued from Page 5 Holiday Gift Certificates Sunglasses & Accessories ôeem o is BíLievinG L arge C ompanies S ay N o to S couts Professional Optometrie Exams 908 NW 23rd i Y In the Salem proposal, “gender identity” is defined as a person’s identity, expression or physical characteristics, whether or not traditionally associ ated with ones biological sex or one’s sex at birth, including transsexual, transvestite and transgen- dered, and including a persons attitudes, prefer ences, beliefs and practices pertaining thereto. k S A IN T J U D E C a re C e n te r 6 0 0 3 S E 1 3 6 th A v e n u e P o r tla n d , O R 9 7 2 3 6 P le a se co n ta ct P en n y at 5 0 3 -7 6 1 -1 1 5 5 503-2 Be Yourself at Work! W e a re s e a rc h in g for q u a lifie d a n d carin g P r 1 n i M i u u i r o c i i l n i y n ■ w f i P w Q w O < i i u i n i i n c f i l i k o R e g is te re d N u rs e s L ic e n s e d P ra ctica l N u rs e s C e rtifie d M e d ic a tio n A id e s C e rtifie d N u rsin g A ss ista n ts O u r work environm ent honors the diversity of our staff. W e offer com petitive w ages and benefits, including health insurance for domestic partners. \ \ 7 ells Fargo Bank and Portland General V V Electric both have decided to restrict the money they donate to the local United Way, the Oregonian reports. Both corporations, which an nually donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to the nonprofit, say they don’t want their employ ees’ contributions to go to the Boy Scouts of America because it discriminates against gays. Later, Wells Fargo clarified that it contin ues to support some Scout programs. The hank reported that it received many calls from customers threatening to close their accounts in protest of the decision to restrict its donations. The United Way of the Columbia- Willamette came under fire in October when its hoard of directors made policy decisions that ultimately allowed continued funding of the Boy Scouts of America Cascade Pacific GHindi. Although the nonprofit says it opposes discrim ination and urges its partner agencies to adhere to nondiscrimination policies, it doesn’t require agencies receiving financial support to have such policies. The decision by Wells Fargo and PGE didn’t faze local Scouts. “Our values aren’t for sale," executive direc tor Larry Otto told the Oregonian. “We aren’t going to be trumped by anyone’s dollars." S pecial F riend on the M end ocal well-wishers evidently are making a dif ference in A nn Sheperd’s life. The longtime activist for the rights of sexual minorities and founder of the Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Portland chapter suffered a stroke Thanksgiving morning. It left her speech, vision and ability to stand severely affected. But her daughter, Susie, said her mother is cheered up to no end” when she hears about the e-mails and messages of support. She is feel ing better and even ventured out into public recently. W hen Shepherd attended church Dec. 10, the congregation greeted her with an enthusiastic ovation that rocked the sanctuary, Susie said. After Just O ut reported about Shepherd’s health problems, Susie said the community’s re sponse was tremendous. Even strangers are com- ing up to offer their support. After a two-week stint at Providence Hospi tal, Shepherd is at home, where she receives physical, occupational and speech therapy five days a week. Her family reports that her dog is extremely happy to have her home. To contact the Sheperds, send e-mail to traskgirl@aol. com. L I t ’ s A lmost O ver for D r . L aura ccording the KGW-TV officials, Dr. Laura will cease production after this season. Paramount has decided it will not stop mid- season, however, because many stations across the country have nothing to replace the contro versial talk show. Television stations across the country have encouraged the studio to cease production because they can’t sell enough A