> ít ' ' /y W iU /1¿ cm Á h i m • -. v % -, e a tin g lout 9 ÍSusilia TitstzxtAhtt A Sat A uthentic B razilian C uisine n e ¿ i< u iA c i^ ii Enjoy the savory tropical flavors of our home country's cuisine 2411 se belmont, portlanc! LIVE LATIN M U S IC & D A N C IN G T H U R S ., FRI., & SAT. Open Every Day fo r Lu n ch , Dinner & W e e k e n d Breakfast dm \ * you *, office Xm tm v wrw Tickets for our Dec. 31st, 2000 event "New Year Tropicalia" on sale now at Brasilia's or Ticket Master ft® ft 503/293-2219 Reservations ( 503 ) 232-4458 6401 SW Macadam Ave Portland, Oregon w w w . w ildabandon.citysearch.com H is to r ic Downtown G re sh am 5:30 to 9 p m T u e s - T h u r s 5 :3 0 p — m -1 p m . F ri-S a t --------r ■ 0 i— o p e n late L o u n g e op g Fri & S a t Come Celebrate N EW 2 1 8 N . M a in A ve. *5 / j ^ with us! RESTAURANT Call for more details 2000 NE 40th (2 blcks. N o rth o f San d y) 503/460-2682 P riva te p a rtie s <£ c a te rin g a v a ila b le i l l t 8t BAR m o n t a g e An Eclectic M enu Ranging from Italian to Thai sou th e rn bistro c o o k in g 4k John • Breakfast & Lunch 7-3 Daily • Home Style Cooking with Southwest Flair I G ay Owned and Operated! 1740 S E Hawthorne 503-233-4244 I T L a i e D IF F E R E N T L O C A T IO N 0 r Café I SAME GREAT JUNK SAME STUPID STAFF Where the art of cooking is practiced. 8338 N. LOMBARD ($03) 247-1066 I a montage.citysearch.com CAFE Featuring Organic Coffee & Espresso. Full Breakfast and Lunch Menu using Organic ingredients. A Dinner: Sun-Thurs 6:00pm - 2:00am Fri-Sat: 6:00pm - 4:00am Lunch: Mon-Fri 11:00 - 2:00 Street 503-665-5052 is 301 S.E. Morrison Portland, OR 97214 503.234.1324 8 Join th e Blend JUflOIX Restaurant ▼ Retail I 4100 S.E. Division ▼ (503)233-6950 L eclectic food, wine, & furnishings - c u i s i n e ¿unck * F i i j s^ \ i I 701N E7TH AVE 503-234-3465 Start 2001 off a wee bit differently... C W A K E U P W IT H A W A IT E R ! /Sleep in New Year s Day then roll out of bed and into Besawls \<:r in your favorite pajamas for our annual NEW YEAR’S DAY PAIANA BREAKFAST Featuring your favorite breakfasts made to order & served from 9:00am - 3:00pm Legendary Gourm et P izia 3341 SE Belmont R E A L Thai Cuisine at its best! (5 0 3 ) 2 3 3 -5 4 4 4 2014 ne broadway street @ 21st D eliv e ry A v ailable 503.331.1235 www.talesi.com ' EM !*«* www.beautifulpizza.com Q No pillows or birthday suits please